This day opens up like a flower to the light.
Like a child’s hand searching for delight.
Like butterfly wings ready to soar.
As I take a leap off the limb into more….
More…of what God has for me.
Breaking free from bitter cocoons….
Not drawn away by fears beckoning….
It is this day.
That I search for…..
Seek to capture…..
Wait to leap into…..
It is these wings that were born to draw wind underneath them….around them….through the very soul of my being.
For the crisp sky of early morn whispers. To me…You…..The courageous…
The earth whispers to….
There is more…
Than dreadful days….caught up in worries….and time capsules of yesterday.
Today is a chance to spread wide the gifts God’s given.
Rid yourselves of cocoon prisons….
Other people’s expectation.
Is the time to soar.
Today I join Ann in reaching into skies of Thanks. And entering heavens….with wide open arms filled with praise!
10) I thank Him for air, crisp and clean….
11) Mornings of great expectations.
12) A chance to seize the day.
13) I thank Him for little feet…pattering my way.
14) The life in the eyes of a child awake….
15) The arm from heaven that’s gripped on tight.
16) His faithfulness through every season of life.
17) I thank Him for storms…where roots go deep.
18) For the family who we love….renewing their vows yesterday…on the beach.
19) For the hope of salvation….a hope that never dies.
20) The chance to go to China.
21) How His Word is always life.
He IS my everything. And How His love always, no matter what, without a doubt…..reigns!
Thank you for joining me today…
And Ann at A Holy Experience
O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good!
Beautiful post!! Love the awesome pics too.
Hi Jen – beautiful post. Quite a few blogs out there with butterflies the last few days. god must be showing us all something.
God bless
Veronica – Yes…isn’t He good!!
Tracy – Really? Didn’t know there were other butterfly posts out there. How neat when God speaks like that! Thanks for sharing.
Blessings ~ jen
I am your newest follower from the Fun Tuesday Hop via GFC, stopping by from
Hi Jen – thought you might like:
Rid yourselves of cocoon prisons…Amen to God’s write just beautifully.
Coupon – So glad for the follow. Thanks for coming by!
Tracy – Thanks for directing me to this site. So funny. Such similar pictures. Same day. Yes…God must be saying something. Butterflies everywhere!! ;0) Have a blessed day! ~ jen
Ells – Thanks for your sweet comment. ~ jen
So many blessings!
Thank you for sharing and for the pretty pictures.
God bless,
Amazing pictures! New follower returning your visit.
Beautiful pictures illustrated with beautiful words as always. Thank you for sharing an uplifting post.
Bethany – Glad you liked the photos.
esahm – Thanks for coming by.
Misty – Always an encouragement. Thank you. ~ jen
Beautiful gratitude list, beautiful photo too!
Simply beautiful, Jen. The photos are lovely.
Many blessing to you.
funny, i think most of us take clean air for granted. something that our friends in Texas certainly aren’t doing right now. thank you for sharing your heart with us
Beautiful photos of butterflies! Visiting from Friday Bloghop!
The Twerp and I
Excellent post!
beautifully said. praising God along with you for all His blessings.
Great pics.
I’d love you to share your pics with me at Walkabout