Sewing Lives

Oh God, sew us together with love.  When life weighs. Pains rise. Bitterness presses us away from one another.

Let love rise.

When unforgiveness births within.  Recollecting pain from people or things that have happened.  May hearts soon turn to Him.  His truth.  His life…

That love would rise.

Sew us with your hand of grace.  Together. All of human race.  So there is no differences between our fellow man.  No distance. That we may see how we are the same….not different.  Common.  One.

As love rises.

Instead of responding with anger.  Hostility.  Hard words.  Self-righteous autonomy.  Let us count the cost of what comes out our mouth, being either life or death…..knowing they are threads…or scissors.  Either binding together, healing, encouragement…..or cutting.  Pain.  Hurting.

May words of love rise.

And I know Lord, the hour is short.  Hearts weary. Love growing cold.  Like you said it would.Yet….

May faith rise.

Stirred from our understanding.  Our knowing….

Only you are our answer.   

No other name.  No other person.  No other thing.

  ….Just you.

May love for you rise.

When threads have been broken. When what is inside is pulled apart. Dangling out.. Visible for the world to see.

Let us press on…..May we know you are near.

So love can rise.

Lord…sew us together….

With love.

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  1. God was writing through you today, Jen. This is perfect. I love that He is the Divine Tailor. He can make the ripped up, pulled apart, and torn threads of our lives and make them new. Brand, spanking new. What a God we serve. Blessings to you, Jen.

  2. I love your encouragement to adopt. My two oldest grandbabies are adopted, and we couldn’t love them more. They are God’s gift to our family.

  3. This is just so awesome Jen! I love “Sew us with your hand of grace”…a perfect reminder (and a phrase to recite throughout the day!) of how He mends, completes us, and makes us whole! 🙂
    You have a delightful gift of sharing His love…..

  4. Elizabeth – So exciting to hear your family has grown through adoption. I just love when Grandparents embrace their adopted Grandbabies as their own. …So the heart of God! Thank you for sharing.

    Tracy – Yes, the sewing…

    Denise – Thanks for commenting. But, oh how many times I have tried to sew myself together and then just came unraveled once again. Lol. Yes, only by His hand of grace. 🙂

    Thanks for all the feedback.
    ~ Jen

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