I am leaving….
To China.
As I hear of….
Children sleeping…
On plywood.
No pillows.
Handicapped children….
Without limbs. Cleft lips. Disabled.
Babies…lying on the floor.
Never picked up.
Bottles strapped to their head by cloth.
And I know I can’t step foot inside this orphanage…
Without the grace of God.
Because without Him…
Deep distress.
As I remember missions in Guatemala….
Planning. Puppets. Balloons. Jesus.
Yet, this is different.
No wide open oasis….filled with laughing children cared for by Christian foster parents.
This orphanage. Many walls.
In a city kept oppressed from…
The one true God.
Staying in. Four days. Three nights.
All for love….and the hope of the gospel.
And I have heard of dying rooms. Seen them on Youtube.
And I wonder if they are true.
Yet, even if we don’t see them….it doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
And we pray. What to bring.
Clinging to…..The Only One who can set free.
Knowing His sacrifice….is not just for the clean….but the one’s forgotten….
The least of these….
If you have any ideas….of how to minister to these children…..toddlers….preschoolers……in China…..
Please send your thoughts my way….
We would love to hear from you. Thanks!
Prayers appreciated too…..
Jen…wow one week…I will commit to pray daily for you while you are there…From knowing you here…I know His Love and compassion flowing from your heart…I will pray…with and without words…His Liquid Love will pour over…seep into every heart you touch. I can’t wait to hear about your trip. Are you staying 4 days?
Blessings…upon blessings my friend… as you prepare…both physically and spiritually…
Ells – Thank you so much for your prayers! The greatest gift another could give…I think. Yes, only His liquid love could penetrate hearts and change lives. My plead to the Savior also. I will be in the orphanage four days, traveling for a few, and in a larger city the other day. Thanks again Ells for all your encouragement! Heartfelt Thanks from the bottom of my heart! ~ jen
My daughter was one of those who slept on a plywood bed without pillow or blanket. She was one who never had a toy. She was one who had to be taught how to love once she got home.
My prayer for you is that you will plant seeds of love through prayer. They may not receive your cuddles — but you can pray and hold their hand. They may not know how to hold a toy or play with it — but they will meet your gaze and watch you play. Show them… plant the seed. Don’t grow weary doing good. PRAY — they need to know God’s love in their heart, especially those who don’t know how to receive it with their arms.
On a lighter note: BUBBLES, toys that make noise (our daughter’s first toy was an empty water bottle. She loved discovering that she could make noise), and textural toys — that offer them stimulation when they play. That’s what I’d recommend.
God bless you for going. Praying that He will prepare your heart to understand what each child needs.
there are angels on earth and you’re one of them! perhaps one day you can visit our school in the Phil who are in similar situations, be safe and God bless your journey.. xo
One more comment, please read my post, “Hair Bows and Happiness.” May you give that kind of love.
Karen – Thanks for the wonderful ideas of what to bring!! Love the bubbles, audible toys, & things that have texture ideas! Would not have thought of this without your help! Bless you also for taking into your home and heart one of these precious children of God! Your testimony is beautiful!! God’s goodness is so visible in your lives!! Rejoiced as I read it!! THANK YOU so much for sharing!!
Fundamental – I wish you would have known me before I met Christ….I can guarantee I was the farthest thing from an angel you could imagine!!
My husband actually went to the Philippines a few years back and our church was able to visit a similar facilities. They said the need was great there…. Oh how I would LOVE it if God opened doors to come there one day. Thank you so much for your well wishes & prayers. ~ jen
Hi Jen – I will pray for you, for doors to be opened.
God bless
Such a touching post. I am so thankful the plans of the Lord cannot be thwarted. I’ll be praying for your son and for your mama’s heart.
Tracy – Thank you! The prayers of a righteous person availeth much!
Barbie – Sincere gratitude for your prayers Barbie! Yes and Amen….the plans of the Lord cannot be thwarted!!! What a great truth that is! Blessings to you! ~~ JEN
Praying for you to be the hands and arms of Jesus to these kids.
tcsoko – Your prayers are deeply coveted. Thank you.
What to say? My heart breaks for thse sweet ones. I am sooo glad you are going and they will let you in. My husband and I tried to help in an orphanage in China and they wouldn’t let us. Oh how sweet of the Lord to take you to them.
Jen, I am praying for you and the entire team traveling with you. May God cover you, open hearts and minds. May you be an extension of Him and He lead you every step of the way. May He bring comfort to the children in need, by using you. What wonderful work you are doing for the Kingdom of God.
Laura – Yes, I agree. A true gift from the Lord…for Him to open doors to this orphanage in China! One day, my prayers is that all of China will be open to ministry…and to the gospel. Blessings ~ jen
Misty – It is actually just me & a friend going in…plus a translator. Such powerful sentiments. Thank you!!! ~ jen
I’ve been to china…seen the girls….the beautiful children. Your heart is so beautiful to go…and be His hands….His arms….His love. And they respond to that….Praying for you….and them.
Sarah – Thanks for those words Sarah! My prayer…that they would see Christ in me…and be drawn to Him. Bless you for going. Seeing. Doing. Also. Holding tight the prayers of everyone. Held by Grace ~ jen
Jen, thank you for going and shining a light in China. I wonder if music would be a helpful tool or even allowed? Music can break through language barriers and minister in a way words can’t. God bless you!
Donna – Thank you for your suggestion! In fact, you are a confirmation to what God has prompted our hearts to bring. I will be posting about it in the next few days….how God miraculously led us to find music to take to China! I so agree….Music is one of the most powerful ministry tools….touching hearts despite cultural or language barriers. Bless you, my friend. ~ jen
Jen, will be praying. Glad I popped in…I have many friends who have recently moved there to be a part of what He is doing…will pray and let me know if I can ask anyone in country for you, of something good to bring. Blessings!
Abby – Thanks for praying….Yes, God is doing something BIG in China…for sure! Am hearing of many too who are moving there to witness. Thanks for praying to see what else we can bring. Leaving in four days. Can’t wait! Love ~ jen