Why I am ProLife 110%.

With all the ruckus in the news about abortion options ending, I can’t say I attest.

I am a Christian and to say that life does not begin at conception would be a false confession. 

But please know, by circumstance, throughout my life, I am a witness to both abortion and life choices.

  • I still remember, a friend in my teens. Who’d had an abortion.  And her bitter cries come Mother’s Day…..when her womb was found empty.
  • Or the report I did in college about Post Abortion Stress Syndrome.  And how girls have nightmares years after such an experience.  And how drugs and alcohol are often their self medicated prescription…to the guilt they can’t escape.
  • And I remember the babies I have held in my arms.  Many exposed. Many living in harm.  Fostering them in their pain.

And I will not pretend to coddle both sides. Pro-Choice and Pro-Life.  For I seen the stark reality hidden in the lies…so I am, will always be, and have become, full blown….Prolife.

But yet, I ache.  Young girls.  Pregnant.  Feeling like they have no escape. Tears streaming silently. The pain and fear and terror in their eyes.  Young teens with little help if they choose life.

Or the woman with an unplanned pregnancy and her partner denies he will help.

Where do they go without guilt?  Or condemnation?  Or the accusation of those that say…“I told you so?”

I know.  

Because I was one.

I lived in the center of the storms of confusion, asking all the painful questions of those girls who get pregnant. 

Yet, I gave my child life.

Not because I am a hero.  Not because I even had faith for the fight.

But because somewhere.  Somewhere deep inside.  God whispered the truth….

My baby was alive. I knew that. And life is a gift.  All life.  No matter the timing.  Or way.  Or place.  Or people that created this baby.

Life is precious.  And to give life is nothing short from partnering in a miracle with God.

And I wanted that. Deep down….I wanted to partner with God.

Yet, some people choose to give their babies to those they can trust.

The courageous one’s.  Like my adopted daughters mother.

While, others hold on.  And keep the gift that’s inside of them. Believing despite the odds against them.

Either way…

There is love.  And love is always the source of life.  When we give it.  And give up…all we hope for or think of.  When we sacrifice our reputation….to do the right thing…. 

Love wins.

I know that.  My life is a testament to the beauty that follows what love can bring.

And so, as abortion is becoming an inferno of pain and wars and terrible accusations, I ask that you would just think.  Think about what it would take.  To end abortion in your state.  To have faith…

To even ending abortion in our nation.

  • Stopping the pain.  
  • The nightmares.  
  • The wounds that apart from Jesus….never heal.

And for once….for my friend.  End fear based decisions….like abortion.  Because those who want to adopt….like me….are as many as those aborting.

Yes, there are enough parents for every baby aborted.

So, let’s work together and give grace to those mothers who are pregnancy. Offering the hope found in Jesus and an answer they can forever live with.  So that….

Love always wins.

Still questions?   Read More

(Linking with WIWW, Women Living Well

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  1. How weird that we both had to post on the same thing in the same week. God is calling for an end to abortion, through us. But only in love will we reach the hurting and the scared. Pregnant and scared is a common thing. But I pray that God will lead us to those who need guidance to know there are other options.

  2. Brownie – Yes, how crazy that we both posted something similar in the same week. What a great confirmation though of where God is speaking regarding this issue.

  3. Oh Jen…great post…heart felt words with the Love of Christ flowing through. My neighbor daughter…19 just gave birth to a baby boy…I am bringing dinner and presents tomorrow…no matter how a child gets here…they should always be celebrated. So glad you heard God’s loving voice those many years ago. blessings~

  4. Good words and so true, we cannot judge the young mom who is fearful we can walk alongside her and help her through it.
    I too have been on both sides, of unexpectant pregnancies and the factor of worry and also on the neonatal premature side where 4 of our six grand children were preemies in a nicu unit. Do not tell me those little tiny babies are not babies. What bothers me the MOST is the hospitals who on one floor has preemie 1 pd babies fighting for their lives and on another floor an 8ld baby being removed because it wasn’t convenient. I will not blame God for judging us for hurting our tiny ones. It is the most evil of our society. *crimes against children*

  5. Ells- So agree…”No matter how a child gets here…it should always be celebrated!!” Amen, my friend!

    Thoughts – So true, crimes against children are a devastation to our society that breaks the heart of God. So glad that Christ never turned away the little children..and that, by grace we can welcome them to us & love them, like He did!

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