RADICAL & The Stranger With Dark Skin & A Slanted Nose

We enter our friends 5200 square foot house. Take off our shoes.  And spy him on a stool.  Unassuming.

Not standing front and center. Or loudly declaring his convictions.

Just silent. On a stool.

Yet, instantly, he stands out. Dark skin. Nose bent. This ex-Muslim, in our midst.

And, we all stand back. Waiting for words to confirm he is more like us….than different.

But then, we go upstairs. This Acts hour. This day of Pentecost….if you will….for wandering souls.

And he speaks with an accent not often found……out here in the country.

And we hear….

“I was an Imam…..from Iran.  I went to Mecca, but there….on my journey….was told, to divorce my wife.  It is then, that love took hold….And I knew I was following the wrong God….or no God at all.”

“And I left my belief….though I had been told from a little child….that I would be a great leader of Islam.”

And I think it strange….that one false prophesy……could divert a lifelong ministry, and culture, and way of living….in a truly humble, seeking man.

But it happened.

Then, he was in a terrible accident.  Paralyzed for 14 years.  And he was reprimanded and scolded and blamed for this tragedy, saying the accident was his fault because he failed to take hold…..of Islam.

Yet, he pursued healing…Finding none.  Surgery after surgery.  Yet, doctors only offered great debt and little relief from His pain.

And it was then, in this hour of darkness that this Imam…..cried out for the real God….the living God….to come into His midst. 

And it happened.  He heard the gospel.  The passion.  He saw it.  God transformed Him in an instant.

His wife also.

And God in His grace and mercy, healed him.  Physically.  Completely.  Without any man-made physician, or medicine….or new age healing.

And as He speaks, in this room of onlookers…..we can barely believe it….

That this Muslim has faith like Moses and Abraham.  While, we are so content….just sitting….and listening.

“And I urge you”, he says.  “Don’t look to the hands…..but into the eyes of Jesus.  Because physical healing is not God’s greatest gift.  It’s salvation.  Our spiritual healing.”

And many shift.  Wrestling a bit.  Digesting. Questioning….the foundation of their own convictions.

And as salvation came upon this man and his household…..he read his Bible completely through in fourteen sunsets.  And he began a ministry.  Established many churches.  And started a radio program.  In Iran.  Offering the gift…..of Jesus.

He even preached with Billy Graham many years ago…..but failed to mention it…..as he speaks.

“And I never care if anyone remembers my name”…. says this humble man turned inside out by God.  “Because it’s not about me.  I want no credit…..no glory……no remembering…..

I just want you to know Jesus.”

How humble.  And powerful, this convert. So different from so many television preachers.

And he asks us why we fear ministering to Muslims?  

“For when we fear”....he says…..“we are no different from them.”  For their faith is empty.  And they live and feed and survive off of fear…..

So, we must preach to them. For, in us is their only hope of glory.”

And I tremble at my faithlessness.  And how he says…

“Christians love being friends with.  And serving food to.  And smiling.  And patting others on their back……saying they are loving……But speaking nothing.  And what people really need is bold Christians.  Fearless to preach the gospel….

One’s willing…..to tell others…..about Jesus.”

And could he have known that I had been reading “Radical” by David Platt, just hours before?  And how it’s words still pierce my soul….

“Injustice lies in Christians who possess the gospel and refuse to give their lives to making it known among those who haven’t heard.  That is unfair.”

And how this new found believer walks into Mosques.  Though given real death threats.  Countless Muslims calling and professing…..they will kill him.

…..But, he doesn’t care.

“Kill me.” He says.  “But, you need to know Jesus.”

And how he says the church is sleeping.  And how I heard the snores….but often fear waking others from their sleeping.

And how “Radical” says….

“Will we refuse to sit back and wait for some tingly feeling to go down our spines before we rise up and do what we have already been commissioned to do?”

And I want to rise.  With this ex-Imam.  Those radically abandoned to Jesus.  Giving everything.  To live and die for…..

The One that reveals himself.  This God of our Salvation.  The Life. The Truth.  And The Way.

My Jesus.

As I take his pamphlet….descend the stairs of the upper room…..and walk into my mission field.

“We are the plan of God, and there is no plan B.” ~ Radical, David Platt

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  1. Powerful post! It really isn’t about us but about Christ. This is something that I keep coming back to over and over again the last few weeks..point made God! I’m getting it! I’ve read Radical and am finishing up Crazy Love by Francis Chan, and have been so convicted by my lukewarmness and seeking my own comfort and safety over what will glorify God the most.

  2. It doesn’t take much for me to cry these days (pregnancy hormones), but true tears of the truth spoken and heard is different. The words you speak are true and powerful. We are sleeping, let us rise and take on the mission of the Father and give His love and gift to the world.

  3. Hi Jen – wow, so powerful. I think the testimonies of people who have been on the other side are all the more powerful for it as they understand what we have. Great post. God bless precious friend

  4. Alecia! Yes, my friend. More of Him…so much less of ourselves. Easy to say…so much harder to do…at least for me. Crazy Love, excellent book too! Seems we have similar tastes. Keep running forward friend!

    Brownie – Congratulations on your pregnancy. May He bless you with good health & a child raised to the glory of our God! Blessings.

    Tracy – Always a gift when you stop by. Thank you.

    Ryan & Carly – If only you could each have met Him. Most powerful preacher I have heard in a long time. Makes me think of how the enemy is slain by the power of our testimonies. May we keep sharing ours…. Blessings.

  5. This was such a powerful piece. I have to be brave for Jesus. It’s so hard when so many times after speaking the truth there is scorn and laughter and argument. I will not grow weary in doing good and speaking truth. Thank you for this post. 🙂

  6. Ells – It felt very much like an honor to be in his presence & to hear about the power of the living God to save, redeem, & restore, through such a man of faith as this!

    Denise – Blessing for sure, Denise! 🙂

    Happygirl – I love your tenacity and faith to speak that which Christ calls & empowers you to do so, my friend!

  7. “Kill me.” He says. “But, you need to know Jesus.”…powerful words.

    This really struck me…people need to know Jesus. Is there anything greater than that?

    I pray God would give me a greater love for people like this man has.

    Thanks for sharing. I’m glad I stopped by. 🙂


  8. Court – Thank you for reading & letting this man’s testimony caputre your heart.

    Cathy – Thanks for stopping by! Yes, oh the precious glorious name of The One who died that we might be saved!

    Christan – Oh, my friend…a must read. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the book, when you are done w/ it. Life transforming! 🙂

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