There was no way she could have known. Coming home. There it was.
A gift.
A French Press…….and this.
Unheard of….
How did she know?
I never told a soul….
Joan of Arc is someone I would have longed to know.
A woman of strength. Conviction. Yet, humble beyond definition.
How did she know? Her quotes…next to the Bible….are some of my favorites.
“Hold the cross high so I can see it through the flames.”
“I am not afraid…I was born to do this.”
And how I desire….the Heart Calling she had. The determination to walk in God’s ways….
Instead of listening to “man”.
Going through life not forgetting or forgotten.
Taking her God Call….and pursuing it with passion.
And did my friend know? How Joan of Arc humbly surrendered too.
How she ate only bread and water many a days? How God protected her from pillaging and rape?
How the world’s eyes were on what was “only” a young girl…..
Because the Spirit of the Living God was alive in her….
And she lived it out. Fearlessly. Bold.
There. On the porch. Returning home. This card……a gift from God.
I had been struggling with a screaming child…..from respite. And it was hard.
And yet, her words filled the dry, cracking parts of my heart.
On the top of this birthday card….God words. Clear. Words of boldness. Faith. Trust.
“I am not afraid. I was born to do this.” ~ Joan of Arc
And I call, dear friend. And ask….
Did you know?
Why this card?
Can’t believe what it said.
Not just on the cover….but in your writing led by God’s hand.
And her story went….
I had bought this card years ago. I was drawn to it. But, I let it sit. Then……I thought of you. Picked it up and decided it was the one I would send.
And it wasn’t even an “official” birthday card.
But, without a doubt, a God lead.
This friend….my dear friend…..always following the God lead.
And I am humbled as I read it. Again.
Knowing….in this hard place…..
God sees.
And not only does He see….but, He speaks. Through my friend.
And I ask……
What if we all followed the God lead? In everything? In little things? In things that we think don’t matter?
Would the world be different?
Would people be encouraged? Would the light of Jesus shine brighter?
And I sigh in thankfulness….as I think of….the Faith Rise.
Of this Saint.
Because she chose to be still.
Humble herself.
Hear from God.
And obey.
And I want to be like her still… I read…..
“One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.”
Linking with Wellspring
Jen…just lovely…I love this story…I love this friend…I long to be that kind of friend. One who hears the The Friend of all Friend’s Voice…to become His voice too…
Have a wonderful weekend…
Stopping by from the blog hop and following you thru GFC and RSS Reader. I would love a follow back wehn you get the chance. Thanks so much for your help and have a wonderful weekend.
Ells- Yes, my friend. Oh, to be the God voice to others. That they may hear Him and see Him more clearly!
mmbear – Thanks for the follow.
I really appreciate this! Our words have the power to transmit life or death to others. Tuning our voices, and our ears, to the voice of God always makes a world of difference.
And — oh yes — a French press makes a world of difference, too!
This is such a deep post. Joan of Arc was indeed an amazing woman. You are also doing a wonderful job sharing such inspirational messages. God Bless!
Matthew – Yes, my brother…amen for the French Press too. Lol
Judy – Glad to see somehow who shares my appreciation for Joan of Arc. Thanks, Judy.
Love this, Jen. I love moments like this where there is no denying that God’s hand was all over it!
Fear No Dream, Joan understood that. And your life is Romancing that out of you. Go with it.
Thanks for sharing!
New GFC follower from About A Mom. Please feel free to follow me at
Hi Jen – I love hearing stuff like this, God’s personal touch in our lives. And what an awesome quotation – I am not afraid, I was born for this – and even better yet, hold the cross up high so I can see it through the flames. Amazing!
God bless
Praying for you for strength for each day!
Amen! To love like Jesus, to follow where He leads in the big and the small, to touch other’s hearts and lives with His love…is to live…with, in and through our Heavenly Father. Beautiful words, Jen!
Eileen – So true. Those are the best, aren’t they?
Enigma – Better yet, the dreams God puts in us….no, my friend?
Rachael – Thanks for the follow.
Tracy – So glad you appreciate the flames quote too. Seems we all go through the flames…in different ways….yet, the only thing that matters? Holding that cross high! True, my sister! Bless you today! ~ jen
Cindee – Great words in your comment, Cindee. Thank you!
Hi Jen,
What a thoughtful sentiment from your friend, (and a french press is the best!) I have always considered Joan of Arc as a national heroine and saint. She asserted that she had visions from God and followed His instructions and wisdom with grace and obedience. Lovely post; I loved the quotations!
Blessings and hugs,
I enjoyed your post. I hope you have a blessed week. Doylene
Hello again Jen,
I find your Blog so inspirational that I am happy to pass on the Blog On Fire Award to you. You can get more details on my Blog. Take care and God Bless.
Denise – So glad you share my appreciation for this God follower, Joan of Arc.
Doylene – So glad to have you reading.
Judy – Wow! Thanks! I am heading to your site to check it out! Blessings to you! ~ jen
If we truly believed this statement AND did not have fear in our lives, just think how God could use us!
Shanda – What an incredible thought Shanda! Thanks for sharing! ~ jen
I have always been inspired by the life of Joan of Arc. What a wonderful example she was. Thank you for sharing this post.
Charlotte – Nice to hear you share my appreciation for this fearless woman of God! Have a great afternoon! ~ jen