I have been running to mountain tops lately. Trying to spot Jesus. Trying to get all that He has got. Striving my way. To redemption.
Yet, as I rest. And talk to Him. Communing with The One who has all the answers.
He speaks to me….
“My glory is found in weak people. Contrite places. Not people climbing high towers. But instead. People residing…
….In low places.”
And I am reminded of:
- The adulterous woman. Found on the floor. Kissing dirt. Ready to be stoned.
- The one touching the edge of His cloak. Not high and lifted up. But lowly. Alone. Outcast.
- Zacchaeus. Climbing the Sycamore tree. But living his life. Shorter than all men. Despised. Unseen.
- Children. Also. Ignored. Unimportant. Close to the ground.
- The blind man. The beggar. Both sitting around….at the feet of other people.
Man however, in general, now. Seems to find it easier. Convenient. Exalting themselves. Rising in the crowd like the tower of Babel. Proud. Inflated for all to see.
Instead of weak. Lowly. Meek. Needy. Fully dependent on Jesus.
And I continue my thinking on, low places….
Even in the Old Testament. Daniel prayed. Three times a day…..On His knees.
David. The Shepherd boy. The last of his family chosen. The smallest of all. Seen. Recognized by God…
Yet, when the call came…His earthly father purposefully dismissed him. Youngest. Smallest. Overlooked.
Like Joseph who’s brothers left him out. Low. In the bottom of a well. Abandoned. Neglected. Enslaved. And utterly rejected.
And if we are tending sheep. I mean….really caring for people. Instead of wanting people to look at us. Shouldn’t we separate from societies Pharisaical thinking. Inflated and puffed up. And look to God instead.
And when we point to Him? Won’t God see?
Won’t He bow down like Mother Theresa…and tend our wounds? Heal us from ourselves?
Like the dead girl, Jesus found sleeping. Won’t He too rise us to life. Give us food.
If we are humble? If we ask?
And I am. Have been. More like those closest to Jesus. Wrapped in pride. Sitting close to the Savior’s side. Wondering who is best….
When my focus should have been feeding the poor. Washing the feet of those….most ignorant.
Like Jesus did.
Serving. Not to be served. Descending low. Like the paralytic. Through the roof. On a mat.
So, I can meet Jesus. So He can take my hand. And lift me up. When I am weak. Helpless. Realizing the futility in me trying to stand….in my own strength.
To meet…..The Redemption of My Lord that is at hand.
This sinner. Struggling from a Pharisee.
Letting down my locks. Pouring oil. Washing his feet….ever so careful.
Down on my knees. In low places. The place God’s people….
Always find Jesus.
(Linking with Michelle, Laura, Ann, Shanda)
Very good post! Aren’t we all the least of these? In God’s kingdom the last come first, I strive to remember this each day. Trying to balance out the wanting to be seen with putting others first.
So often truth is the opposite of what I naturally think.
Alecia – Yes, the least of these. An often overlooked and forgotten truth. Thanks for that.
Glenda – You are so right!
Hi Jen – this is such a great truth. We should strive to be opposite to what the world is striving for, power, position, elevation! We should be the least of them. Great post my friend
God bless
I enjoyed this, bless you.
Tracy – Yes, that glorious call…to be a part of His Upside Down Kingdom. The Kingdom upside-down from this world.
Denise – Blessings to you as well.