I don’t know what came over her. Like a seed, lying dormant. Coming alive. In that in-between. Child exiting to women-hood.
This morning. Not speaking. Her silence. Deafening.
Like the white page I look at. Before typing.
Pure. Barren. Sacred. Holy.
Careful, so as not to stain a page….
Waiting for answers.
And why is….
- Wonder always found in the one’s looking?
- Answers found in those that question?
- Action found in youth with eyes wide open?
When too often, I find, adults (including myself)….Can’t see. And don’t even know it.
And I remember that moment. My child holding. A strangers child. Five pounds. Preemie. Looking into her eyes.
Helpless. Seeking. Needing comfort of her own.
And was it there….LIFE….grabbed her?
In the wide eyed wonder of that fragile, parent-less sack of potatoes? In the need of feeding those most fragile….instead of looking to feed herself?
This blonde haired. Blue eyed one. Too small for a regular car seat. Too big for Preemie clothes.
Kendra. Our precious one.
Her doll holding child arms wrapping around this dependent one? Protecting this infant. Born prematurely?
Was it there the plight of the unborn gripped her? Holding a real life version….Potentially omitted from life….if a parent had chosen other options.
My child. Who loves. Puppies. Kittens. Children. The needy.
Yes, when did the seed grow?
When we discussed some mom’s decisions to abort, before she even could know…what brought about conception.
My child comprehending the thought of another child destroyed?
Still remembering her face when she asked why I stood praying for those who might not live.
And I told her the truth.
I mean…..what if we ask the children of this world….what would their response be? Would they agree with abortion? Would they consider the costs….to the parent? Or the child?
And isn’t the need….that we become like little children? Thoughtful? Concerned? Wise?
Yes, I wonder….
Is that why she stands at school today silent? Identifying with those without a voice? Those without choice? Those unborn infants?
And how she is humble. Not arrogant. Not waving the signs or quoting off statistics. But loving those girls who might have witnessed or been a victim of….
Is it a coincidence?
Today. Her voice roars without speaking. Like The Lamb shedding blood for our sins while still infant.
And is it any coincidence that she was chosen this year’s Princess? As yes, the pressure is great. But the platform has been tremendous.
And God raises those who will be a voice in the wind of those listening.
And He knew she would speak up. Becoming a voice for the orphaned. Silenced before birth.
So, I text her….
How what she is doing is RADICAL LOVE. For love is not just feel good euphoria. Compromising youth, by standing by doing nothing.
Radical love is standing up. It’s speaking out. It’s doing whatever needs to be done, despite what it cost to yourself in it all.
And we are all about that. Protecting infants. Since being foster parents. Nearly a decade ago.
Yet, maybe I will never know. What rain and sun made the flower grow inside her….
This flower of justice, this voice of truth speak…..Loud in a silent world.
This radical faith. That doesn’t sit dormant. Complacent. In a world gone deaf. But shouts with love and boldly, in truth.
Whatever it is….
I am proud.
My child warrior. Speaking out. For unborn babies….with love and respect.
By….Saying nothing.
You should be one proud mama!
Elizabeth – Thankful, for sure!
What a blessed daughter
Lovely to read.
You have done a great job raising her. It’s exciting when we see our young ones stand up for something like this, isn’t it?
May God bless everything she puts her has to.
oh friend, i love this display of radical love. what a beautiful daughter you have.
Mary – Thank you. I feel blessed so undeservedly by her, for sure.
Emily – Thank you.
Love this- your words are poetical – it is indeed a joy to see our children walking with Christ, standing up for what they believe-