6:00 a.m. Blanket of black covers windows surrounding. And darkness is the mask….of sleep….and dreams….and all things unknown by the world deep in rest.
Yet, in China….they would have been awake for hours.
4:00 a.m.
The rising and fleeing to mountain caves and trees and places hidden.
So, they can worship in the dark.
Before eyes awake can discover them….and cause harm.
Not just to them….but family and friends.
See, religion in China is not free.
Persecution. Torture. Torment. Missing persons….
Is the price they pay for worshiping the Christ that died so that they could be redeemed.
And the way of love…..there…..in China……..is clear devotion.
Fasting. Praying. Life long, heartfelt, radical devotion.
To a God who broke their chains….
And called them away from restrictions of government…..
To a church without walls….a life set apart for the holy.
There….in China….Women preach.
Women leave all they know…..and flee…..
Across countryside to spread the gospel to those who have never known or seen…..
The goodness of our God.
And I wake….
This morning…..
And spend tokens of moments…..reading and praying…..before breakfast and school and cleaning….
And all the other things that drive me away from 100% abandonment, worship to Christ.
Yet, when I read…..I hear…..
“Love is a choice.”
The fruit of our love for Christ…..is spreading the Gospel to the world…..
Not just setting our Bible’s on comforts shelf and living in our complacent fairy tale worlds of what we think Christianity is.
It’s about following the Word….the Word found at the feet of the cross.
It’s the Mary call…..in a Martha world.
It’s about relationship……not sacrifice….or doing good works so that we feel nice enough.
To live out our days because of God…..
Not despite Him.
He is our rock.
And how I wish to reside inside the rock…..the cave…..the secret places they worship today…..
Somewhere in China.
And how superficial prayers are not enough anymore…..
I long to weep and cling and pray and fast and plead my Savior……
To come in a way that we can no longer be marginal Christians…..Marthas blending into a compromising world.
For at the feet of the cross…..Everything looks different.
Priorities shift.
And the early morning darkness…..before the world wakes….even then……is an opportunity….
To meet Him, face to face. Somewhere. In underground caves. In China.
And I cover my head with blankets…..
Longing desperately…..
To have that kind of devotion…..The kind surrounded by other sold out Christians.
The kind of love that precipitates all other ideas of what it means…..To be His children.
To live for Him. In a world moving downward against the Christ shift.
And as I close my eyes. I image that precious place…..
Where persecution and punishment and pain are nothing…….
If it means we get to partake in….the place of The Most High.
Where His glory dwells.
There. In a cave.
Worlds away…..
In China.
Wow, Jen, this is powerful. We have it so easy and their faith is so radical. We should learn from that
God bless
rattling…I need to be rattled…a church without walls…a life set apart for the Holy….Oh come Heavenly Father….
Thanks friend for these post…blessing to you…
While in Thailand, we met one pastor who was going to China as a missionary. There was also a bible college we spent sometime in that was getting ready for a group of people from China to come in for a few weeks of training. Such dedication to the Lord. Have you read Safely Home by Randy Acorn? It is about the persecuted church.
Tracy – So agreed, my friend!
Ells – We all do…it seems….at times. Thanks for your continually receptive heart to my words. You are appreciated!
Shanda – No, I haven’t read, “Safely Home”. I will be sure to check it out though. Thanks for the suggestion! Always love a good read!!
Beautiful. Thank you.
Just when we think we have given all, abandoned all, for His sake. We find, we have given little. A watered down faith, a comfortable gospel, a message that feels and fits just right. God is more. Thank you for stirring my heart with these words…
Thanks Christan for your encouragement!
Shelly – Isn’t that the truth!! Just when we think we have given all….or much….we come to find that we have actually given little. Oh….that the glorious cross would take all…and that it it’s presence…we would be willing to give it. That’s for this truth that awakens me this morning! Blessings ~ jen
How beautifully powerful this read is! We are so blessed to worship in the comfort of our homes at the morning’s early dawn without fear while our sisters & brothers across deep oceans in far away lands no not this simple luxury. May God bless them, each and every one! Thanks for sharing with us and reminding us of this simple act of freedom we have. God bless America!
Cathy – Amen, my sister. May God Bless the U.S.A. And may our freedom not ever be taken for granted! Thanks for you comment! Blessings ~ jen
wow so humbling hearing of their faith and how it plays out, how it has to play out…no wonder our faith is weak..
I want the devotion of those Chinese Christians. My life is so easy and I struggle in my faith. Trust. My issue is trust. I could see the trust in God BEAMING from your words. Wholehearted devotion.
And the way of love…..there…..in China……..is clear devotion.
oh wow. this is it. this is the gospel.
PS…I mentioned you on my blog today.
Brian – It has been so humbling to witness….for sure. God HAS to come through….doesn’t He….when we have no one and nothing else! So thankful for that truth today. A God who does not forsake or abandon or forsake those who are earnestly seeking Him.
Happygirl – It is so funny that you write that about, “trust” because God has been asking so personally lately….”Do you trust me.” Just when I think I do….I find out, I really don’t….if that makes any sense? Oh, God that we would all trust you even more….more than what we could even imagine possible. Thanks for your God words to me today.
Emily – Thanks again for stopping by….reading…and taking the time to comment.
Shelly – Your post prompted a flood of tears streaming down. Thank you for that beautiful reference to my blog. I am touched by it. Immensely. Have a blessed day! ~ jen
thanks for sharing China… I work with exchange students… next fall we’ll have an extra 200… I wonder what they are running far… or to… pray for healthy faith based host families… thanks