The red coated stranger. In loafers. And mustache. Puts his palm out. Turns head away from….The Hope-filled One….Passing out tracts.
And last time I came here….
- There were no tracts.
- No Jesus.
- No noticeable believers. So bold in a city. Unmasking. Christianity.
- Palm readers.
- Beggars.
- Buildings of Scientology, asking you to pay to have their wealth. Of knowledge. Knowledge leading….nowhere.
- Universalists.
- Gathering hate groups. Slandering people. Drawing crowds. Spewing lies from the putrid in their mouths.
….While I stand. Watch. Remain silent.
Trying to be careful. Tactful. Not wanting to offend those squeaky wheels suffocating the crowds with their insanity.
I pass by an elderly lady. Barely speaking English. She gives my six year old daughter. A printed booklet.
I look. Listen. Read. Just to make sure that it isn’t some false religion….Posing as Christianity.
….Like the haters prior pointing. Slandering. Saying Americans are evil, and somehow all of us are reincarnations of the anti-Christ.
Yes, I needed to read that booklet.
But, as I read. Hope fills my chest. The booklet…Psalms. Jesus….100%. Even at the end….A prayer of confession.
And we pass by a man. White board writing. “Is God good?
And from the looks of these city streets a year ago. I would have doubted God looked upon these people. Let alone loved them.
But, this day. It was as if conviction came over God’s people. Like there was some kind of release….
To evangelize….A world broken. Even if red coated, hand lifting stranger….Didn’t notice it.
And how can a city go from desperately needing Jesus. Screaming. Hating. Gang dealing….in the demise of it all….
To a hope filled fountain trying to draw people to their youth….
And a hope in Him?
And though towers will fall. And this world will undoubtedly……remains broken. There is still and always will be hope in….
And He is not distance.
He is a tract away.
He is there. With the man standing. Lonely. People passing. Ignoring. White board writing.
Hope that does not disappoint. Hope sustaining. The kind of hope that never fades away.
Yet, I stand there….Frozen.
Minutes wanting answers….At the irony of it all.
Coffee stand. Few feet away….
People looking for a rush of strength and power and life….
Asked to…“Choose. Brew.” And, “Enjoy” the addicting, foreign substance….that I too often cling to.
When a track lay beckoning in the older one’s hand. With the answer. All hope…
Just a few feet away.
(Linking with Laura, Ann, Michelle, On, In, & Around Mondays, Jen, Shanda)
Wow Jen! How often we chose things to fill our life when the giver of life is standing by waiting to fill it! Sorry for the absence, having two kids has changed my life! Hope you and your family are doing well!
Wow Jen – so powerful. The visual of those seeking a surge of energy for the day when right next to them, within their sphere of influence – the REAL answer. Great post my friend. You always make me think
God bless
Oh yes…His does whisper His love everywhere…even in the busiest thoroughfares…blessings~
Brownie – CONGRATULATIONS! Coming by this morning to read more about your new bundle of joy!
Tracy – So glad to have you here. You are a blessing as well, my friend!
Ro – And oh…that we might hear His whispers….
I heard a story today of an old woman who felt the Lord call her to anoint her neighborhood with oil (it was taken over by street walkers etc) and as she did that, praying, the whole neighborhood was redeemed, evil removed, people coming to Him. Beautiful. Your story reminds me of that, and how wondrously God works through our prayers and ministry… one tract at a time. Thanks for sharing…
Pam – Thanks for sharing that powerful story! Oh the power of prayer. Too often…underestimated!
This was beautiful and powerful! The answer of love is always there, always waiting.
This is powerful — how often we seek to fill ourself with what promises only momentary life while the eternal beckons on…
katharine – Yes, love. The only answer.
Jen – Yes, and why we trade the eternal, full gratification for temporary pleasure…I don’t know. May His beckoning draw us ever nearer.
Powerfully awesome.