Early Morning. The God rise. Calling me up. Out. Toward Him.
Where all Created things worship their Creator.
Me….just a small piece of the symphony of praise…..exalting the Most High.
With tired eyes. House Asleep. Door to soul opens.
Me. Carrying nothing….just self in blue pajamas.
The best journeys toward Him….anyway. Arms empty. Decorated not in the things of man.
And I enter His limitless space.
Their safety found in walls of men.
But, not for me.
The God call always reaching to unchained skies. Trees piercing heavens. The limitless cry…..of the wide open.
Parting air that whispers His beautiful name.
So I listen.
As crisp morning wraps itself around me like deep breath from heaven. Anticipation of a new day. The mercies of this morning jolt me awake more than any triple Latte.
As this coffee date….of fresh air….with Him….I anticipate.
Me and Him.
My First Love. My Creator. And me.
We walk through tall grass. Like in the Garden of Eden.
Doing nothing. Striving not. Me. Just listening…..
For the voice of God.
And He speaks. Almost immediately.
“I am enough.”
And I recall my striving self and when He spoke the words first day alone.
“You are enough.”
But, it was more than a still call. This time….a God call. To drench self in His goodness. See Him.
And I recall this field. The day we found it. Covered in tall grass. Weeds. Ruggedness grown over.
And I think of how we are like this….when unclipped by grace. Ungroomed by the very hand of God.
And how much work it has taken to tame field…..like personal uprisings in the souls of man.
Until we sheer. Cut. Machete our flesh with the Word of God.
Yet, how self-directed grooming is never enough.
We must have grace.
And yet, life rises anyway.
In wildflowers.
In berries.
In tree planted last spring.
That despite our attempts to prune our own souls.
Out of weeds. Often. He can grow beauty anyway.
And I remember stories of my Great-Grandma. Ila May. Encountering revival with Billy Sunday.
1920. And how her faith was never the same.
Stories of how….she walked through fields….into the trees…..
And prayed. Fervently.
And how each time she went. She came back changed.
And how…..I am not so different.
How time does not diminish. Decades don’t tarnish. Disintegrate. Damage an unchanging God.
Could it be so with us…..that we were not so fickle?
As I seek ancestors blood through my veins. And wander like her….through fields of grace.
And I find Him here….like she did back then. As I listen….
“I am more than enough.”
No. Not just enough. More than enough.
And even sin. And the worlds sorrows. And man’s troubles…..cannot silent my feathers friends…..
Their songs of praise to The Deserving One.
They know. My Great-Grandma knew. And now….I am learning……
Thanks is not a token we give to Him. Praise. Not a duty bound offering we sacrificially lay at His feet.
It is a gift. From Him.
It is our gift. To see Him in all Creation. To praise Him. Despite our Circumstances.
It is the God breath that rises up in us….just naturally…..when we are in His presence.
And when it does….praise cannot be contained. Spontaneous. Natural. Second nature…..this heart gratitude….bubbling over…..
When we see Him. When we know….
“He is enough.”
As I bottle up the sounds and feel of praise. The heart of Him. The touch of nature.
And shrink it.
Go back in.
Closing door to breath of heaven in my gut.
This morning. Knowing…..
He….is More than enough.
Out of weeds. Often. He can grow beauty anyway…Oh how I love this truth…such hope in those words. you are a gifted writer my friend…I love, love your heart.
Hi Jen – I just breezed through your post because I was in a hurry to tell you, your words – His words – are just what I needed to hear “I am enough” Amen
God bless
Such a beautiful reminder. He is truly more than enough.
Ells – So thankful with you, my sister…that out of broken…He can grow beauty anyway. Thanks for highlighting this important fact. I need to remember it myself sometimes.
Tracy – God is so good like that! So glad…and so thankful…that He could use these black and white letters….across the distance…to touch someone.
Deidra – So thankful He is MORE thank enough too, my friend.
And even, praise in in the circumstances in which we sometimes do not even know we will survive, but yet do because He is pulling us closer to Him.
I love your beautiful journey, your moments in time with Him, that fill you more than anything this world could give.
I love how you offer Him all of you — what a gift to Him.
