It lingers. Song of healing. Past the laundry room. Down the hall. From her room.
The broken one. Mending.
And she is not who she used to be. Any longer. Quiet. Scared. Fearful. Hiding behind a smile draped across her hurting.
Today. Our eyes can meet. And I can see her soul. Barely. More at some times…. than others.
And the battle has been worth it.
And it is not just music. Words. “I trust in you….” Playing from her safe place.
It’s the Strong One…..growing stronger. Harmonizing. Full blown. Lyrics. Empowering. Witnessing. Believing. The truths of Jesus.
Her sweet voice. Once silenced. Now rises…. “Jesus your all I need.”
And my theme song has become her theme song.
And the song keeps playing…
“Nothing is impossible. Nothing is impossible. Nothing is impossible….for you.”
And I hear her now. She pauses. Voice stops. And I wonder if she is thinking. Do I believe this?
Can a Possible God change an impossible situation? Can He really swoop down and scoop up all my worries? Pain? Problems?
And I know He can. He has done it for me. And I am the miracle, the testimony she is waiting to see. For I used to be her. Before redeemed. Before grace.
So, I believe. I believe in God….for her….when she can’t. And may she carry my faith When she has. None of her own. For in her I believe. In healing. And in…
A possible God. More than enough for me. Being all she needs.
Yes, she is believing. As truth speaks. God speaks. Through song. Faith built….
One Word at a time. One lyric at a time, like a sweet aroma in my ears.
One step closer….As she climbs into faith and holds on.
And everything become all right.
As she believes.
Another beautiful post Jen! I love the part about the broken one, mending. It is a beautiful sound to hear the mending. Because we are all mending. I just posted about Summit, a Celebrate Recovery Conference where I got to witness and be a part of over 3000 mending hearts gathered and sung praises to God and offered up more and more to Him daily. Everyday hearts can be changed. The broken can heal. As we say in CR it is a process. But that process is so beautiful! Music to my ears!
Jenn, this is powerfully beautiful. I am so thankful for His healing power!
This is beautiful. There are so many ways God speaks to us and heals us. It seems music is one of the most powerful. Going to put on some music myself now.
Brownie – 3000 mending hearts. Oh, what a sweet sound to The Father’s ears! I love your faith, my friend! Keep loving the lost & serving on behalf of Him!
Barbie – Thank you.
Melani – I so agree! Music seeps in the crevasses of those places not seen even by us sometimes: breaks apart, heals, & restores. Ever so beautifully!
What a lovely post! Music is such a powerful medium. Found you through Friday Friend and Follow. It would be great if you’d follow me back at!/intheshadowsoflife
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Just returned the visit & the follow to your site. Thanks for coming by & jumping aboard my blog! Blessings, jen