We have been through a lot. Twelve kids now. An engagement that lasted shorter than our vows.
And a Christmas tree that looked more like Charlie Browns. Nineteen years ago. Free. That first year. When we had absolutely no money.
And, if marriages are like roller coasters….ours went round and round. And at times, upside down. On a journey no one could have known….or consciously chosen.
And now that two decades are winding down. I know so much more than I did back then….
Stepping into the place. Long forgotten: Our garage.
Looking around. Seeing odds and ends. Remnants of things we’d hoped would disappear….if only we closed our eyes…..and leave the past alone.
But they didn’t.
And why is life like that? The longer we neglect….the higher the clutter? And how often have we neglected, those things most important. The one’s left to sit. Silent.
And it is as if….after all these years. This time. Instead of working separately….we get our hands dirty. Together. And it makes all the difference.
I start to sweep. Husband organizes and cleans.
Forget-me-knots picking up much too much dust unseen.
As mind recollect cobwebs….and “should have’s”….from a long time ago.
Little Ones ride bikes. Long bearded country neighbor playing bluegrass…..As it lingers past the trees, through the warm summer sky.
Five year old stops riding. Looks at the trash bags. And asks…..”Are we having a garage sale?”
I explain..….
“No…..sometimes we just need to get rid of useless things. Lying around.”
And how true it is. Often our own trash. No one wants. People will never buy. It is worthless. Yet, we keep it. Why?
And it feels good to work our way through….the dirty things….those things left untidy. The stagnant, old memories. Intentionally now.
Garage floor clears. Years of foundation. Finally revealed. And it is solid. Concrete. So reassuring. To know Christ is here.
And I wonder why….upon salvation. God doesn’t just clear…..all our unwanted mess? In an instant. And why is it….we must purposely clear our own personal garbage. Giving it to Him….in order to become like a little child again?
Dusted. De-cluttered. Useful.
And as I reminisce. Tides of life sweep past. Memories.
Bluegrass still playing…..
And it is amidst our mess. Our garage half tended to….that we do something we have never done before.
His dirty hand tenderly wraps around my waist. Another clasps my palm as he moves our linked fingers…..towards my face.
And we whirl around.
Garbage bags lying around. Floor abandoned. Half swept. Taking time for us. A cherished gift.
Like architects…..drawing a new picture….with our feet on a dusted floor…..of what we want. This next season. As finally…..it is ours.
Just dancing……to a country jig that becomes our love song.
Open skies.With wide hearts matching.
Stars now peaking around the evening moon….
To get a glimpse of what it means…..
To really love. And just “be”.
Two decades later. When life is sweet….
And the roller coaster keeps whirling ’round.
Where the sky has no ceiling.
Linking w/ Michelle @ Hear it on Sunday
Ann @ A Holy Experience
On, In, & Around Mondays
Laura @ Wellspring
Oh Jen…my heart rejoices in this post…have been praying and to hear about God’s faithfulness that a 3 strand chord can not be broken. You told this beautifully…thanks for sharing. smiles and hugs to you:)
Beautiful, Jen. I love your last line! To share so much life together is sheer gift- to just “be” is amazing. Who but God could think up marriage? Blessings to you both.
A beautiful testament to love that sticks…
Ells- Your love and prayers have preserved this mere strand held tight by THE strand. Oh, how He offers grace and weaves so beautifully what can so easily get tangled. His goodness prevails. Always!
Alicia – Thank you! So beautiful too, to think that He picked us…His bride. Regardless of how unworthy I am…His church is. And that now we too can just “be”…needing not to strive any longer. He is just so amazing, isn’t He!?
David – Thank you!
Jen, I came over from LL Barkat’s site. As a husband there are so many times when I need to be reminded not to let my marriage get cluttered and to do Spring Cleaning (in the spring and summer and fall and winter!) Sometimes it’s procrastination and sometimes it’s a hoarding mentality and sometimes just plain laziness that lets things pile up. Thanks for the encouraging reminder.
Just beautiful … although I do not know your whole story so I can understand the ‘should haves’ from long ago. I also enjoyed meeting you through your web-log
Just visiting from Hear it Sunday.
Thanks for these thoughts today,
It appears that not only have you cleaned your messy garage, but you’ve kept your marriage healthy and “clutter-free” for 19 years as well, Jennifer! That leaves just enough room to dance with your man! Great job on cleaning and cleaving!
Kim – I can so relate to all three reasons for not cleaning…procrastination, hoarding, & laziness. And sadly it takes the pile to fall over for me to get that silent things can speak…when covered with dust.
Shelley – Wow! So loved having you here! Thanks for stopping by! I will be by to visit you too, very soon! Welcome new friend!
Beth – Oh, I can’t say “clutter-free” only wish that were so. But somehow dancing in the arms of the one you love makes all else disappear…and the world becomes a perfect place again!
What a lovely post. My husband and I are at the beginning of our journey – nearly 5 years now. Yes – sometimes marriage needs spring cleaning, just like our houses. I love the correlation here. Hopping over from On, In and Around Mondays. Greetings from Zagreb! A Little R & R http://jukiczr.blogspot.com
Rosilind – Welcome! Congratulations on starting the marvelous journey of marriage! May His hand guide you both throughout & may His love, most of all be your very foundation! Blessings ~ jen
This is the sweetest picture, Jen. Getting hands dirty together is sometimes the best way to grow. And look at that garage! Wow! Awesome work. Together.