Thanks Jen – So true, He does fill…more so than anything in this world could….Doesn’t He! And those hard times…a chance to draw close to Him. What a gift! The gift of depending on a perfect, loving, faithful Father! So thankful! Blessings ~ jen
Sounds like it was a great date.
So much peace here, Jen, and quiet stillness. I so appreciate that.
And this, this really caught my attention: “Doing nothing. Striving not. Me. Just listening…..”
I have to ask myself, how often am I striving not? Hardly ever, I would have to say. But look at the benefits that you write so eloquently about here. Why would I turn away from that?
Glenda – Most definitely.
Michelle – Always love your thoughtful comments. It’s hard to do in this life…meet the silent…with eager expectation….the waiting….with patient joy. Something we all struggle with, for sure. And yet….Him….so worth the journey!! Grateful for your comment. ~ jen
He is enough: He is more than enough. I love that you took your camera out on your date with him. I find when I do that, I seek him more in that around me.
What a beautiful posting! I like to walk with you …
He is enough.
Jen, this is the most beautiful description of an encounter with the Lord, a time of worship, a time of praise, a time of refreshment. Thank you for allowing the Lord to inspire me through this. So very well written. I was there too and He is more than enough. God bless, Bobbi
Thank you for your beautiful words, allowing me to walk through fields with Him. Allowing me to see the beauty growing within my weeds, He is beautiful and yes He is more than enough. Simply, beautiful.
you have a really rich way of writing.
Shanda – You were actually the one who prompted me to take pictures wherever I go. Something you wrote about seeing His creation and how it makes us grateful! Thanks for this piece of truth! An eyeopener to the goodness of God….for sure! Love ~ jen
Jedidya – Thank you.
Bobbi – So glad you could join me on this journey outdoors and feel the Breath of Life in the depths of your soul. Always refreshing…always soul lifting…always inspiring….isn’t He!
Misty – Makes me think too…when we look at blackberries….The beauty growing amongst the thorns…it is not the thorns that catch our eyes….but the fruit! So thankful that He looks at US that way! Bless you this day!
T – Thank you so much for reading!
Indeed…MORE than enough! May we say it is so every.single.day!
Bobbi – Without a doubt, dear friend. Without a doubt!
Time, the life we live, cannot damage God. That thought is speaking to my heart. Life happens but it doesn’t change Him. “I change not” rings in my soul. Thank you for giving me that gift this afternoon.
Pamela – So glad God left you with a greater truth of who He is through this. I was kind or getting the same thing when I wrote this….we are the one’s who change and drift in and out of His presence. It is not Him who changes….but us. May we change daily to look more and more like Him. Thanks for sharing, Pamela! Blessings ~ jen
Hello Jen
You have a unique and inspiring blog. You are so right he is enough!
Thank you for linking up to “The Motivational Monday Blog Hop” I am now following your blog.
From What’s On My Mind
“He is enough.”
Yes. I have to remind myself of that often. Even when my heart may doubt it, I know it is solid truth.
So much truth here. You are enough. God is enough. The world lies when it says differently. Thanks.
I, too, love to walk with trees… and if I had a field nearby, I’d go there, too…Love the words He gave you, “even among the weeds”…”I am enough”… so much beauty and grace in those words. Peaceful visiting here.
Wow! More than beautiful! “She came back changed” – that sentence changed me, my perception.
When God talks about a mighty inheritance we leave our children and grandchildren – your grandmother’s faith reaching down the years to you – that is part of that inheritance.
My great grandmother’s inheritance reaches down to me:)
Thank you.
you in your blue pajamas… yes, you are enough. so beautiful. so sacred. thank you.
Mmmm…I sigh at the reading of your words.
It was like an unwrapping of beautifully layered thoughts and heart-pourings.
“The mercies of this morning jolt me awake more than any triple Latte.”
– So true.
Jen – Thanks for stopping by.
Lisa – Just love the assurance you have in Him, my sister! And what wisdom to remind yourself often of His goodness!
Happy – So true!
Path – You can come join me in my field anytime…if even only through words.
Blue – Yes, so grateful for our spiritual inheritance….and how even if we are first generation Christians….God can begin with us so that we can leave a heritage our children’s children can rejoice in….giving all glory to God.
Sherrie – Thank you for reading.
Emily – Appreciate your comment…Thank you!
Sarah – That means a lot! Thank you for your kind words! ~ jen