Night talk.
Beckoning me.
Luring me away from sleep.
To that sweet place…just Him and me.
Distractions cease when moon peaks through the cracked shade at heaven’s hour.
And faith unspoken cries out. “Lord, why am I awake now?”
Children curled up with dreams.
Husband out warming pavement before dawn.
Hand of God stirring me gently with…
Subtle remembrances of prayers left unsaid.
Like flashes of light, pictures turning….ever so gently in my groggy head.
Though weary flesh, selfishly implores sleep. And pillow calls….
Pictures slowly surface.
Distant people.
Friends. Children.
Those long not thought of, return.
Whispers of pleas dart out. Short. Sharp. Pure.
….From these unfiltered, foggy notions.
Prayers….In response to these pictures.
“Lord, lead them like a candle in the night.”
Faith wills itself awake.
Now more than seeing them, feeling for them.
These broken recollected…
Needing a touch of grace.
Like drowning victims….Prayers thrown out like preservers from His throne room of grace.
Now sitting up.
Burdened in the most unbelievable way. I pray…“Lord, help your people”.
The pain…loss….heartache.
Struggles they have known.
Guilt ridden. Self-centered. Condemning.
Lies that they’ve been told.
And I recall…..A husband we know, walking out on wife and three children last weekend.
Everywhere. Hurting people.
And I powerlessly persist communion….burdened with truths, undeniable piercings.
Reaching with words of intercession….
Offering them up to…..The only one that can help.
And I want action now. To get up. Go. Help. But I know….
The calling….greater purpose….often in the inaction.
Humility. To stop. Trust.
….Lay it all down at the cross.
And believe…..Fully. Faithfully. Completely…In His goodness.
And a weight shifts from my soul.
My burdens. His burdens…now returning to the one who owns them.
The arms that can carry them.
The wing that covers them.
The tower holding them.
And I know my work is done.
I return to comforters piled high and the warmth of this four pillar temporary hiding.
Thanking Him for time:
No distractions.
No commotion.
No mind filled with business of the day.
Just Him.
In the night talk.
Isolated fellowship.
Pure communion.
One on one reunion.
Dancing words play around us.
As I grab this moment…this unlikely opportune of a moment….To lift my head….
And pray.
Beautifully written….in the middle of the night are some of my most meaningful times with the Lord….especially when the house was full of young ones….
Hi Jen – this is lovely. I like the bit about the calling is often inaction. Just giving the burdens to Him. Sometimes I’m so frustrated by not being able to do something that I do nothing, when all the time, I could be praying. Excellent post
God bless
Beautiful, Jen. Sometimes the Lord stirs us simply to pray. And that is so powerful.
beautiful! God Bless!
Ells – Yes – Seems God sometimes waits for us to be present…still…before He speaks. And sadly….that can often be in the middle of the night, huh.
Tracy – I am w/ ya. Much easier to “do” that to stop, be still, & pray.
Eileen – So true.
F.L.A.G.- Thank you. Bless you too.
Love all the comments. Thanks everyone! ~ jen
Jen- this post stirred my heart. How often i wake as you did, with remembered prayers on my heart and it’s so great to be able to talk to God about them in the quiet of the early morning before the busyness of the day claims us.
God Bless you- your lOving, caring heart simply shines through this stunning post.
Marygems – I love how you said that, “the day claims us”….isn’t that the truth. Sometimes it seems, when the kids are awake & all is a bustle….the day claims us…instead of us claiming it. Rejoicing w/ you in the early morning…when all the world is asleep…except us & God.
~ jen
A beautiful poem! I often wonder why I wake up in the night with thoughts flooding my mind. But then I know that it is God who has opened my eyes for a reason. And like in your poem, most often that reason is to pray.
Blessings, Joan
Joan – I know, I heard that years ago….if you can’t sleep…chances are…God is calling you to communion w/ Him. Sometimes it seems, that’s the only time He can get our attention. …at least for me. Bless you ~ jen
WOW! very nice
You certainly have a way with words. Thank you for sharing these with us.
Micey – Thank you!
Charlotte – Appreciate you reading!
~ jen
This is so beautiful! I feel so close to the Lord in these quite time.
God Bless,
Ginger – Me too. Nothing like some quiet, uninterrupted time alone w/ the Lord.
~ jen
Hi Jen,
What a beautiful space you have here. Many blessings!
Beautiful! You are very talented with words. Very powerful.
d’Artagnan – Thanks a ton.
Chemicallyinclined – So glad you could come by and read.
~ jen