God……In China.

I sit in church…..in China.

Young girl interpreting beside me.

And there are no stories.  No introductions to conversations of man….

That corrupt this Holy Place.

And before beginning.  One sat down beside us.  Hands folded.  Head bowed.

Mouth slowly mumbling prayers.

And I wonder what petitions are about.

Another in front of me with child.

Bruises on her back peiring back….at us.

And I sense this Holy place….

And the need for these broken to see His face…..

Touch the very garment of Christ.

Congregation praying….

And not just requests for material things….

Not just thanks and amen.

But long prayers.  Drawn out prayers….

Of humility.  And God directed praise.

A church silent.


Soaking in this lengthy, verbal, engagement….

Between the Most High God….

And them.

And then, they sing.  And pray some more.

And the word.  Very short.  About Baptism.

These Loves Eternals….

Becoming like family….

In just this short time.

Language Barriers wide….

Yet, we need not look alike…..or act alike….

Or talk alike…..

To be family.

We are family.  Me….and these people thousands of miles away.

We are one….

And I am ashamed.

That the God we see in the U.S.A…..

Seems little….and somehow…..mundane….

Compared to this big God….


In China.

Where they go to church….

Seven days a week.

And humbly serve….as if it was a gift.

And give.  And love.  And pursue…..

The God of all ages…..

While, we often only…..

offer tokens of His grace…..

Like the Pharisees…..

Putting in pennies…..and thinking.  Somehow.  We are great.


The widows.

Willingly gave.  And give.  And live for Christ.

Offering Him everything…..

And I am humbled in this place.

This church.  Thousands of miles away….

From my home.  My small God.  My world of self-indulgence and man centered ways…..

And I long to curl up in this place.  And rest in the arms of His embrace.

Where My Big God lives.

In church.  In China.


With family.

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  1. Wow…how beautiful. I have never seen the inside of a Chinese church. What a joyous picture of Christian life your words paint…thank you.

    joy & blessings,

  2. Thank you Jen…well done…reminds me of when I listened to katie Davis…nothing between them and their poverty…
    pray your energy…spirit will be renewed…have a blessed day my friend…

  3. My husband and I were talking the other day after a guest minister showed video of a crusade in Africa where the blind and crippled were healed. I asked, “Why doesn’t that happen here?” And he said, “I think it is because God meets them where they are” – each culture has its own challenges – and God meets them there. For example, Paul witnessed to the gentiles and Peter to the Jews – and they had to use different approaches to fit different needs.

    I too want my God to be a BIG GOD – I don’t like how our culture is trying to shrink His place in our society. The older I grow, the bigger He seems to get:)

    You’ve given me a lot to think about!

  4. Alida – Thanks for reading.

    Ells – Yes, nothing between them and their poverty. Beautiful, Ells. Thank you!

    Blue – Boy how I can relate….the older I get…the bigger God He is! Yes, undeniable….the miracles and healings in third world countries. So thankful for His goodness…in countries that have no other hope…no other outlet….but Him. A beautiful place to be…broken. Useless. Incapable…without the hope and help from the God of the Universe!

  5. Judy – Thank you!

    Brian – Amen! Nothing better than an outside of the box God! 🙂

    Patsy – I would love to hear more about the Philippines. My son might be going there for two months…and we would love to hear….how BIG your God is there! Thanks for sharing!

    Emily – Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.

    Amy – Will be sure to read more from your posts. Thanks for the invite. 🙂

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