Peaking around corner. Following songs sound. I see her.
Tiny digits dancing across ivories.
Voice lifted.
I watch unknowingly.
Wondering what lured her.
Listening. Unrelenting.
And I recall….Someone praying, few weeks prior….that though her physical ears can’t hear…her spiritual ears would be opened.
And hearts melody floats through our home like sweet perfume.
The beauty of a child.
And I open up the Word.
Habbakkuk 3.
And it reads…
Though the fig tree may not blossom. Nor fruit be on the vines.
Though the labor of the olive may fail. And the field yields no fruit.
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold. And there will be no herd….
Yet, I will rejoice in the Lord.
I will joy in the God of my salvation.
The Lord God is my strength.
He will make my feet like deers feet.
And He will make me walk on the high hills.
JOY in the Hebrew being….“gil”; meaning….
“Leaping for joy”,”Dancing for joy”,”Spinning around with great emotion.”
And my mind shifts to David…who rejoiced….though losing child.
And Paul and Silas….who rejoiced….though locked in prison.
And God…..who dances over Jerusalem, because of His people. (Is 65:19, Zeph 3:17)
And I see that joy is a choice. Regardless of trials…or the way we feel.
And I think of our own “though’s“….
Though ______________ happened……will I choose to rejoice?
Though _____________ hurt me………..will I choose to have joy?
Though ______________ is now gone….will I choose to praise?
And I ask: What are we going through right now, where we can choose to have joy?
And I hear Daughter of Heaven still playing….
Singing full force. Careless whether song is on key. Clueless to hardships of the world, government, or economy.
Just rejoicing.
And the question beckoning…..
Can I have faith like a child?
This child…..Singing from a far.
Fingers bent.
Voice raised.
Unceasingly playing….Heaven’s Song.
Linking up with Hear-it-on-sunday-use-it-on-monday.
“And hearts melody floats through our home like sweet perfume.” Oh Jen…this is utterly wonderful, that she chooses joy, chooses to sing and play when she cannot hear either…just for the joy.
Thank you so much for sharing such a living example of the verses in Habakkuk.
Oh Jen, this was so precious. I wonder what words she was singing. The wonderful thing is that God understood every word and loved it. That scripture in Habakkuk is one of my favorite.
So amazing. To resist my flesh when everything in me wants to complain and choose instead joy. To see the cup half full rather than half empty. A beautiful post! I want to bring God glory and choose His Way versus versus my own. Thanks, Jen.
Hi Jen – I’ve just left a blog where a mom was describing her child’s faith. Children can teach us so much about how God wants us to be with regards to Him and how to relate to Him. Lovely lovely post.
God bless
Connie – Our little one is only deaf in one ear & has fluctuating loss in her “good” ear, so she speaks & can sing….though it is really off key. Just love the innocent songs of a child, though. I think they must be so sweet to The Father’s ear….no matter what key they are in.
Shanda – She was singing God loooovvesss meee. God lovveees me. My family loves meee. My mom & dad love meee. My brother loves meee. My sister loves meee etc. etc..
Am always in awe how easily children “get it” that God loves them…where us adults sometimes struggles w/ the concept that the God of Universe could actually love little ol’ us. My children…my greatest teachers. Always love your feedback Shanda.
Donna – Great point. I think kids rarely even see the cups half empty. No matter what the situation, seems to me, they always choose optimism & have a resistance that can defy all odds. Love that!
Tracy – Hopefully I will get to run across that post. Always love those faith building site’s…kinda like yours, my sister!
Thanks everyone! Love your feedback! ~ jen
Thank you for asking these questions of yourself…so I can share and ask myself too! God bless you today!
I read this with tears in my eyes. Such a beautiful encouraging post. Then I was reading the comments and read what she was singing and those tears fell…How beautiful that she feels so much love.
I hope your Monday will be full of blessings.
I have visited your blog and enjoyed it very much. It has a great inspiration.
Would you like to visit my weblog which I created in Nov 2010?
My husband and I are Iranian and live in the UK. We love Jesus and our weblog is mostly about our Lord. Since we are Iranian we have added some Persian articles to the weblog, but you can read and watch English ones.
Our weblog is
God Bless,
What a beautiful story! The faith of a child has so much to teach us. This makes me think of Jesus saying “let the children come unto me, for such is the kingdom of Heaven.” Your writing about rejoicing in all circumstances touched me today
Bobbi – Thanks for sharing my journey. And questioning…which always is intended to lead us closer to God.
Pamela – So touched how this post moved you. All praise to Our Heavenly Father!
Afsoon – Will look into your vlog. Thrilled to have people from all over the world here…especially recently. Anything to glorify him…Yes!?
Patti – Thrilled to read how this post touched you. Always in awe how He uses children to teach us…
Thanks everyone. Love the flood of comments. Appreciate each one of you. ~ jen
Simply beautiful…
Oh this: “Singing full force.” That I just love. My kids do it, too — just belting it out, rejoicing. Isn’t it beautiful to witness?
May all of our spiritual ears be opened.
What a beautiful moment this must have been. Don’t you just love the way God speaks through our children sometimes? Love imagining her voice lifting you to this place of understanding. Lovely post.
Ells – Thank you.
Michelle – Yes, absolutely beautiful to witness children belting out praise…so uninhibited, so unafraid. So full and complete praises…
Glenda – True. Funny though…(at least for me) I am unaware that i can’t hear, until my ears are opened. Then, I realize I had been deaf the entire time. Sadly, it seems, we can be deaf to our own deafness and blind to our own blindness. Fully in agreement, my sister…Yes, Lord open our ears and eyes.
Laura – Thanks for reading. Yes, God is so good to talk to us through our children. I just love it!
Blessings to each of you today!
~ jen
This inspires me to be better than I am, dependent on God for helping me to handle my emotions, my shortcomings, my breath that speaks impatiently all too often. Finding the space to breath in the joy and offer the broken all at the same time.
Oh … this is my first visit here and I LOVED reading your thoughts – so beautifully expressed. Thank you for your heartfelt words of grace.
Jen – I know, it seems we want to perfect ourselves before offering ourselves to Him first. So glad He takes us just the way we are. Glad too, our praise He receives, welcomes, and rejoices in….just the way we are. ~ jen
Shelley – Thank you so much for visiting. You are wholeheartedly welcomed!! Amazing ladies who love the Lord comment and I am humbled by their responses. Looking forward to your feedback as well! ~ jen