I got her alone. My one day short of six year old daughter. Swinging arms. Holding hands. Old and young. Dark and light skinned.
In a love just as strong as any blood ties.
Walking down isle. Laughing. Street vendor carelessly playing.
But this time….
Careless to what people see. Loving completely. This little one born not from me.
Grown instead from my heart of hearts. This child that I can honestly say I love just as much as my biological daughter.
And as we smile and giggle and wander from store to store. A stranger stops and shares….”You both look so incredibly happy.”
And with eyes squinting with joy and an honesty welling up, sparkling from my heart, I attest with confidence…
“It’s true. We are!”
Then, we see a man with a stocking cap. Dirty and eating. His teeth (or lack of) express there is much more to this man and his story……But we notice him anyway.
For my child. Too. Once was homeless. As an infant. Long before we got her.
And who am I to judge?
Plus, we have had in the past…those also….that pass by us. See us and judge. Failing to grip our families diversity with acceptance and love.
Eyes turned up. Away. Nose in the sky. As if colors can’t blend and people should only look or act in a certain way.
But, I am so much stronger now that I was in those first days….by grace. Letting their hate whisk by. Praying for them instead. Quietly.
Point is. I know. I know what it’s like to be rejected. Ignored. Treated invisible because of what someone’s surface apparently says.
So, as we see this homeless man. We smile and don’t turn away….but look at Him. Lovingly.
And how often do we need those that walk past to see us….no matter the condition we are in?
Eyes powdery and blue turn toward us hungry…though he has food. And we smile. Still swinging arms down our cement isle.
But then, he reaches. Reaches out his hand with sacrificial giving. Eagerly.
“Do you want crackers?” He offers willingly, as the still wind carries us in an onward direction.
“No thank you”. I smile and think….
This man from his lack….extends out his hand….though scarfing down food as if he hadn’t eaten. In years.
But yet, he went one step further. He didn’t hoard. He didn’t keep and save and say….
Maybe tomorrow I will need more. So I’ll keep it. This food.
But, he gave.
Like the woman with a few coins. And how she offered all she had in the temple that day. While the religious people gave little.
And I want to be like him. This homeless man.
Eye meeting. Heart willing. Life giving to those all around me. Not taking what I have….
Whether child or food or sentiments that keep me from….
Living like Jesus.
I want to give it all away. Not hoard.
And to think….
A homeless man smiles at us. Greets us. Offers us food. While so many turn away.
Living in their cocoons.
Yes, can an ice blue eyes homeless man look like….Jesus? In disguise?
If so…..how many times have we….have I…..failed to see Him?
Linking with Jumping Tandem, Spiritual Sundays, Scenic Sundays, Barbie
beautiful…beautiful Jen…and how I love hearing about your heart child…the one who is being transformed by the Love of Christ. blessings~
Ah beautiful!! brought to tears…
Ro – And who am I to be given such a gift of a daughter like her. To God, I am so, so thankful!
Jewel – Oh. And how many times have I missed the git & the ice blue eyes of love. That I may not be that one who is blind, does not see…or sees & turns away. That I may be like him. The generous one. This homeless man.
This is beautiful! I often think of the song by Brandon Heath that says, “Give me your eyes for just one moment.” I want to see what Jesus sees to do his work! Thanks for the post! And thanks for the sweet comment on my blog.
Amy – It’s my pleasure. Yes, may He break our heart, so utterly & completely for what breaks His! Thanks for stopping by! ~ jen
I believe it was Jesus in disguise! What an amazing moment!
Brownie – So love the generosity of those that realize their treasure is not in this earthly life.
So beautiful. The ice blue eyes of love, looking into the depth of a person’s soul to truly see. Thank you for sharing.
I love Sundays! Thank you for your wonderful words.
I attended the online Saddleback Church service today to hear Nick Vujicic. His words truly touched my heart. I can not believe how emotional I still am.
“If I fail, I try again,again,and again.. If you fail, are you going to try again? If you can’t get miracle, become one”. Nick Vujicic
Barbie – I have been studying “hearing” all morning. However, “seeing” seems just as significant. Oh, that we may do both to the lost world, but the power & grace given to us by our most precious Savior & glorious friend.
Berry – I just love that…”If you can’t get a miracle, become one.” Oh, that just to be saved is such a miracle and work of grace. That we might grab a hold of the gift of a regenerated heart & walk out the miracle of LIFE He has and is placing in us! Blessings.
Thank you for sharing your story… I love that not only did you notice him, but he noticed you, he noticed your joy and wanted to share something he had with you… his crackers. lovely.
Danise – Lol Ya…and to be honest, I am often not as generous as this Wandering One. How life would be different if I always “saw” & others did, each other as well. Sadly, so many times I just walk right by…not taking in the moment…but hurrying past those most valuable in the eyes of God.
Wow… that is just wonderful, and so real. Love it.
Thoughts – Thanks. Love how God puts people in our paths every day. All beautiful. All…His children.