Drudging through the grocery store with kids. All wanting to be anywhere but here.
And I search for spices that revive my spirit. Amongst the chaos of it all.
Needing tranquility to awaken my senses. In this deadness of winter.
And I see him. A tall, type. Hippy fellow.
And he looks quite like me. Hungry for glimpses of refreshment wherever he can get it….even if it’s from a spice rack.
Ragged. Randomly put together. A wanderer…..like me…..
Looking for direction.
As we gather natures delicacies.
Me, anticipating Shanda’s potpourri. It’s aroma filling the presence of an empty house.
Until. Quite random. He turns to me and speaks. Quite out of the blue. Faith full and free….
“Spring is coming!”
Eyes glistening.
Those words. Spoken to me. Prophetically.
Filling my hungry soul.
Reminding me of the donkey that spoke to Balaam on the road.
And how God often speaks through the most unlikely types of people….
Like donkeys. And a hippie in a grocery store.
And why do I think…..God is limited to speak from preachers standing on podiums in front of me?
Isn’t God…..A God of liberty?
And I let those words soak into the soil under the coldness from that morning.
And I know….
That if God can speak through a stranger at the end of the isle…….getting spices. Then, everything’s going to be alright.
And the words of life from my stranger friend that morning….
I hold onto unbelievably tight…. Waring them inside of me…..in those places that need hope most of all.
And I think of His mercies. And the promises of God….
And how joy will come in the morning.
And that regardless of our circumstances or situations….God can speak through The Hippie in the store…..or often from the most unlikely creatures of all.
Spring IS coming!
“For God does speak–now one way, now another– though man may not perceive it.” ~ Job 33:14
Linking with My Freshly Brewed Life
& jen @ Finding Heaven
Love this.
“God spoke to Balaam through his ass, and He’s been speaking through asses ever since”..
by Rich Mullins
oh…such sweetness from the Lord…Amen spring is coming…I pray you see signs of new life…no matter how small…blessings to your weekend..
Christan – Thanks
Hans – So thankful that He is no respecter of persons. Also, thankful for the Samuel’s & Isaiah’s & powerful men of God that chose sanctification & to be untainted so that God could use them in their fullness. Blessings.
Ells – Already do, my friend. Already do!
Spring has sprung here and I am loving seeing all of God’s glory. It is so cool when He puts the most unlikely people to spur us on in front of us. God is cool like that ;D
Social – He is…isn’t He!?
Thanks for taking the time to comment! Have a blessed day!
Hopping by, saying Hello!
I love your prose and photos. Am your newest follower (returning your follow). I look forward to more visits.
God does speak…and if we aren’t careful, we don’t even recognize it! Beautiful post.
Lisa – Thanks for the visit! So good to have you here!
Meryl – Thanks for the follow! Glad to “meet” you!
Shanda – So the truth friend, so the truth!
today I’m not able to get to very many sdg sisters, but when I saw your sweet face back here, I just had to come.
oh, yes, I do believe that He is the God of liberty and that He speaks to us all the day long, but sometimes we just don’t recognize Him. Amen to this post, Jen.