Carpet calls. And it becomes….
The lap of my Lord.
And I find….it is the only place I am home.
There. Tears stream. It is there where….I meet Him.
In Humbles Embrace….
Just Him and me.
And the world is washed away by the comfort of His voice. And dove’s rise carrying the burdens of my soul…
As this surrender seems to call me…
Deeper through Heaven’s door.
Weights melting into clearer images of Him.
In His arms of grace.
Where flesh clearly fails me….
The presence of The Holy One.
Calls me closer….
The quiet place…
Where “religion” means nothing.
Intimacy is everything.
To His safe arms… I cling.
And I want no more….nothing less than….
Only Him.
On the floor. Face to face…
With the King of Kings…
This generous giver of grace.
My everything.
Resting peacefully…
With my face to the floor.
Linking w/ Ann at A Holy Experience
& Emily at Imperfect Prose
Joining you on the carpet today…longing for the generous giver of grace.
Very deep and comforting. God Bless!
Ells – So glad to meet you here…in humbled embrace.
Judy – Yes, His arms…the most comforting of places. Bless you too Judy. ~ jen
Great blog!
Btw, I discovered your blog via Thursday blog hop,
and I’m glad I’m now following you via GFC.
If you get a chance, please feel free to visit my blog.
I’m looking forward to seeing you there and hope you follow back. Thanks!
Another awesome poem. I love the lines, “Weights melting into clearer images of Him./In His arms of grace./Needy.”
I am so needy!
Visiting your blog is so comforting. I am glad to find you. Thank you for visiting and commenting.
I’m a new follower! I am so happy I found your blog on the hop! We are saving for an adoption, and to find other people with hearts for adoption and orphans is wonderful. Your blog has so much encouragement and inspiration in it. Thank you.
Great Pics and delightful reading! Have a great day
MomFashionWorld – Thanks for coming by and for following.
Michelle – Me too. Me too.
Stacie – So glad we could connect. Blessings.
Briana – Thrilled to hear your family is saving for adoption! How exciting!
Oriana – Thanks a ton! Have a great day too. ~ jen
such peace in this post… how i needed this tonight. thank you dear jen.