“But you are a CHOSEN GENERATION…..
A Royal Priesthood…
A Holy Nation……
His own Special People……
That YOU may proclaim the PRAISES OF HIM…..
Who called you out of darkness…..
Into His marvelous light!” ~ 1 Peter 2:9
Have a blessed Sunday, my friends!
Linking this post w/ Scripture & A Snapshot
Amen! Just now studying 1 Peter!
Thanks Shanda for twittering this post!! So glad He called us out of darkness…into His glorious light! What a great God we have!!! ~ jen
Amen! Beautiful post!
I’m so glad I found your blog through today’s pink dandy hop. I’m following you now and also signed up for updates through email. I can’t wait to read more! Feel free to stop by ours anytime.
have a great Sunday! http://notesfromthenelsens.blogspot.com/
Oh yes!! What beauty both in words and photograph. Thank you for this.
What gorgeous photos and a powerdul reminder in this passage! Thank you for sharing!
So hard to believe… Royal, Holy, His own Special People. Wow. That just takes my breath away…
Veronica – Thank you!
Heather – Glad you could jump aboard. Will be coming to visit soon.
Rambling – Thanks. Need a better camera…but love taking the photo’s anyway. Pure joy!
Branson – Love how the Word is Spirit…and a powerful sword!
Diedra – Yes! Just love the Word! God words…for sure.