There is a common trend in faith communities. In secular communities. Sweeping across the thinking of a broad spectrum of people. It’s a trend called the power of positive thinking.
It is the thinking that if we hold out an image (like a God) and believe in it…
Hard enough…..Long enough…..With faith enough.
It will come true.
It’s the belief (although it may not seem like it, at first) that God is not supreme…..but all effort and power to accomplish a task, fulfill a purpose, or to gain what we treasure….is misplaced…..
The power is in us. The power is in you.
And I have risen from the ashes. Stumbled too far. Too long. In my past.
Preferring God to be secondary. Me, being the Hierarchy….that makes the world happen.
Change. Evolve….
…..The way I want it to. Not crawling from notions of humble self sacrificial love. But hoping I can direct my destiny. If I….just believe. Enough.
In fact. What many people fail to understand is true. Witchcraft… basically the belief that we can dictate the Universe.
And that we are in control. Not God.
But….I have been in control. I have been my own God. I have fallen into the trap that has tangled around my theology for far too long.
And my conclusion? My epiphany? The result from such grandiose thinking?
Empty in the sense that even when or if we can make the universe spin like a basketball on a pointed finger.
We get no fulfillment. No enjoyment. And control….well….control is addicting.
The more we get….the more we want.
And pretty soon….what drew us. Up. In. Then….becomes a trap. A snare of the enemy that we can’t easily escape….
Without a tangible touch of Jesus.
See….pride is blinding. And as we sin we need even more of Jesus healing mud to cleanse our failing. Eyes.
And sadly. To often. It is the blind walking around leading the blind….
When we fail to. Humbly. Graciously. Submittedly. Seek the face of Jesus. First. Only. Every time.
And the idea that “faith”….in and of itself…..can formulate anything. Is deceiving.
All substance….if we are honest enough to admit it….only comes from Jesus. And even faith. The substance or foundation of this notion…..
Can only be a gift from God.
For what evidence can there be of things not seen…..If Christ loses focus as the center of our being.
And when it does. And faith has no solid foundation to stand upon….
We are like clouds without rain.
People tousled by selfish desires and the deception of our prideful thinking…..
Even us… Christians. Sometimes.
So, my pleading. My prayer with you this day. Is….
Keep the faith. And let it be the substance of a Savior that stands beneath your feet.
Don’t conjure up things….
That lift man up. Or make life more comfortable. Or pleasing….to you.
Cling to Jesus. And then….no matter what comes. You will be secure.
Resting upon The Word, that doesn’t shake when false faith crashes, polluted by man.
Yes….faith is not a flimpsy, wishful thinking, day dreamers kind of spiritual thing…
It is solid. Foundational. Grounded in the Word.
Rooted in a Savior.
And a pure gift of grace…..
For those…who substance….is Jesus.
A heart AMEN, Jen!
Even the elect can be deceived- a good helpful post
Mary – Yes…sadly, none of us are exempt from falling into the pit of our own selfish notions. Praying…at least for me…that my eyes remain open. And fixed on Him. And that He remains the author, perfector, and finisher of my faith.
ugh, been there and tried that on being in control…and i def dont want to be that one…smiles…selfish….good word for it and what in many ways our society our culture has become….
Brian – Glad you can relate. So agree. What an ugly outfit “control” is too, huh? Something we are all susceptible too. Continually wonder why “man” tries to take what is God’s..i.e. faith….and mold it with carnal hands…poisoning what is holy? May He forgive us…and abundantly pour out grace.
So real, so true, thank you!
Very good explanation of what true faith is, and oh, so thankful to have this faith be grounded in our solid, unchanging God. And longing for more to come to know Him. (And thanks for your visit, and your encouraging words.)
Ahhh, yes. I actually know someone who got PPT as a tatoo. Really. True statement.
Amen! Beautifully written. The HCSB translation says “Faith is the reality of things hoped for…” I’m so glad faith is based on reality and not just “being sure”. Sharing this one on FB!
Barbara – Thanks to you.
Cherry – Oh yes, the fullness of faith and more to come! I am in!
Amy – o.k. Honest confession. I have been trying to rack my brain for far trying to figure out what PPT means! Lol Uggh! Can anyone help me out?
Lisa – Oh…just OVE that translation! Faith is reality! That sums it up so much more, doesn’t it! Reality of what is in heaven…called down to earth. The reality of Him…made manifest in this world. Good stuff!! Thanks for sharing!
Also Lisa – Thanks so much for sharing this on your fb wall. I feel more than humbled.
All I can say is AMEN! So refreshing – thank you for posting.
Really good post! Faith in the Person of Jesus, in the truth of His Word, not faith in faith! And yes, it’s a control issue, not really trusting God and His sovereignty, but wanting our way, our comfortable life. I’ve been guilty of this, I must admit.
Marianne – So glad it made sense. Sometimes I wonder if my writing fully expresses my thoughts…and is clear.
Elizabeth – Me too, my friend. Guilty of this, indeed…