God Speaks

Driving past fields.  Farms.  Settlements well worn.  From pain staking, sweat earned….difficult years.

Trying to clear head….
                 Find rest from puzzles with sharp edges.
                 And I recollect their beauty.

…Any building still standing must have a strong foundation.

And emotions surge.
               As I grip all I have got.
                                    Pulled apart….
And I ask…
               Why is vision so hard with broken pieces here before me?

And I gather the facts. Son just in three car accident. I should be giving praise.  He is fine.

But instead. I worry….As yesterday reaches from behind…..

And I hide in tears.

Emotions that I have fought so hard overwhelm me…

Then, I turn.

No reason.

I just turn.

And see the field to the left.  A few feet from me.

Mother with two babies standing eating grass.

And it is as if time stops still.

The roller-coaster I had been on.
               Froze in time.
                         Sound disappears.
                                    Worry weightless.
                                               All of life..recreated.
 And I wonder why?

Why God reveals himself now?

His creation.
             Magnificently unpeeled….

And I ask….

Where is their worry?

Why do they not fear people, or cars….or chaos.

They just stand…
              Following instincts.
                         Meeting unspoken needs within.
                                   Doing what they were created to do.
                                               Being….because of Him.

And I wonder….
Do they trust our Creator more?

Resting….though they do not see?

And I remember….

How God speaks in our troubles…

I was just boasting the night before.

At Bible study.  About Job.

“How God does speak. Now one way.  Now another.  Though man does not perceive it.”

And I know….

Despite my attempt to control.  Inability to mold the world to my hand….

Life goes on.

And just like that….
               Worries evaporate like steam….
                         Rising from my once boiling being.
And I feel it….
                         Peace surpassing everything.
                In His message….
                         Standing still…
                                     Eating grass.
And I stop.
                Let cars pass.
                         Take pictures.
                                     Embrace the beauty of this moment.
                                              Stand in awe of His brilliance.
 And I marvel knowing….
               He is in control…..even when I can’t see it.
                          And I leave…

God does speak.
              When we least expect it….He speaks.
                         Through His creation….to the least of these…..
             Deep breathes of awe and gratitude pass through me….
                                                                                           As I drive slowly home.

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  1. Hi Jen _ I hope all is well. I also find that God speaks to me through the things of nature. Its like nature has an innate trust in Him. We should learn from it. Beautiful pictures. Hope you have a blessed weekend
    God bless

  2. This is wonderful. Nature is Gods art work. I love it everyday. To watching the birds outside, the birds in my chimney, our chickens, all the animals in our beautiful world. They live in the “now”, not yesterday, not tomorrow, right now! I try to learn from that. I sure hope we can see you soon. Our girls will be gone this coming week!!!

  3. Di – So true. Love how you said that. “They live in the now.” Soooo good! Hope to see you soon too. Am headed right now to pm you on fb.

  4. Hi Jen,
    I came across your site this morning, and I am so glad I did! 🙂 This is so powerful and inspiring; it is so easy to become caught up and lost in our own fears and anxieties, but if we stop and look at the wonder of all His beauty and place all of our trust in Him, it will calm our fears and strenghen our faith. 🙂

  5. What gorgeous little babies you captured! What a thrill that must have been–what an awesome reminder of His sovereignty. Just beautiful!

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