Video Blog. Do we walk in Fear or Love?

When I first felt a God prompt to do a video blog.  I felt fear.  And lots of it. 
After all, I was the one in college who wiggled my schedule around….avoiding all those courses that made presentation…..or required lots of speeches and talks.

Yet, here I am…..all because of the grace and love of God.  Facing my fears.

Glimpses from my own time with God….

How the love of God compels us.  Charges forward.  And how love faces every obstacle, smothering out the fire of sin that surrounds us.

Fear……shrinks back. Hides.  It is the enemy that divides.  While, love brings together.  And unites. 

Thanking God that we are reconciled… the blood of Jesus.

And also…..ever thankful for you.

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  1. Yeah…way to go Jen…how sweet it is to see your face and hear your voice…thanks for risking and blessings as we walk as bold a lion today!

  2. Wow Jen! How amazing and bold you are! You did great! The world thinks that bold and humble can’t be in one person. But if Jesus is our leader we can be bold in Him and humble to our flesh. Jesus was the perfect example of boldness and humility in one! Have you ever heard of BSF?

  3. I am so proud of you. My heart is full of love for you! Thank you for posting this. You have touched my heart and I know through God you will touch many others. I found this verse after I watched you…2 Cor. 12:8-10 Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
    WOW, so powerful. Thank you my sis for your incredible desire to serve our Lord! love you

  4. Ells – Always the first to encourage my heart. Thank you, friend!

    Brownie – Great point! “The world thinks that bold & humble can’t be in one person.” But, you are right! Jesus is our great example! So thankful He wasn’t a sea anemone! Lol

    Di – Oh how you have been a light source for me. When our flesh wants to crawl under the table and hide…you are right! His grace is ALL we need! Love you muchly!

  5. That was AWESOME Jenger! You are an exceptional ambassador of God. Thank you for your encouragement. Fear is my biggest weakness and God has been working on that in me. You present, again, his heart to me. Keep it up my friend 🙂 And Thank You 🙂 Love to you…….Laura McKinley

  6. AHHH! Everywhere I go people are talking fear. Yes, fear. Something I happen to be working on.

    Encouraging words, friend.

    Thank you for being brave and posting the vlog. I know it’s tough to put yourself out there.

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