When our family went to Guatemala, we got first hand experience of what it means to do missions.
Our children….back then….helped raise funds. Collect vitamins. Shoes. Suitcases full for orphanage we stayed at.
We even went to Spanish church beforehand.
My husband Latin. Yet, the rest of us…could not understand…..
Apart from the Spirit of God.
Yet, His Presence was thick inside Spanish church walls. Tears flowed freely….
At the Message of God.
Needing not.
Human Words.
Yet, this time…..preparing for China….things are different. We have traveled to Chinese churches. And doors have been sealed.
Went to China town. Twice. Looking for believers…
But, we found none.
And the thought of a life without Jesus, makes me want to put my lamp stand high…And preach the name of the Most High…Right there on the streets.
Instead, we simply walk and talk and ask people….if they have any Christian Churches in the area.
Because we knew a pastor would support our desire…..
To enter China in hopes of bringing God’s light.
They would come along side us….like Timothy had Paul….
And lift us up. And equip us….
For the sake of the Gospel.
But, unsuccessful.
Hearts praying and pleading The Most High God….
“Lord. Lead.”
And how God always answers the humble prayer…..the “Can’t Prayer”…..
The one that throws it all down prayer. And gives up.
The one that stops, prayer. The gets down on knees and pleads prayer.
He is faithful. When we have nowhere left to go, but Him. When we are weak.
He is strong when we comprehend our incapabilities. And lean on….
The Only Unshakeable One.
Church morning.
Husband waking. Computer calling. Tech man. Hard working.
And I am in awe. An hour later…..Husband makes cd. God given gifts that amaze…even me.
And there it is.
Chinese Christian music.
The one no China town stores held. Not amazon. Or Christian stores. Or online places….could be found.
And yet….God used him….humble husband…..to produce not only a cd…but songs in English I can understand.
And I weep at the goodness of God. (Not a rare thing for me to cry….if you haven’t learned by now)
As, I see……God.
His gifts placed in every man.
And though we couldn’t find any Christians…..or even a Chinese church with their doors open.
God was saying….
“My children…. You are my church.”
“You are the temple of the Most High.”
“In you is everything you need for life and godliness through your knowledge of me….who is calling you into light.”
And I am in awe again….that….
His temple is not constructed by human hands.
His truth resides not in any ways of man.
His Spirit need not be searched for in priests or holy men….
His Spirit lives in us!
His Children.
And God can use tech people. Or housecleaners. Or Homemakers.
Or whatever your gift. God can use you. And He will. He will…..if you let him.
And as I sit there singing in English, Chinese songs…..
Tears streaming…..
I open the Word out of longing for the One who is leading. And there I read….
Acts 18:9-10
“Do not be afraid, but speak and do not keep silent; for I am with you and no one will attack you or hurt you for I have many people in the city.”
Truth ringing in my soul. When I go to China….now, I know…..
We will not be alone.
Though they are silent. Christians reside there.
For, regardless of my Chinese Christian hunt. Regardless of the oppression I felt gather around like fog……walking through China town in the dark……
The enemies deception is not true!
God has called us. He will use us.
And as He opens doors in our hearts to the truth…..
We are the church….
He will lead us to those in the city…..by His God hand. Who wait. Pray. Need. Anticipate. Are preparing. Believing. Seeking. And needing….
His truth.
I believe this….don’t you?
Oh Jen…what a wonderful story of God’s intimate,tender care…and yes…we are the church…built by His hand and His heart. Is your whole family going to china?
Ells – Actually, all of my family is staying home. I am going alone….just me and a friend. We will also be blessed with an interpreter the whole time we are there. Thanking God for He provisions and preparations…even now.
Hi Jen – you must be so excited! Take lots of pictures (i’m sure you will anyway) and I pray for you that all goes well and that the Light of the Lord shines through you even more profoundly than it does on your blog. Blessings
Tracy – I am….filled w/ joy & anticipation! I will try to take photos…as many as I can. Thank you so much for your love, support…and mostly your prayers, my friend. You have been a great source of encouragement to me…for that I feel blessed.
~ jen
What an amazing opportunity and how wonderfully and creatively God has spoken truth and encouragement to you. Praying for His hand to be upon you at all times as you travel. May your light shine brightly. May many see it. May many see Christ.
Way to crush the enemies lies! What an exciting opportunity to spread God’s light. Thank you for what you are doing for His Kingdom.
Jen – What great encouragement. Thank you.
Theresa – Simply glad the earth is His footstool and the enemy is under His feet!
Praising God for His Victory today! ~ jen
Your blog is really inspiring with a wonderful message for everyone. Keep it up! Stopping by from Hopalong Friday bloghop!
The Twerp and I