We close the door to summer.
Sweet pictures in our minds.
Of laughter, love, and leisure…..
Spinning ’round….
Like a Merry-go-round….
In our minds.
Play Dates.
As labor of days enter peace moments…Sweeping summer away.
Time has come….to jump on train of schedules.
….Hours filled with obligations.
Chiseling time away like a craftsman sculpting duties.
As summer….like heated ice cream….
Slowly melts away.
And I laugh at all my efforts….
To capture days of carelessness, in clenched fists wanting.
All the while….
“Need to’s”….pry hand open…
Children growing.
Bent knees knowing….
These years have not been mine, anyway.
They have been His.
His to use as He pleases.
His to prepare me to teach them.
Him that gracefully frees them…..
From grips of even parents wanting to preserve children….pint sized….wide eyed….to the world.
Yet, time in unforgiving….
And stops for no one.
Moving like a wheel…..unwillingly.
Forcing me to cling, white knuckles holding….
The only safe place….
In the seat of His grace.
Strapped in.
Surrendered to His ways.
Trusting He turns and stopped and leads….
On this faith journey upward. Upward and away.
As summer ends. And life keeps turning…
In His seat of grace.
Linking this post with Wellspring
& Encouraging Word Wednesday
Love this! The words and pictures are so beautiful! Great Post!
Beautiful photos and message. Glad I found your blog. will be back too!
Hi Jen!
Yes, you are welcome to link to my post.
Bless you as you start the new year of homeschooling-we start tomorrow, and i am frantically attempting to get organized today!
Take care,
What a sweet way to welcome a new season! Yes–in His seat of grace, that’s where I want to be. Time passes so quickly, I don’t want to miss a moment. Really enjoyed this post tonight!
Judy – Thanks. Love your always positive feedback!
Jean – So glad you found me too. Will be visiting you soon. Always love linking up w/ new bloggers.
Michelle – I am so glad to hear that! Thank you! Can’t tell you moved I was by your post this morning. Will be linking w/ you within the week.
Laura – So glad you enjoyed. Even though sometimes it would be nice to stop this wheel of life… sweeter, knowing….we are strapped in by His love…and safe. Thankful for seats of grace.
Love all the sharing from each of you! Thanks! You have blessed my day! ~ jen
What a delightful post that soon we will be entering into the fall season. I always love and appreciate the changing of the seasons, and marvel at God’s beautiful works; however fall is my favorite time of the year when the brilliance of the colors and the gradual cooling of the weather make everything fascinating!
Love the pictures!
Blessings and love,
Denise – I can imagine that if you live where it is extremely hot that fall would be the most refreshing season of all. And yes…the colors. The colors all created by His hand…stunning indeed. ~ jen
I like how you used all the summertime images and incorporated them into the passage of time. Nicely done.
Thanks Kathleen.
I can relate to this so much. I think my life would be so much better if I could just realize that my kids are only “borrowed” from Him. I might appreciate them more often that way, instead of always getting frustrated by them! I always love coming by and catching up. You really are an inspiration!