We have been going along fine. One year after hosting a small group. Something God told my husband to do…..a decade ago.
But, I refused.
Until, one night….I see an image of people filling our living room…..in a dream. And I heard a voice from heaven say…..
“Many will come in. And many will go out changed.”
And pastor asked…..almost a year ago today….”Can you lead a small group”?
And this time, I knew…..regardless of my inhibitions, fears, and expectations….I must obey.
So we open our doors to fellowship. And things have been going along great.
Many gathered and prayed about what study to do next. And many came back saying……”I think we should study, marriage.” So we agreed with them. And ran ahead….and bought a study.
“Love and Respect”.
And I thought….Leading on marriage should be a cinch. After all, we have been together nineteen years.
Until tonight.
Husband slips. Says some not so loving things. And I feel inadequate.
And childhood wounds reveal themselves again. Denial resurfacing as public offense……caused from husband’s own pain from His parent’s divorce.
And I remember the words……“Hurt people…..Hurt people.”
So, I try to smile graciously. Continuing our study. And move on……
As others share…..“Divorce seems easier. Marriage seems better the second time around.”
And I think of scripture. And try to fit the marriage picture…..and offending relatives……in perspective.
Doesn’t it always help to get perspective?
And I begin to see the Godhead.
He…..the husband.
Us….the church…..in a white dress.
Yet, prior to the wedding…..there is some distress. Fire. Refining. Purifying.
And I am thankful this husband…..the one true husband……doesn’t divorce us. The church. Every time we slip up……or go the wrong way. Or offend him…..in our hearts or heads.
And I begin to ask…..
How many times do we fail Him? The bride not so white? Our words not so lovely?
And I am thankful for His marriage ties. His covenant. That doesn’t let go……when my issues rise….trying to smother….or reject….or distance myself from the love of Christ.
And while praying. “Hosea” comes flashing in my mind.
Hosea was a prophet who God called to marry a harlot. Who was unfaithful…..time and time again.
But yet, God said, “Don’t leave her.”
For your life will be an example……of My love for my people. Never failing. Never offended. Never letting go…..no matter what they do.
And I become convicted…..
Who am I to say how I should and should not be treated?
If offense got through the filter of God……from my husband…..to me……then, I should quietly, patiently, humbly receive it.
And ask through it…..”Lord, what are you trying to teach me?”
Knowing He is still good…..despite how others might treat me.
Just then, husband…..publicly repents. And it seems strange in front of so many. But, I try to graciously receive it.
And I have to, in my mind, ask…..
When we offend our Husband…..Christ…..Do we go to Him so quickly and ask forgiveness?
Or just pretend like nothing happened…..and go on living?
Then, door closes. Last one leaving. And I am ready to retreat after house filled with people.
But, as I brush my teeth. Get ready for bed. Songs of praise rise in my head.
And I find myself giving thanks, instead…..of holding grudge…..like I might have used to do.
Recollecting the God words once shared years earlier…..
“Many will come in. And many will go out changed.”
But, I would have never guessed……
The one He most changed….would have been……us.
Using offense……to clearly see Jesus….and His unfailing, perfect, unrelenting love……for His people.
And for this…..I are thankful.
Linking this post with Emily & Tracy & Titus Tuesdays
Oh Jen, I am praying for you right now. The study you are doing, the devil is trying to trip you up in marriage because its about marriage! Focus on God, and let God work on your husband my friend. I’m praying for restoration and renewal.
God bless
Praying for you. I know it’s hard to see the mountaintop while in the valley. But I’m praying that God restores.
so sorry to hear about your pain…sometimes old wounds need to be opened so the old infections come out and the wound be deeply healed. We maybe left with scars but when the scar is hit…it doesn’t hurt anymore…sometimes we have to go backwards to truly move forward….this process of healing takes time…
Praying for deep healing and restored unity…
I like love and respect….but my favorite book on marriage is “mystery of marriage” by Mike Mason. He and Ann V. reminder me of each other…both have a gift of peeling back the heart issues to get to the root…like Ann’s book…I think this one is really inspired by God.
Hi Jen – Love how this post has evolved. Love how God uses what was meant for our harm and turns it for our good. God bless you as you celebrate thanksgiving and in this study so sorely needed in today
God bless
Tracy, Me, & Ells – So sorry. Started writing this post last night and then accidentally pushed, “publish” instead of “save”. (Your read the unfinished version of it. Opps!) So glad, however, to know I have Women of Faith on my side!
Tracy – So true…the enemy wants to destroy the very thing God plans to redeem, restore, and heal. So glad He remains on the throne no matter what circumstances we go through in life! Many blessings you, my friend!
Really lovely. I never thought of Jesus divorcing me…though He should! I’ll have to browse through your blog some more (when I don’t have thanksgiving pies to prepare). Seems we have a lot in common.
You will be in my prayers, bless you.
lovely prose,
stay strong, bless you.
Happy Thanksgiving.
hurt people hurt people… so true friend…thank you for honesty. for reminding me of he who forgives.
This post penetrates deep into my heart, Jen. Reminding me of how many times I faltered in my love for God. Yet I do forget to ask for His forgiveness. It seems He is trying to open up my heart through your words. Thank you and God bless, my friend.
Melyssa – Thanks for stopping by. And oh, how He should divorce us all. If not for grace…
Denise – Thank you!
Orange Tree – Thanks, my friend. Have a great long weekend also!
Emily – Thank you for reading.
Irene – So glad He touched you through these words.
Blessing to each. ~ jen
Beautiful post. Beautiful how a spirit tuned in to God’s as yours was shines so much light as it rises above. Just realized: how appropriate your blog’s name! Thank you. God bless you.
What a beautiful reminder.
Sylvia – Thanks so much for that encouragement. God bless you, my friend!
Nmetzler – Thanks. Blessings ~ jen