Compelled outside. Early morn. Forsaking beauty for over-sized boots.
Loves Eternal. Still asleep.
Wooden dock calling me….
Out of constricting walls.
Into open field.
Down grassy path…..
To waters edge whispering.
And there…..I drown in silence.
Devouring His peace, like breakfast to the soul. Searching for Heaven’s handouts….even more…..
And I absorb unfiltered air….unbound by walls of steel…..And it softens everything.
Tranquility to my soul. Standing silent here.
Until I remember…..
Nothing can live, apart from Him.
Alarmed, as bird takes flight…..Making pond his path to freedom.
Soaring out and away from dismal days and walls of grey….into open skies.
And even Faithful Companion soaks in life giving, soul stirring refreshment.
Waters in Hebrew being, “mayim“.
And I remember Scripture… His Spirit hovers over water.
And how in 1 John….Three bear witness on earth: Spirit. Water. Blood.
And how these three, it says, agree as one.
And how blood poured out with water from my Saviors side.
And how Jesus told the Samaritan woman…
“I will give you living water that will never run dry.”
And how, He says….
“My water will not just be for you….but in you.”
And I think of dead rock in the desert.
Moses striking.
Rock splitting.
Life quenching…
Dry ground.
And how even the driest of lands…the hardest of rocks….can spring forth a well of life…at His command.
And how many of our days do we walk right by the very source of our strength?
And as I leave. Lily pads drench in His weight.
Even leaves cling to mornings mercies untouched by the rain.
And I walk up path home, hearing all creation cry out….
It’s a new day. His Praise. Heaven’s shout.
And I shut door to….
Feathered worshipers.
Leaved Creator Seekers.
Water’s Spirit all about….
Until I reach down.
In drenching heart.
And find River of Life……
Bubbling out….
Linking this post with…Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday
Hi Jen – You write in such a way, I felt I was sitting at your pond absorbing those quiet moments. Thank you, great way to start my day.
God bless
I’m clapping for the beauty of your words today my friend.
Wow… I am so speechless right now. My heart is captivated by the beauty of your words. This post is very soothing to the soul. Beautiful, just beautiful.
Take care and God bless, Jen.
“Devouring His peace, like breakfast to the soul.” I loved this line and the picture of the golden.
Dont you just love when He draws us in a moment…and the breeze feels like His touch. The sun, His love…and within the souls says
Great Post!!!
Tracy – Thanks for journeying w/ me to the pond….
Elizabeth – Delighted that you enjoyed.
Irene – Heart overflowing w/ thanks for your comment.
Wolfs – So glad you liked our Faithful One. Best dog ever.
Starla – Your comments are always so beautiful. Simply love your writing. The eloquence & flow. Am coming by to read more from you. A master crafts”woman” with the pen….for sure.
How nice to wake up to all your comments. Makes writing so much more fun…. Better than keeping captive words in a journal, hidden under my bed.
Your sister in Christ ~ jen
Visiting after seeing your post on “Ann’s” blog
Beautiful – and what I wouldn’t give to be able to sneak out my back door to WHAT YOU HAVE! What a blessing!
Love this. The second in a row about thirst for The Living Water. My heart needs time at the pond.
I love that. His living waters are so powerful that they bubble out! He cannot be contained, if we but drink from his mercy.
Such beauty here. I feel the drenching. Thank you for splashing the Living Water on me tonight!
Fantastic blog! You have an incredible gift with words. I found your site for the first time tonight. I plan on coming back to read more.
Too often I do walk by instead of experiencing His strength and help. Nice reminder.
Your words are nicely placed together. I like the pictures too.
I’m kinda coveting your pond.
But even if I don’t have one, I know that the peace of which you write is available to me. And, I get a little closer to it by reading your words.
Beautiful, dear.
Your title is the name of a book I wrote, after spending much time at a beloved pond. You can see it at my place today as I wrote about the changes that are coming soon to it.
I’m visiting from Jen’s place and so glad I did. I want to come back here and read more of your beautiful writings!
Mandi – It’s all in the well of your heart, my sister. So glad we share the same Jesus.
Pamela – Love those confirming messages.
Shanda – Amen! He can’t be contained!
Laura – Soaking in His glory w/ you.
Ross – Glad you found me. Welcome!
Cedar – Yes, he is always accessible. Grateful too.
Peaches – Thanks you
Jen – Thanks for reading.
Kristin – Really? I will have to pop by and check out your book. I bet it is wonderful. Congratulations on publishing.
Wow, overwhelmed by all the feedback. THANK YOU everyone
~ jen
First off, love the boots. Second, your faithful compainion looks like mine!
Amy – HaHa… :0) Gotta love, big, clunky boots, huh. Lol The boots are actually my husbands. Easy to slip on…and always the comfiest.
Really? Golden’s are the best. Such sweet, sweet dogs. Hope to see photos of yours soon. ~ jen
Such beautiful pictures and meditation!
You have been gifted by the Lord for His glory’s sake!
Thank you for linking to LACE today.
God bless you..Trish
Love the beauty of the words spoken here.