Though there are a million things to do….I open the Word this morning and read……“The rest”…in Hebrews.
“Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall…..”
And, I think of how…..“The Rest” is the same as the, “Be Still”.
The knowing He is God that comes when we stop, take the time, make a way for silence to have a voice…..
The “Be Still” being something that rests deep within our souls….when quiet is a priority.
The peace that surpasses all understanding.
The patient waiting. The “cease from striving”. Opposite of when we unconsciously try to earn our salvation.
And this morning, I read……striving is actually disobedience. “Me-Rise disobedience.” Not just an excuse….or human nature….or the flesh rise that is so easily justified….
But disobedience?
And it sounds so strict?
As I read…..
We must live….. Surrendered. Dependent on the Holy Spirit.
And I keep reading…..
Hebrews 4:16. “Come boldly to the throne room of grace…..that we may obtain mercy and grace…..”
And I have read this verse a thousand times. Quoted it while praying for others. Lived with this kind of mindset….
Boldly before God.
But, as I read, I find more of what boldly means….
Boldly… the Greek:
And boldness is so much more than what I have known before.
Boldness is not a human striving to present oneself confident before God?
Or any human courage…..or strength….or certainty…..that rallies when we feel lost?
Boldness is a result of the Spirit. A result of the Word. Boldness comes from relationship with The One we approach…..
The freedom we find inside the heart of God.
Transparently sharing with the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords.
Holding back nothing.
And I wonder what keeps people from laying their worries at the feet of God… Hannah weeping for Samuel….like Jesus before God?
Is it because…..we fear God? Hesitate to come before Him openly……
Lay down before Him openly….finding rest for our souls?
Do we think we must perform… the world does before it’s Kings?
Do we treat God like the Wizard of Oz…..coming before Him trembling?
Or do we feel offended….because He doesn’t give us what we want…..when we have treated Him like a genie? Or a slot machine…..
Anything less than Sovereign God.
Wasn’t Jesus approachable? Loveable? Compelled to care for His people?
Do we think heaven has…….only a judgment seat?
Hasn’t His blood already made us clean…, when we come to Him……we have already been forgiven?
Don’t we know…..we aren’t saved by our works….but by the blood of Jesus?
And His throne is called a Throne of Grace. And as we approach….we can come boldly…..
Because what we come to is……His Mercy Seat.
Mercy. Grace. A place to be still…..A place of great rest.
In His Word…..this morning…….comfort and peace….
Here. Great rest…..
Breathing in….
The…”Be still”.
Linking w/ Brag On God Friday & Winsome Wednesdays
Thanks for posting this. It’s so easy not to be still and not to find that quiet place with all the noise in our day. Thanks for the encouragement.
Check out my blog if you get a chance…
Rest is a journey. And as simple as falling at His feet. Thanks for articulating the fears that so often keep my legs stiff and rigid. Thanks for cheering me on today.
lamone – So glad you journeyed by! Will be sure to check out your blog.
Matthew – …Oh, the fears that make us all stiff and rigid, at times. Unwilling to be Mary’s in this Martha world. Thanks for reading & your comment Matthew!
Good stuff here. Thanks for this post. Rich blessings in 2012!
Hi Jen – why is it so hard to just rest in Christ? Its something I have to try to do in faith. Thanks for the encouragement to do that. And thank you sweet friend for linking up with me. I love seeing you there
God bless
i want to reach the level of rest of those animals you’ve pictured!
seriously, totally limp, at ease, no worries. yes, in His arms. that’s where i want to find that stillness and just BE.
great words for today. thank you.