Ever since I sat still. Quiet. For one full minute. With that twenty-year-old Saint. In middle school. I heard the call….
And I used to think. Know. I would pack my bags and live overseas, in answer to that call.
But I didn’t.
And missionaries were a common sight. In our old church. Growing up with the blood of the nations around me. In me. Running through my very veins.
And nothing could stop it.
This heart for the nations. A lost world. His broken people….my heart beat. Oxygen….feeding my very soul.
But, at times. Discouragement creeps in, like summer flies, when doors to souls are left. Wide open.
And the helping who God brings. Planting roots in this country. All seem secondary to my heart cry….
…..Feeling more like labor…..than it would be to be sojourning in a foreign land. For the sake of Jesus. With nothing but a backpack.
But then, I remember, when I first met Him. Johnny. From Peru. From Compassion. On a table. At Creation.
His face burned bright inside my heart….almost bursting. And it was then…..I became blind to all the other children laying on the table.
That night. In a tent. In the desert. It was clear. I must sponsor Johnny. He was more than just another child. He was the child God had chosen. The one God orchestrated for me to meet.
And although…..
- Son just spent months in the Philippines.
- Daughter just returned from an orphanage in Mexico.
- Son is heading to build houses for the poor in Panama.
- And I just spent time at an orphanage in China…..all less than a year ago…..
My heart for missions has not subsided. It has only grown stronger. More clear. More intentional.
…..This thudding. Pounding. Burning, heart-beat for the nations inside of me.
And although I thought I would be in Africa living with indigenous people by now. I have been thinking…..maybe missions isn’t exactly what I used to think.
Maybe….missions is the going. But, it is also the giving to little boys….like Johnny. A giving of yourself to other people.
A Jesus living. Apart from self. Only for the glory of God. Right where you are at.
Yes, I am beginning to think….
- Maybe missions……looks different from what I thought.
- Maybe missions isn’t always living in the African jungle with indigenous people. But a spreading Christ. By being faithful. In the little things. Here. Most of all.
- Maybe missions is like Wess Stafford. Who has made a life work of connecting families with sponsored, children. From different countries.
- Maybe missions is like Emily. Taking in God’s children. Conceived not from your flesh and bone. And treating them like your own.
- Maybe missions is like Shanda. Speaking about Jesus to countless women. Touching lives wherever God plants her.
- Maybe missions is Tracy. The sharing of timely, God inspired verses. On the internet. And letting God’s heart infiltrate a sometimes perverted and tainted system….all for the glory of God.
Yes, maybe missions is a living….
- For Jesus.
- Like Jesus.
- About Jesus.
Right where you are.
Maybe missions starts in the seed of our families, is birthed in your communities, stretching us to humbly serve whoever God leads us to. Maybe missions is about beings….His hands and His feet. Wherever God plants us.
- And as we do, “Jesus Living” in those places closest to home.
- And as we are faithful to respond and be His ambassadors, living obedient, to even His most humble call.
- And as we lift up our hands for Him to see….when He asks, “Who will go?” And we respond. “Send me.”
….Then, He may use us. Full time. As overseas missionaries.
And although trips to the nations still stir my heart of hearts. (Always will.) I am learning. Maybe a true heart of a missionary. Is first birthed. Here. Now. Right where we are. Where the cultivating. Tempering. Harvesting takes place.
- So that Christ can live in us.
- So we can lift Him up right.
- So that all men can be drawn….
Not to us….but to His glorious sight.
- Loving those He puts in front of us.
- Counseling those that call.
- Teaching with a true mother’s heart.
- Serving our churches and community. The lost.
- Blogging whatever He tells us.
- Humbly serving our husband and children.
And maybe what I heard as a child is not that far off. When that twenty-year-old Saint. As a child. Asked us to….
Sit silent.
Still our hearts.
Wait. Listening. To hear the call….
And although I am still here. Living with my family. Only a few miles from where I grew up. Maybe I did hear right….when He whispered ever so still….
To my heart of hearts.
“Be a missionary.”
Linking with jen, Shanda, Titus Tuesdays, WLWW
I think we are all called to be missionaries – just some are un-sung missionaries who work in the mission fields of our neighborhoods, grocery store aisles, playgrounds – all around us at home. Understanding how God defines our calling with what we understand when called – that is a growing thing, isn’t it!
I love your message- it is such an important one!
I would love to know who the 20 year old saint was – that sounds like a story in itself!
Wishing you much blessing as you work in your mission field this week!
