Beauty Pursued…

And the road to beauty often long…untraveled.


Far from anything ever dreamed or known.

A piece of God, nevertheless.

For beauty when we find it…does not rest.

It speaks so loudly all can hear it.

It is there…if we seek it.

Can we find it?

Beauty…around us?

And this is the road…each day I travel.

From darkness to light.

Pealing off what has once held me captive.

And I find…all His promises true.

His beauty, real.

Beauty, pursued.



Crying in the wind.

To be found.

Hunting out.

Piecing together again…

The crumbled.


Making whole again….

With His Love.

Like Glue.

Such beauty….

Before us.

Beauty.  Pursued…

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  1. Hi Jen. Lovely pictures. They make me feel peaceful. We have this row of mountains behind us and sometimes when I feel overwhelmed, i get a cup of tea and just sit and stare at them. God’s beauty starts to calm, invade the heart’s turmoil. Its good to seek His beauty out (in all things).
    God bless

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