I was completely broken by Michelle’s post over at Gathering the Lambs this past week.
She is a fellow foster parent and adoptive parent who has opened her home and heart with loving arms.
Please read the shocking statistics in her town about foster care over at….Gathering The Lambs.
I know from experience…my city is no different.
A friend at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit told me…as I looked down rows of tiny beds filled with fighting lives…nearly all these babies are filled with drugs…and most will return home with the one who contaminated their tormented bodies….because there are simply not enough foster homes.
Regardless of your location…your town is no different. I am sure of it.
Here is my heart cry in response to Michelle’s Post…. (Hope I don’t offend anyone….I am just extremely passionate about this subject. Please be sure….this post is to myself as much to anyone else. As I contemplate the truth about the need for foster parents….I look at an empty crib sitting in my daughters room)
They are out there. The many.
Daily. Babies turned in. Abandoned. Born…exposed to Meth Amphetamines. Suffering, Alcohol flowing through their veins.
And yet, society…ignorant to their pain.
These Littlest ones.
Fighting for their lives ones……
Warriors. Really. Holding on. Surviving….detoxing with shakes and cries.
And I hear of adoptive parents…wanting blonde hair, blue eyes. Turning down “imperfect” children….who might not “fit”……in societies eyes.
Yet, because we don’t see them….is their pain any less true?
Like the baby left in the gutter in front of our friends church…..
Or the one left in winter, over the bank, behind a fence….just last year.
Abandoned for drugs….left with bodies full of toxins.
These painful heartbeats…the papers fail to mention.
And it sickens us…..
Yet, not enough to take action. Do something.
Is it easier to forget?
Hide in sands of self? And go on…
As if a world is not hurting?
It is not our job to help.
As nurses send home….failure to thrive preemies, fighting for their lives….
…..to mothers strung out on drugs….
Because foster parents are uncertain or hesitate to sign up.
Tragedy ignored.
Yet, again….
And I think of Jesus.
Why is it suffering always makes me think of Jesus?
And I must ask….
Did He come only for the perfect? Or those needing a physician?
And I intercede for these…..His saving grace…
Knowing my precious five year old was once also a statistic….homeless on the streets.
And soul screams….
Why is it easier to go on with lives of comfort…..than to reach out a Christ arm and help?
And what are emotions….if emotions don’t prompt us to action?
Helping the orphaned….in our own communities.
Yet, each day…babies fight for life…
And cry in agony for some relief from their fight….
Does society fail to hear them….
Because they are busy…or blind?
Would we rather sit in church comfortably…..and with clean hands….give tithe…
Hoping others will do something…..
Than to jump into the world and get messy….in the trenches….where our Savior stood?
And burden beckons me to ask…
Was James right when He said in pen of sacred writings…
“Perfect Religion is this….to care for the widow and the orphan….and to keep oneself pure before His sight.”
And as I lay my head down, I wrestle the most painfully question….
How many babies….broken….will be born again tonight?
Linking w/ Shanda at On Your Heart Tuesday
& Titus Tuesdays
Hi Jen – praying for you and others close to this. Its not something I have looked into here, maybe out of fear of the unknown. Praying for you, praying for the little ones, and praying that if there is anything I can do, God will show me.
God bless
Oh Jen, thank you for writing this and sharing your heart with us. I think back on my time in Honduras with all those babies and my heart weeps all over again. Today, I will put this on my heart as well and pray during the day for loving mothers and fathers to take in these precious little babies. Who knows: he may turn my heart there as well.
Very well said Jen! I followed the link to your blog from the adoptive families preemie group. I adopted a premature baby. He has been with him since day 1. Despite his rough start, he has thrived very well with us. He is now 2 1/2 years old and even though he has some minor sensory regulations issues that he receives therapy for…NO ONE would ever guess that he was a preemie exposed to drugs. In fact, friends are shocked when I tell them (if I do share it). He is full of life and love and we are exceptionally blessed to have him as our son. We are starting our homestudy to adopt again and I would gladly accept another preemie who has been exposed to drugs. No fear here!!
Hope your message spreads loud and clear!!
Tracy – I love your willingness to always be open to hear him…whatever the call. Thank you for your prayers…they mean the world.
Shanda – What incredible testimonies you must have too of little ones without families. Love how you have traveled the world and are still open to pray His heart…uncalloused by what you have seen.
Jen – First, I LOVE your name!
Second, thank you so much for coming here to share your story! What a great witness you are to the redemptive power of Our God….and how He truly restores and redeems! Bless your family in adopting another beautiful treasure!! My prayers for the perfect child for your home…that He/She would be hand selected by God. And amen to NO FEAR, my sister! Amen to no fear!
Many blessings to you and your family, The Other jen
Great post….thank you for bringing awareness to this situation. It is so true…there is a lack of true Christian love and concern amongst Christians. May we look at ourselves first, and ask the Lord to make us the lovers and the ones hungry for good works!
Alice – So good. Yes, may we look at ourselves first….and ask…Lord, how do you want to use me. Such great wisdom, Alice. Blessings ~ jen
My house sits empty, and I’ll take drug exposed infants. They say there is a need, but I don’t see it here. I think it has less to do with available foster homes (as there are several I know of that sit empty and are willing to take a drug exposed/addicted infant) and more to do with money for/from the agencies.
Praying He fills your house w/ infants. I know where we live, often established foster homes have primary precedence when placing babies. How many we have had to turn away. But praying, God, in Grace, sends many, many needy infants your way.