Blog On Fire!

I am humbled beyond measure to receive the, “Blog on Fire Award” from Judy.

Thanks Judy!!!

Judy is such an inspiration to all those who read her blog.  She has been through some incredible circumstances in her life.  I think we can all learn from her.  She rises in strength and courage every day, despite the most heartbreaking loss….the death of her twin sister.  She is a great witness to uncircumstantial faith and is a great teacher of what it means to persevere through tough times.

Be sure to check out her daily quotes.  Today’s quote is…

“There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle.”  ~ Albert Einstein.

Praising God today that Judy continually fans the flames of the fire of God in her own life…and those around her.  

The second part of the Blog on Fire Award is that I am supposed to share 7 things about myself.

So, in jen style….here it goes.

1)  I was a teacher for seven years. Never got tired of it…never forgot it.  Some of the children I once taught are now in college. (Yes, that means I am old)

2)  I went para-sailing, repelling, rafting….and still want to try sky diving.

3)  I was the one lost sheep….not the 99.

4)  I like Chai Tea….and have a Starbucks addiction I am trying to break.  I also need to attend Chocoholics Anonymous…..before it’s too late.

5)  In the last few years I have had food allergies. I am trying to embrace it humbly, finding grace through it all.

6)  I would rather mow the lawn….than do dishes…or laundry….or pretty much any kind of housework inside.

7)  My husband cooks way better than me.  When we were first married, I boiled rice…..and strained it carefully.

Yes, as you can see….I am a work in progress.  That is why I would much rather talk about God than me…..

Amazing how He is so good to pick up broken pieces…..

Thanks again, Judy, for the “Blog on Fire Award”.

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  1. Awesome…you are on fire girl…you are gifted with words…I am with you on #7…and when I first got married…I baked brownies that where so hard…it came out all in one hard rectangle…would have made a great door stop….
    Blessings to you friend…and congrats…

  2. Ells – Love your story about brownies, Ells. Lol I bet if we sat down to coffee, we could have a few laughs sharing cooking tales! Lol Thankful for a husband who cooks. Proves…one again…how He never ceases to dispense immeasurable doses of grace. 🙂 Blessings my friend, ~ jen

    Judy – THANK YOU…once again! 🙂 ~ jen

  3. Hi Jen – you most certainly deserve this award, and its so good to learn stuff about you. Love all the quirks. Its what makes us all special.
    God bless

  4. Congratulations on your award, Jen. Even though we’ve never met, your love for the Great I AM is obvious and infectious. Thank you for shouting His fame and bringing Him glory through your writing. I enjoyed reading a little about you. We both have the same aptitude in the kitchen. We probably shouldn’t exchange recipes. haha.

  5. Tracy – Thanks Tracy for your continual comment love & support! 🙂

    Donna – Lol….definitely true about the recipe thing!! Thank you so much for sharing and for stirring me on in the faith….reminding me, it’s ALL about Him! May He alone be glorified! Thanks always for your sweet words too, my friend. Many Blessings ~ jen

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