Obedience in the “Yes”.

Four years ago, almost exactly today, I had a dream of a an orphanage in China.  Kids needy. Us bringing more than food and water.

Yet, I question the fruit of such things…..like…..why would I dream of me in China?

What does this mean?

But I let it rest….

Those seeds planted in my head and heart, years ahead……until He watered, feed, and showed me what they meant.

Then, the other day. A friend returns from….


An orphanage.

God opening doors.  Slowly.  And I am offered to go.

And I ask…..Why me?

God…where are you leading?

And I had forgotten the dream.

Years prior.

As I listen for the God voice calling.

And it comes through my husband.  “I really feel like God is calling you to go.”  

Conformation through girl standing in line in front of me.

Conversation growing….and I learn….she is traveling to China and grew up as a missionary in that region.

Then, family picnic.

Exchange student.

From where?


Everywhere I go, China calls.

Pieces put together by the hand of God.

And then I am reading. Remember….


This dream.  Years prior.  And the seeds long ago God Planted in my head.

And I am certain I must answer Him…..”yes”.  Isn’t obedience always in the yes? 

And rest in His peace strength with faith Spirit leaping.

Following the God voice wherever He leads…..

Even if it’s to China.

Linking this post with Emily
& Womenlivingwell 

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  1. Tracy – So sweetly & gently already Tracy. Kind of last minute. Am leaving in 3-weeks. Will be sharing more in days to come. Blessings to you today! ~ jen

  2. I have had a similar dream of Africa. It always used to come so clearly…I could see myself standing there all the way down to the blue skirt and white shirt (that I don’t even own) that I am wearing. But after husband and kids,the dream has faded, but will it come again? Curious and excited to see where God will lead me!

  3. Jen…this is so wonderful…studying germination with my daughter…an embryo goes under ground…soaks in all the water until it burst forth and takes root…roots taking in nutients to push the plant through the soil…ready to bring forth fruit…
    Can’t wait to see the fruit of this new journey you are on…what joy:)

  4. Mama Bear – How exciting!! Yes, I totally believe these dreams are seeds from the Lord to prepare our hearts for what is to come. Praying for the fulfillment of this dream for you…and for His perfect timing! So amazing how He knows the end from the beginning…and how we are just pieces of His purposes… Sojourners in this thing called life. Thank you so much for sharing!! You just added to my joy of following! Bless you ~ jen

  5. Ells – Wow! So beautiful the workings of a seed. How neat that you would share this with me. Thank you! So appreciative for the nutrients of His Word and The Creator that makes all created things grow! Blessings, my dear friend. ~ jen

  6. The Lord leads in mysterious ways at times. I love your heart. I love your blog and your music. They all inspire me. The wall in China pictures are inspiring as well.

  7. Charlotte – Thanks. Am thrilled to see another facet of our God…through these beautiful people. Blessings.

    Lisa- So encouraging to hear you have seen such good return from those going to China! What inspiration!

    Judy – Amen to that! 🙂

    Gripped by Grace,

  8. Messy – So glad you can share in my journey. ~ jen

    Brian – Thanks!

    Loni – So thrilled to hear about your son! Would love to hear more. There is nothing more exciting than young people responding to the call God….wherever that leads!!

    Stacy – Thank you. What a lovely prayer….yes. A surrendered heart that always answers, “yes”.

    Blessings to all of you ~ jen

  9. Mikki – Thanks for reading. Will be sure to share.

    Emily – And yet…your calling is just as great. To be a new mom….An incredible gift….

    Shanda – Can’t wait to hear about your missions trip also! 🙂

    Love ~ jen

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