Wholly Devoted in 5 minutes flat.

Trying something new today.  Writing for 5 straight minutes. No correcting. No editing. Just pure, undefiled, raw writing.  Honest words poured on a blank screen for 5 minutes flat.  It is a challenge from, The Gypsy Mama.  And I am always up for a challenge. It should be fun.  It might be difficult.  But, here it goes….

The prompt is:  WHOLE

Ready. Set.  Go!

In a world of ambiguity, no absolute truths….relativity.  We struggle doing anything wholeheartedly.  We do what we want, when we want, how we want.

A pieces world….if you will.

Pulling apart what we live.  Want.  Fits comfortably in our pieced together consciousness.

Yet, I recall.  A man asked Jesus…How do I inherit eternal life?

Jesus reply?

Love the Lord with you whole heart, soul, strength, and mind.

Does God except our pieces.  When we enter heaven after life’s long journey.  What will He say when we lay at His feet….fragments….of what we thought we should do….or what He needed.

Yet, I am reminded.  He needs nothing.  Oh, what can we who are here today and gone tomorrow offer Him?

But, a poor and contrite spirit.  A life wholly devoted.

A life wholly, and completely, and desperately surrendered…..to Him.


That wasn’t as bad as I thought. Kinda fun actually. And yes, had to add a photo after I got done. Hope that doesn’t count against me!?   🙂

Everyone have a great day!

Love ~ jen

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  1. That was absolutely beautiful, and a wonderful reminder to my soul today! Thank you for sharing your words, your heart, and your devotion. You are loved, and I’m sure God is just smiling down on you today! Thanks again!

  2. Patti – Not sure if they make a lot of sense…”Pulling apart what we live??” But oh well. Unedited writing are the rules. Unedited writing is what we get. Thank you for the comment. ~ jen

  3. I have lived this. I actually even tried to live as a Pastor’s wife without being WHOLLY DEVOTED in my heart (it doesn’t work well, by the way, just saying…)

    Well done!!

    I added my picture after the timer went off too!!)

  4. Good for you that you can follow the “rules”! I edit perpetually, so I don’t know if I can write unedited. But, I love the one-word prompts and the freedom to express. I am so encouraged as I read so many broken stories and whole healing stories.
    We are a pieces world and pieces people – so true.

  5. Jackie – My fellow picture sister. Glad I wasn’t the only one! 😉 Thanks for sharing…and for your honesty. Lots of love ~ jen

    Christie- Appreciate so much your reading & replying.

    Alyssa – Yes, a pieces world and a pieces people. Sad..but true. I bet you could do the 5 minutes challenge. I believe in you!! 🙂

    Am wondering if this challenge stemmed from a writing course somewhere. Found, it’s a great way to unravel thoughts & simulate creativity. My fingers can (most of the time) actually keep up w/ my thoughts! Lol

  6. I thought it was beautiful….you write unedited better than a lot …or at least me edited:)

    A life, wholly, and completely and desperately surrendered to Him….Amen

    Maybe when I get my blogging feet under me I will try a five minute Friday….

    Happy Friday…

  7. Eileen – Yes, those minutes away from everything else….a chance to pour out soul and be ready to go to the world that beckons loudly. 🙂

    Ells – Will look forward to reading your “5 minutes” when ready to share. Have a great weekend. Blessings to you! ~ jen

  8. beautiful write! i love doing this, for sometimes it just flows more like it would if you were just conversing, know what i mean? and all with permission to not over-analyze. you did a great job. and blessed a bunch of us in the process 🙂

  9. As I began reading I was hearing Olivia Newton John singing in the background “Wholly Devoted To You” That is what I wanted to be as well. Totally Devoted to Christ. With all my heart, soul and mind.

  10. Shannon – Thanks! Look forward to reading your 5 min. Friday too.

    Steph – Yes, over analyzing is my downfall. Totally know what you mean.

    Shanda – HaHa. That’s great! Totally forgot about that song until now. My roller skating days…I think. :0)

    Tracy – I know, to imagine…ALL our hearts, souls, & minds. Every thought….devoted to Him. I am w/ ya…still working on it.

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. ~ jen

  11. Autumn – Love having you here. Mixpod will let you make a playlist and add music. It’s not as hard as it looks. If I can do it…anyone can do it! 🙂 Hope you come back soon. ~ jen

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