Walking out the door as a child, my mom would always shout out from the front porch steps, “Remember who you are!”
And as a teen, I drove away speedily….from both my mom…and that question.
Yet, I could still hear her voice long in the distance…..“Remember who you are.”
And to be frank. I had no idea what that meant.
It was like asking…..as I drove down a road that seems to have no end…..Where are you going?
Those words like a book set down before me. Challenging me….to open up the pages…..
Yet, when I did. The pages empty. My future, filled with uncertainty. Me. Simply speeding. In hopes to get to the finish line.
Just wanting the race to be over…..so I could sit down…..rest….and be awhile. Without trying to be anything.
And while my sports car of youth…..became…..a vehicle to find my destiny….That question still lay in the bed of my mind…..
Who are you?
And so, like a chameleon, I did what many other women do. I formed. And molded. And colored myself to fit into wherever I was.
I became the color of those around me. Becoming the answer to everyone else’s questions…..Instead of looking deep within.
The journey? Exhausting. The trying….the being? Unfulfilling.
And now life has colored me…..A pallet of every color, blended so much so, long over time. This picture is dull.
So, I turn to The Word And my pallet of youth. Starting over. And asking…..
Who are you?
I AM…..
Not a wanderer……but an adopted child of God. (Eph. 1:5)
Loved by my Father as much as Jesus (John 17:23)
A work who will one day soon be complete (Phil 1:6)A citizen of heaven (Phil 3:20)
The Word says……A Saint. (Col. 1:2)
Complete in Christ (Col.2:10)
And set free from all condemnation. (Rom.8:1)
A Chosen Priesthood. (1 Pet. 2:9)
God’s Holy Temple. (1 Cor 3:16)
Justified (Rom. 5:1)
And in Him anointed, established, sealed. (2Cor. 1:21-22)
Christ’s friend. (John 15:15)
A minister of reconciliation.(2 Cor 5:18)
God’s workmanship. (Eph. 2:10)
More than a conqueror. (Rom. 8:37)
God’s personal witness. (Acts 1:8)
A member of the body of Christ who is called to a work He intends to be completed. (1 Cor. 12:12)
Hidden. Hidden with Christ in God. (Col. 3:3)
A chosen vessel equipped to do the work that God has called me to. (Phil 1:6)
Who are you?
For in a culture of grey painting and countless chameleons, it is ever more crucial to know the truth of your identity……and believe it.
You are accepted. You are uniquely and wonderfully created. You are significant.
Remember who you are!
Thankful today that my identity is in Him.
Linking with Shanda, Michelle @ Hear it One Sunday, On, In, & Around Mondays , Laura @ Wellspring, & Ann
Remember who you are!!! My father used to say that to me as a teen. Yet, you are right in that we need to continually remind ourselves. I know I feel insignificant so many times, especially as I grow older. Thank you for this list of scriptures to meditate on.
I have just pretty much settled into being who I am and not really thinking about it very much. Thanks for the reminder of the most important part of who I am.
The butterfly pictures are beautiful!
Shanda – Exactly how my mom said it too, with lots of exclamation points & dramatic accents in tones.
Thought I was the only one who had a parent who said that! Lol
Theresa – So good to hear. Not much more powerful that a person who knows and walks in the confidence and true knowledge of who they are in God. May you dent the world with His goodness and glory…for His name’s sake!
For in a culture of grey painting and countless chameleons, it is ever more crucial to know the truth of your identity……and believe it.
You are accepted. You are uniquely and wonderfully created. You are significant.
Love this…reminds me of a song I think I heard here…pick me up like a a paint brush…a paint your picture Father and fashion a heart that is wholly yours.
Blessings Jen as your colors explode with beauty:)
“Remember who you are!”
I like that! And what a beautiful reminder of who I am in Christ!
The one my Mama used to say, which I have passed on to my kids, everytime they leave the house, is, “Be a Blessing!”
Both, I think, are calls to intentional living…to making conscious decisions based on who we are and what we are called to do.
Thanks for sharing!
Ells – I just love your use of words. Oh, that is my prayer. That colors may explode for His glory, friend. Thanks for your faithful reading.
Joe – Thanks for you comment. Yes, intentional living. That’s it…isn’t it!? Choosing Christ in everything…just as much as He chose us. I will remember & pass on….”Be a Blessing”. So good! Thanks!
Thanks for the inspiration.
Oh, yes. To be who He says I am. That is good and true. Lovely, Jen.
Denise – Thanks for reading
Laura – Thank you, friend! His ways are redemption and life, aren’t they!
I tell people all the time “I’ve remembered who I am” – God has walked me through the fire!
I love this post! I pray every day to see myself the way the Lord sees me. Sometimes it’s hard isn’t it. I’m your newest follower. Thanks for sharing.
I often forget who I am. A chosen, loved, redeemed child of the most high God. A daughter of the King. His beloved one! Beautiful post and so good for my heart.
Kelli – He is so faithful, isn’t He! Praise God for the testimony you much have!
Jackie – Yes, it most definitely is. I love that prayer. Thanks for sharing & for following.
Barbie – Chosen. Loved. Redeemed. Child of God. Oh, what a gift He gives us! Thanks Barbie for your comment.