Faith. The faith fight. The topic of my life. Yet, faith is believing in something we can’t see.
But, what if….
What we see….with spiritual eyes….has. Is. Has always been….more real than what we see with the flesh?
What if the temporal is more like a box we’re trapped in?
…..And we mourn for and ache for and long to be present with God….because we have already tasted of heaven?
What if…..we were here, simply to fulfill whatever work God has called to be finish….
What if heaven. Yes, that seemingly far off place we share with children. That hope for tomorrow. That promise for more….
Is not just a scribbled picture in our child’s Sunday School Bible we read before sleeping?
What if heaven… in us? Through us? Among us?
What if eternity has never really left us…..From the time of conception?
What if this world is just Dejavu? What if…in us…in the back of our mind….there are imprints of a life that is much more permanent…..
Than that metal Mercedes? And plastic house? And t.v. like plays of what others say our life should be about?
What if we were made for freedom? Like all of creation? Somehow hindered by man’s interpretation of the world we live in?
Like scientist and environmentalist…..attempting help… isolating species….caging the extinct…in hopes to preserve that God creation that is somehow in us?
What if our attempts at fixing. Changing. Learning. Are in somehow, simple ways, that we isolate God….
So that we can better understand Him? Put our mind around Him? Shrink God to fit in the palm of our hand?
When His ways are limitless. His magnificent has no understanding.
What if God cannot be contained… the minds of men? What if He reigns beyond where man made space ships can even go?
What if the heart of all men…..beat with His heart….yet, sin alone….has polluted it?
And our attempts to correct, restore, redeem ourselves…..are just vain attempts….
Without the blood of Jesus.
What if, this isn’t our home? What if we could close our eyes. See. Taste. So much more?
A greater life. One with only strength….not man-made…..but, originating from it’s source. God.
What if we left this place? And each day….on our knees? Gathered strength from Him….before starting our day….
Would anything change?
I ask. Wonder.
Hope for the world….that it would be so.
Closing my eyes to escape. Longing more as the days progress and approach…..
For faith that sees.
Eyes that know.
Thanks for this Good post, Jen. Only God is our Strength.
“metal Mercedes? And plastic house”, haha, yeah, it’s true.. -> ‘Are we happy plastic people, under shining plastic steeples?’
I absolutely loved this post- thank you for challenging us on this-I found my spirit saying loud AMEN’s !!
Thought- provoking pieces like this are rare like precious gems.
God Bless you, and thank you!
Hans- Amen! Only God is our Strength!
Mary – Bless you for stopping by and reading. Thanks for such encouraging feedback! ~ jen
The more wiser I grow in God and His plan for me the more my spritual vision is improved and my worldly vision is impaired. Thank you for sharing this! You are and inspiration.
I’m rubbing my eyes, too.
Brownie – Makes me think of Solomon and how God calls us to ask for wisdom. And who of asks will not receive it?
Matt – Thanks for your input too.
Hi Jen – great thought provoking post beautifully written as per usual. God bless friend and thank you for linking up and commenting! I love seeing you there