When my husband and I were first married, we would sit…just the two of us….and write out our New Year’s Resolutions on whatever piece of paper jumped out before us. Sometimes our dreams for the coming year were written on notebook paper, sometimes grocery lists, sometimes computer paper.
It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that we were together. And that life was looking at us open armed and offering another 365 days.
And asking…..
“How will you spend this gift that I give you….this gift of life….this gift of love…..this gift of family?”
We delighted in that challenge, adventure, call to be more, do more, and change more in the days to come. Anticipating…..with young kids and much younger bodies…..what the New Year would hold.
And now, as year blows past like wind through my fingers; I try to grab hold of even tidbits of how the prior year left us….But can’t.
So, I resurrect old traditions. Not with husband…..but with all of you. I reach out with expectant anticipation…..and sit down….to write my news years resolution for the coming year.
This Year of 2012, I set my goals to…..
1) Meet 12 new people.
Reach out and have influence on a minimum of 12 new people. Letting also, 12 new people influence me.
2) Go out and change the world through 12 acts of service.
Big or small….it’s not the quantity….but the purpose. I don’t want this year to pass until a God hand has been extended in a way that I can see 12 acts of God’s kindness reaching others as I step out in faith and obedience to wherever He leads.
3) Try 12 new foods.
I usually only eat the same bland palette….and have never been adventurous, or daring, or even wanting to try new foods.
But, life is short. And food was created for enjoyment. So, my attempt will not be to loose 12 pounds or exercise each week for 12 hours….but, to try 12 new foods.
If ambitious, I will write about what I thought when I tasted them. Did I like them? Would I try them again? And the places and people and circumstance which affected the taste of my new eatings. For after all, isn’t food and their creations, just an extension of people?
4) Read 12 new books.
I am a book lover, so this will probably be the easiest of all. But, this time, I don’t want to just read…..I want to really learn, and meditate, and draw from the lessons in them all. I want to apply what I learn to help change the world.
5) Spend at least 12 days fasting this year.
Praying and fasting not for selfish wishes and out of self centered motives…..but for others. Usually, I start the year off with an extended fast. But this year, I want to do a minimum of 12 full days of complete fasts….as God leads.. I just love how fasting seems to break through the heavens….shattering strongholds in a way that prayer alone won’t. I anticipate these fasts….with great joy! And will likely begin my first one….the first hours of January.
6) Do 12 things that I have never done before.
Not quite sure at the end of the year, how this one will look. But, I am tired of the trenches that keeps us in comforts grip. I want to do….”different”, “more”, “unique”. Whether it’s for God, other people, or just me. At the end of the year…..I will have to see what it is God leads me to do. “New”.
7) Do 12, random, unexpected things for those I love.
Unexpected is the key. And others must not at all anticipate or be aware beforehand. It is easy for me to serve strangers….but to be quite honest…..sometimes I overlook those I love most.
So, this year, I will try to love extravagantly. In a way that says to those around me……”You are important”!
This one will be the most difficult one of all. I am hardly spontaneous. And struggle, at times, getting creative.
Yet, this year…..
I don’t want it to be all about me. I want it to be about others. How can I bless and love and serve, and change the lives of others?
Will you join me?
I would love to hear about your New Year Resolutions and how you will impact others, as well as yourselves this year!
I will be giving updates of how I am doing throughout the year.
God bless each one of you with a grace filled 2012!! And thank you for being a part of my world through blogging these past eight months!
~ jen
Hi Jen – lovely resolutions. I pray that as you make your way through them you are blessed and those whose lives are touched by them will also be blessed. Thank you too for being a part of my bloggy life. You have made a huge impact on me and I am grateful to the Lord for you
God bless
I love your resolutions for the new year! I like how thought out & original they are. This is my first time to your blog, but I know it won’t be my last!
Wishing you a blessed start to your new year!
These are great goals!Most resolutions seem to be self centered and yours really aren’t!
Thanks for linking up to my post: http://www.learningtolimit.com/2012/01/happy-2012-to-resolve-or-not-linky.html
I’ll make sure I’m a GFC follower and that we are connected through social media. Have a happy New Year!
Each new year our whole church enters into a 21 day of fasting during the month of January. It varies on what type of fast, some go 21 days without any food, some do a Daniel fast, some fast specific foods or soda. We start each new year with a determination to hear what God whats us to accomplish. I love your 12’s. The service to 12 other people is so good. Happy New Year
I love your idea of 12’s
Compared to my lack of goals yours are inspiring!
Tracy – You are blessed sister in the Lord that leads the way with gentleness and truth! Thank you for sharing in my world also & the way you inspire so many!
Heather – So glad to share in new adventures and writing with you! Thanks for coming by & reading!
Rebecca – Happy to connect. Looking forward to it more in the future.
Ann – I have heard of churches doing extended fasts at the beginning of the year and sooo admire them! You must be one blessed lady to be apart of church so dependent on Christ!
Rachel – Sometimes just one goal at a time is easier to pursue than many. I am sure as you pray, seek the Lord, and wait on Him….He will lead you to the direction He is taking you this year. Blessings, friend. ~ jen
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