What draws them to the water’s edge? When sharks lurk. And a surfer just got killed a day before they go?
What is it in my son’s blood….that drives him to the only place, he feels alive and is ever home?
And was it bubbling over, in my husband. Also. Long before we met?
This ocean’s current? This deep seeking Spirit?
And yes, they could dive. Surf. Ride the waves without a board. But, for some reason they want to, need to, have to go….
Standing. Reaching. Buoyant in the current. Instead of susceptible to the pressure. Pulling them downward.
And sometimes treading water. And wading. And swimming in our own strength….Just doesn’t work.
So, they grab their boards. Take on waves. Calling them where a world below, lurks at their feet.
Sharks swimming. Seasons…..just about turning.
And why are we….
Content standing….on beaches’ shore. Holding our board….of faith. Looking to the camera of the world…..
Instead of diving in the water?
Why are we afraid of getting wet?
And why is it. Our faith only wants to work…
- When conditions are perfect.
- Sky is clear.
- Water seems free from reports of sharks eating fellow surfers.
Is faith really faith if we stand on the shore? If we stay where it’s safe?
- Ignoring a mother’s fears.
- Ignoring dangers hindering them from riding a perfect wave into shore.
- Ignoring what the world says. Or the climate says. Or the people close to them warns them from doing.
And maybe that’s best.
And maybe I need to be, like them. Less caution. More…
- Daring.
- Faith filled.
- Willing.
Yes, sometimes I….
- Think too much before swimming.
- Stand on the shore content with pictures.
- Count the costs and come up hesitant.
- Start for the deep, but then tremble at the fact that others have been killed….or burnt out….or unsuccessful, doing what I attempt doing.
So, I look around for faith. Cameras. Chances to just get close enough. Without jumping.
Instead of being drawn to the waves, by the current inside me. Like my son and my husband do.
Where water meets water. Coming alive, at their entry. This chance to connect with God and ride fearlessly along His Spirit.
Yes, I love that my boys are daring. Surfers at heart. Fearlessly facing the deep. While sharks swim dangerously underneath.
And I guess, once you have done it once. (Swam with sharks) And succeed. The stronger you are. And faith quenches fear that lurks in the dark. And then…
- You only get braver.
- More daring.
- Less cautious.
The next time.
I rise up to watch. This faith rise. In the deep.
Praying. Believing too. No matter what people tell you. Or what creature lurks below.
We can walk on water. Ride our faith boards to shore too….
Hi Jen, great analogy to step out in faith. Not so sure I want to test my faith with the sharks although truth be told there are plenty sharks walking around out there in the streets, in our homes, at work, so I suppose a measure of faith exists to face those. Always with Christ, facing new sharks.
God bless Jen, great post
Tracy – Lol. Ya, that’s for sure, huh!? Sharks come in all different shapes and sizes. So glad, through Christ that we can step out. Rise above. And conquer those sharks! Bless you today. ~ jen
Powerful, moving words! Beautifully expressed…love your analogies. Your mother’s heart for prayer and faith and loving your sons.
Thanks again for your words at my place today too!
Pam – Absolutely! I loved stopping by. It was so good to get a chance to sit and read some other bloggers posts today. Have a fantastic day! ~ jen
Great word on stepping out in faith. God has been speaking to my heart about how I let fear keep me from venturing out and taking those faith steps. This was a much needed read for me today! Thank you.
What glistening photos and a good picture of grabbing a board, leaving fears behind and diving in, diving under. Hmm. Fun to see your man and son being men together, chasing adventures together.
Re your comment, how gracious and kind! Thank you, friend. It’s nice to have you stopping by here today. Thanks for being a source from God of affirmation too.
Have a lovely evening,
Jennifer Dougan
Oh yeah, I definitely don’t have enough faith to go surfing, much less in crazy weather! But the parallel you draw is more than valid. Acts of faith do usually push us well beyond our comfort zone…
Alecia – So glad God could use this to confirm what He has already been speaking.
Jennifer – Love to see so many flooding the internet with God & His goodness. May the world know…just how beautiful He is!
Kati – I am with you my friend. I was the one taking pictures from the shore. What does that tell you. Lol
Thank you so much for your encouraging comment on my guest post at Imperfect Prose. I’ve been toying with the idea of having a lunch or dinner get together with Christian bloggers from Oregon and Washington. Would you be interested?
Elizabeth – Yes, yes, yes!! I would LOVE that! Just let me know when & where & I will be there!
Hi Jen. I really enjoyed this. My son is a surfer who is now teaching his children. Thank you for sharing it. I’ve shared it on facebook and with my son and dil too.
Hugs… Tracy@CottonPickinCute
Tracy – So glad you enjoyed it..and can relate! ;). Thanks for the share & blessings, jen