Crushing Religious Boxes

The box. It calls.  Beckons…”Come rest in me.  My straight walls. Sharp edges.”  It hides…

A people. 

Asking them to leave….

The freedom bought in Christ.

To hide inside…it’s small, dark corners.  Confined.

While open skies beckon higher.  Calling deeper…drawing closer to The Source.

Fear resists the open.

Like an infant….feeling….

Safer.  With small.  Shallow.  Confining people.

Curling up tight in religions….or slowly constructing personal priesthoods.

To keep themselves safe…or to keep others out.

But the Lord called His followers out….into freedom

Outside of any confines of walls built by man.  Hindering declaration for…

His Kingdom to rise. Healing for His people.

So I fight boxes closing in around me.  Rebellious arms waring to contend for open spaces.

Resenting, remembering, rejecting…once restricting walls around me.

Knowing…breathing only The Word bringing liberty.

Awakening to the open….. 

For caged people….have very little influence.

And aren’t we called to be light bearers…..Kingdom Carriers….. 

World Changers…Of His gospel?

For didn’t His precious blood…purchase our victory?

While, even He….went outdoors. Outside the camp….to bring healing.  Calling those predestined to freedom.

To the cross.  Rejecting man-made rules and accusations.

Apposing the proud, most righteous among Him…

Making way…to love the Freedom Seekers crying out….in His day.

I just love Him for that.  For the “box crusher” that He was…

That He is.

So….I step outside….sheltered, safe places closing in around.

Thanking Him for His victory that tore open the curtain….shattering man made ceilings…

From the box He calls us out….to freedom.

Can you hear Him?

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  1. Oh those boxes…the ones I put God in…the one religion puts people in…He is faithful to destroy…kindly set us free from the boxes…to live more free in Him…always journeying to move with more freedom in Christ…endless…
    Jen…great post…blessings from outside the box….

  2. Thanks everyone for all the comments!!

    Kristen – Yes, out of the boxes….into His promises! I just love that!! 🙂

    So thankful, my friends, that He is a limitless God…without walls or ceilings! Makes me think of that verse….God does not live in temples made with human hands.

    What a glorious God we serve!

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