I have heard it said, “What you read, where you go, and who your friends are will determine who you become.”
And I am not too sure. But, I know. I have learned to pick my literary choices and my friends very carefully.
Because I thought, education was my redemption.
And from a girl who struggled to read through High School. To one who graduated with honors in college. I am thankful for the fact that hard work can push past anything…..
Like Dyslexia.
But, there is so much more than what the world says. And my reaching for stars that only earthly eyes can see….doesn’t matter anymore.
For when God gives glimpses of eternal revelation. What is academic. Or intellectual. Or the knowledge of man….
In light of His goodness…becomes petty and foolish.
And I see so clearly….how I have strived my way to adulthood much too frequently. I have exhausted myself running after the American dream.
For, one encounter with the Living God…..and all I have attained instantly fades. And the hopes and dreams of man….seem ignorant in light of His ways.
And I want so much more than 3000 square foot houses. And property that leads to wide open skies. I want eternal mansions and heavenly roads. And the Kingdom of God to reign in my life.
No more chasing after the things of man.
And as Israel rises on the world stage. And all eyes question whether its the end of days. Lord, lay me down and teach me your ways…
Take me to a place…..that death has no sting. Where your glory dwells in the presence of the King.
For Jesus did not come to write a bestselling book called, “10 easy steps to increasing your faith.” Or to give a six-month course on how, “Healing can be found in His wings.”
Jesus simply came.
And for those willing and eager and hungry and so desperately needy…..Jesus presence fills each hungry place. Each place in human hearts that need the hope of Him.
And all were made well.
Touching the sinner. The blind. The deaf. The leper. The lost. And even the prodigal child.
And who of us don’t need a touch from Jesus?
And what if we sought the Savior….as much as the symbols, and books, and the people…..that say they can lead us to Him?
What if we knew our true access to the throne room?
What if heaven called and we knew….yes……really knew…..we could enter freely. Simply. Alone by the blood of Jesus? Would our faith walk be any different?
So, this morning, I turn my back on all my books on deep theology…and go straight to the Word of God. Trusting the Father to do all things….
Needing. Alone. His perfect love.
For life has clearly shown me….all strength apart from Him is weak.
And there is no hope the flesh can see…..Apart from the love of a gracious King.
And so my prayer. My prayer this morning as I wake…..
Is not, “Lord, make me brighter. Make me kinder. Make me into all the great things that I want to be.”
But, humbly here with open arms…..
My prayer. My simple prayer…..is…..
“Lord, I need you. Lord. Please. Yes, please….rain down on me.”
And as I look out the glass….
I see showers of His love.
“Knowledge puffs up….But love edifies.” ~ 1 Cor. 8:1
Linking with WFW
Lovely. Thank you for sharing so personally. It looks like with the books you are choosing that you have found ways to overcome dyslexia!
Thanks for taking us with you as you worship our Father. Great post, Jen!
Annette – Yes, my friend. So beyond any issues with dyslexia. And hungry to learn the fullness of His ways. Blessings & thanks for your comment.
Hey…we are neighbors today…I too had reading issues…it took me well into my adult life to really start reading books…now they are good companions…but like you said…sometimes we just need nothing but sweet communion…nothing by Jesus…blessings sweet Jen…continued prayers to you…
Messy Marriage – Thanks for your comment. I don’t have time…”not to” friend!
Ells – Continually surprised at what a sister-in-heart you are! So, so ever thankful for you!
Fantastic post.
Hi Jen – I too am grateful Jesus did not send a book with a 12 step programme to greater faith. He came Himself and He gave Himself. What a great love and example. Love visiting here, I always feel your great love for Christ and others here.
God bless friend
Densie – Thank you.
Tracy – Oh, what greater love is this? And to think that we can call Him, friend! Praising His goodness today!
I am so glad He wants a relationship with us! My life is changed because He wanted more for me than just reading a book…He made His Word to be life!