Jen, You are faithful to your calling because you are spreading the gospel overseas: in the way God has called you to. And you give Him joy! Keep that in mind. It is all about being faithful to the call, wherever and however it is. You are a blessing.
Bluecottonmemory – Isn’t that the truth. We are all called to be missionaries. Some well known and seen….others silently serving our communities. Praise God for those un-sung missionaries like that 20 year old girl and so many others sharing Christ by living the gospel…right where they are at.
Shanda – Thanks for that needed reminder. You are a great inspiration to me of faithfulness & obedience. Oh, that our Father in Heaven would look down and rejoice!
Oh, this quells some of my own heart’s cries. I, too, was sure I’d be plopped on the other side of the globe by now- rocking orphans in my arms, teaching little ones about Jesus, bringing God’s love to the poor and needy. Thanks for the reminder that missions can happen wherever we are.
Jen…I just love this…living fully right where we are…I really long to say to my Abba…when did I feed, when did I go…most of our lives are comprised of hidden moments…what are we doing with those. Your heart for those around you and those far away is a blessing to hear…always…blessings to you~
Alicia – I love that your heart can relate, my dear friend!
Ro – Your words, “Most of our lives are comprised of hidden moments” touch me. What truth to that, my friend. And oh that we may humbly submit to them and whatever we do with our hands, do with with all of our might, as if to God…and not to man! Blessings
I have been missions oriented for many years… both inside and outside our nation. I know we can provide in many different ways. Sometimes our neighbors or neighborhoods are in the same challenging stretches of life. But when in Uganda, in particular, the touch was to encourage. My husband and I have Ugandan sons, daughters, and grandchildren. And we sponsor one of our granddaughters for her schooling, etc.
In our present day, with all the online, cyberspace, phone, Skype, etc., it’s just not the same as even 20 years ago, let alone 120 in our world. Time has changed rapidly. And it’s happening more and more often. So, missions simply needs to adjust rapidly also.
Thanks for your thoughtfulness, insight.
CaryJo – Excellent point. Missions is changing and so should we. Blessed to have such a instant route to most nations through the internet. So appreciate your heart for the world in bringing the nations to you in such a special way! Your lives, I am sure, speaks the heart of missions. Wherever you go. Without any words. Blessings ~ Jen
Always love your writing!
I have never been called to go overseas, never thought I would be a missionary, but God has called me right here in my own community, to the homeless, and now others are coming to help. It’s exciting to see what happens when we say “yes” to Him, and to follow where He leads, even if it’s just on the other side of town.
Bless you for all you do and for the blessings you give through your writings! You bless this girl:)
Kristin – Just love how God is using you right where you are…to see the unseen & touch, with the heart of Christ….those closest to you! May He increase your influence & the territory He has given you. For the Kingdoms sake, my friend!! For the Kingdoms sake!
EEEEK! I’m blogging for Compassion too. It’s exciting to read everyone’s kick-off posts.
Amy – So exciting!~ The more the merrier! Oh, that children would be sponsored and lives changed in Jesus name!
I feel we are all called to be missionaries, in our own neighborhoods, and families.
Denise – I agree. No more is “missionary” a title for those most sanctified, holy, or qualified. Missionary is us. The believer. Reaching people for Christ. Now. Right where we are. Regardless of our equipping, our education, or our qualifications. So thankful He does not call the qualified…but qualifies the called. Bless you as you do missions in your community, my friend.
I love this post…just hopped over to your blog from the comment you left on mine.
The first 2 posts I see on your blog resonate with my heart so much – prayer and missions!! I, like you, sensed a call to missions much younger in life, and have questioned why I am still HERE and how can i help HERE among all the wealth and comfort and “stuff.” I hear your heart and have been learning SO many of the same things about what missions is and the call God has on my heart for HERE and for NOW.
Candace – So glad that you could identify with my heart & understand where I am coming from. Thanks for taking the time to read & comment! I am sure we will be connecting more in days to come! Blessings ~ jen
We are called to be missionaries – sometimes right where we are. Thank you for sharing so beautifully.
AH! I love this. There are days where I ached to be back in Africa, but then I remind myself God has me right where He wants me right now and I need to be His hands and feet right here sharing His love! So glad to read a story from another Compassion Blogger. I pray God uses these stories to bring many sponsors and children together. Global families designed by God!
Donna – So agree. Thanks for coming by & reading.
Crazyblessed – First, I love your name! Powerful declaration of God’s goodness, friend! Yes, may many children find sponsor families through this campaign. So love how compassion is an amazing, reputable, credible organization that we love, trust, & believe in.