God. Uncontainable. Here. Me. So small. Shrinking from the mixed up thinking that prevails. Society….
“We are the center of our own universe.” Us all. Supreme beings. Carefully orchestrating a world. Revolving around….
When really. We are. Nothing but specks. Of dust. Brought to life by our Saviors breath. Finding grace in the Father’s eyes. Chosen to reside alongside other countless sands at the thunder of His shores.
And sand…compared to the open waters and never ending, wide open land. Is nothing. It has no power or gift when picked up….one grain at a time. Untouched by the Father’s hand.
It’s ability to form….anything, really…..is only found in it’s unity with others and Life Giving Water that caressed the shores. It can only be moved by the oceans tide or when touched by other elements of life.
Alone. It has no voice. No use. No power.
Apart from what the sea makes it to be. Liquid love moving it freely. Tide pools. Calling….other forms of life. To reside. There.
A pocket. A well bed. For others.
And somehow. It seems. It knows that it is only sand. Yet, it is content. There. The place where God sets it. On the shores of His love. Waiting to be moved by His hand.
Oh, what we can learn. From sand.
And looking into the sky. Above the waters. They fly. Pelicans. Seagulls. All kinds of heaven bound creatures. Finding life in the waters before me. Along the shores.
Looking for more than crumbs before them. Taking to the sky. Depending upon their heavenly perspective to guide them. To help them find. Their food source.
And oh, how I don’t want to walk on mere land any longer.
Yes, in the dunes of hardened sand. And in the square, brick built, man made shelters….winged one never fly from.
Only around and above and in the waters. They dwell. Their source. Discerning their course. Knowing very well where all life giving food comes from…..
Yet, they have no soul. And we have one.
So, how much more should we know? Discern? Reach? Achieve….a heavenly perspective? Seek the waters abounding with every good and perfect blessings?
And why…..why do we too often settle….preferring deserts with little food? Than oceans never ending?
Yet, a few. Made in God’s image. Do. Drive across barren land to find creation. Get to lands edge. Comb the shores. Whether “saved” or not. They seek to know…..what all of man-kind has wondered in knowing…
- “Who am I?”
- “Who is God?”
- “What do I live for?”
And all the sudden….dishes. And duty. And matching socks that seem to always go missing…..Don’t seem to matter anymore. In light of the truth that we are nothing….but grains of sand…..sitting barren before the open seas.
Simply man.
More often than not, without perspective…..or wings. Simply earth dwellers….looking…..for a God not made for, or with, or by human hands. A shelter from our wanderings. Where all life is from and given. Something bigger than ourselves.
Just then….. “I am sorry” slips from my lips. Involuntarily.
Realizing. From that place where words are man made letters incapable of fully comprehending….all that takes place deep within the spirit. That place where birds can soar. Specks of sand reach the shore…..and find significance.
Alone. There. Just God and us….
Acceptance. Significance. Utter repentance. Life coming forth like warm liquid….at the confession of our nothingness. In light. At the feet of God Almighty.
Just then. I see a ship. With udder. And motor. Yet, tossed in the wind. Driven by the waves of His grandioseness.
Entrenched deep within the wells of His waves and the truth that even the grandest ships looks small in the depths of many waters. God waters. Crashing like thunderbolts around us.
And I can relate to this image. Of a ship.
Moved by His strength. Yet, at times….needing paddle, or oar, or a motor to blast through strong waters….In faith.
Reminded. What is this ship for? Fishing. Fishing for men.
And is it not just about our insignificance? Or significance? Or finding God? Or being content in the beauty of His magnificence?
…But about fishing?
Fishing so that all men will know….He is the God of the ocean….and all creation. Letting people know they don’t have to live in the desert of their own selfishness. Any longer.
That we can stop running toward mirages….without any water. Empty…..without Him. Like I once used to be. Before I found The Floodgates of all life.
And as these thoughts go through my head. Of specks of sand. Seagulls along the shores of His land. And ships…fishing for men……
A feather…..A white feather floats into this square balcony, along the shore, my spirit is trapped in.
And it lands right in my lap.
As if from heaven. As if to say….
“Yes, you get it. Wait in the silence. Listen to the ocean. Crashing. And seek me. It’s all about seeking me.”
So, I wait here. Never wanting to leave. Bible beside me. These open skies. Speaking.
And me…..
Listening. Repenting. And giving thanks…..
(Linking with Jen , Shanda, Emily, Ann, Women Living Well)
beautiful…He is speaking to me…be still and know I am God…there is something about being in His beautiful creation that helps us to hear His whispers of love…you the beach…me the mountains…always whispering His love for us…blessings as you sit and let HIm fill~
I love the beach it is always my place of comfort and peace.
Ells – Makes me think of…If we don’t praise Him…Even the rock will cry out! Oh, how I love that all of creation seems to know its creator. That above all, my friend…we might know Him as well too!
Thoughts – So the truth! And doesn’t the O.T. say…the Spirit of the Lord resides above the waters? I always think of that when I stand at the edge of such awesome roaring waves. Times like that….I can’t help but be overcome by Him.
Who am I… yes we are but specks and yet, God loves us…it is a wondrous knowledge.The God of creations cares.
Crstal – Amen!
you hear God in a way that makes me hunger for him, friend. truly.
Great Blog!! That was amazing. Your thought processing is wonderful. The way you tell the thing is awesome. You are really a master . Please keep up the good work.Thanks.
Emily – That is my prayer & my heart’s greatest desire…to draw others to Him.
Sendflowers – Thank you. Glad to have you reading. Blessings
So, I live in Portland, and love that we are less than two hours from the sea. I LOVE devotions by the sea…God always meets me there in a very special way. Wondering if we live near one another?