Took a walk today. With my two youngest. Down the trail. Through the woods….to hear the heart beat of God.
It beat as a broken little girl took my hand. And called me, “mom”..…though I am not.
It beat as my littlest skipped and danced, constantly finding such beauty around her. Wide eyed. Open arms. Off the trail.
And how often we have walked…. fearing to leave our concrete trails? When the world is a wide open place.
Inviting us. To gaze around.
Yet, too often we simply go out…..
- Thinking life is only a race.
- Living to work or accomplish a task.
- Or wanting simply to check off one more thing from my ever increasing, “to-do” list.
….When life is a dance. And each rhyme, heartbeat, and sound only magnifies the beauty of God.
Off the trail. Where life’s greatest treasure is. Discovered. Explored. Taking time to listen. Look. Pick the most colorful, wild flowers….the one’s without a name.
And I explain…to my littlest ones….what foxglove is. And how each flower can be placed on your fingers….as fingernails. Natures manicure.
We talk about Evergreens. And how even the strongest winter can’t shake the leaves off these trees. They hold on tight through all types of storms…..Just like my 11 year old child.
We learn why dirt forms above the grass. And how, like us, at times…..mole’s hide. Until, they are ready to show their heads.
I explain why moss grows. And how our hearts….when not exposed to the Son….can have darkness growing around….coverings us as well.
We pretend to be planes, and cats, and all types of hand gripping acrobats….all the way to the trails end.
And I find myself so glad….that the older I get…..the slower I walk.
Unafraid to stop and talk about the “Why’s”. The “Why’s” and the “What’s” that navigate us through life
Not just striving….to get to the top of the trails edge. Like I used to do….before years and hardships tempered me.
And as the day exhausts itself in fanciful stories, descriptions, and learning…..I find, it’s worth the journey. Time wasted. Head turning curiosity. Arms linked tight together on this journey.
Even if just to watch my youngest leap. Exploring. Exhorting God’s creation. And being called mom……
By a little girl who has yet… find one.
Listening to the heartbeat of God…..
Linking with Laura @ Wellspring, Ann, Shanda, Jen, Women Living Well
Here from Ann’s. What a beautiful post. I will be praying for the little girl to find “her” mom. Thank God, for you right now to hold her hand.
Darnly – Glad to have you visit. Yes, thank you. And how much a mom means to a little girl. Thankful that our journeys crossed. ~ jen
There is no better place to connect with God, thean in the middle of a place of nature. The beauty of everything is there to be seen.
I hope that your little friend will find love and a caring place.
I so agree. And thank you. That is my prayer too. To be grounded despite the sea of uncertainty she has been in lately.
Walking slower as you get older, I definitely identify with that one! Life moves so quickly, that we tend to miss so much. Before we know it our children are half grown, and yet it feels like yesterday they were newborns in my arms. Sharing and teaching them as I walk slowly is a wonderful picture as well! I must ensure that I remember that one! Thank you for sharing! Stoppin by from
M – Oh how I can relate to those precious, infant moments gone before you know it. May our hearts take snapshots, as moms, and that time and life will never elude us from those treasured times, planted deep. You comment is treasured. And a big welcome!!
Hi Jen,
What a beautiful post! We need to take time to leave the trail and find the special, unexpected blessing He has planned for us.
Thanks so much for following and commenting on Saved by Grace!
Your blog is a blessing and I am now following it also!
Love in Him,
Laurie Collett
So glad we crossed paths! ;0) ~ jen
Time definitely NOT wasted! Jen, this was so beautiful and soothing, I didn’t want to leave your site. I felt I was walking with you, off the trail, along with your girls. At first I was remembering off-road walking with my two boys — and how they kept wanting to run ahead! I’m glad I got to go slowly with you today. Thanks for the blessing!
“Mom” That words holds honor, faith and hope. Praying today that as we walk with our children born both from our wombs and our hearts that we walk worthy of the Name!
Sylvia – Yes, God keeps telling me…”timing”. It seems to be everything. And I know for me, often I run when I should walk….and walk when I should run. Oh, that He alone may lead us, my friend. He alone!
Shannon – Amen! And what a careful journey we make when we know we herald HIS name! Blessings to you!
God’s handiwork is beyond beautiful.
Love this Jen. I need to slow down. A Lot! Thanks for the reminder. And I didn’t know that about foxglove. Have a great Wed., Jen!
Enjoying the moment is something to be treasured. I’m thankful for the years I’ve been blessed to be a SAHM sharing each day with my kiddoes. This is one thing I’ll never have regrets over. This is a beautiful, beautiful post!
1940s Contraption & Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy – Wayback Wednesdays
Denise – Agreed! The absolutely best work of art!
Michelle – I think we all need to slow down. Stop. Listen. Hear the heartbeat of God. It’s hard, isn’t it, in today’s world?
Cathy – Being a stay at mom also for most of 19 years, it’s something I too don’t regret one moment of. The beauty of those little moments held in the cup of our hearts. Priceless.