And He whispers…..“Be Real”.
And yet, I come to him bottled up without notions of what real is.
Like a shroud covering….
Layer over layer.
Felt…but not noticed.
So long imposed…
And I see them. The masked. Religious. Hiding in black. And I ache for them. The nameless, faceless ones.
But then, I realize.
I am she.
Masked. …..Not with black. …..Draped not with cloth.
But layered from years of mechanical tasks.
Lost expectations.
Torn anticipations.
Put on so carefully, like paper-mache.
And I realize.
Who of us are void from pain? Don’t we all descend slowly from freedom fighter to comfort seeker…at times?
Who doesn’t retreat to safety? Self-made homes of assurance from transparency…once in a while?
And I hear…
Only those given grace. The fearless one’s make it….who leave safe places….like religious shrouds.
Only clingers to Jesus who don’t run to captivity….but become bold in the face of oppressive impositions of doubt.
Narrow gate seekers. Cross bearers. Humility, fervent, reachers. Christ pointers and proclaimers…
Light bearers. The bold….who continually point magnified glasses away from self.
The few.
And as I reflect on calloused skin. I remember when…
Time transcended all.
The world was big: Adventurous. Life giving. Pliable.
…And somehow fit into the palm of my hand.
Yet, now I stand… a distance.
Wondering who else must feel…
Carrying subtle signs of life’s lament.
Masks meticulously covering….to protect, hide, shield.
And I face the fear, in my quiet place. Let Him near. And He pulls apart layer after layer. Slowly. Gently. Lovingly. As I trust. Wait. Accept. Listen.
Hi Jen – How are you? This is another lovely post. I like the part – narrow gate seekers. I think we’re all layered. And I think we all always will have some layer or another. We’ve just got to trust God to lift one at a time as painful as that could be. I don’t know if I mentioned it here before but we have an author here called Maureen Onions and her book is “God peels an Onion”. Profound hey!
God bless
Tracy – Thanks for the info. I will check her out. Yet, the thing w/ peeling onions? Often takes time…and lots of tears. Lol Yes, much like taking of layers!
Thanks for the comment. ~ Jen
How inspiring; yes we do have may layers that we need to peel back so that we can bloom and uncover the beauty inside; just like the flowers that unfold…(love your photos!)

speaking of ONIONS -I created this a year and a half ago to remind me – I am ok and on my way.
This is beautiful…
Put on so carefully, like paper-mache.
May I be careful that I do not add layers as the LORD is slowly uncovering me -revealing His love inside!
Denise – Yes, Lord…take off those layers by grace…only by grace. ~ Jen
Starla – So agree…no more layers. Why is it they are so easy to put on & so difficult to come off? ~ Jen
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I absolutely love the message of your blog. Looking forward to reading more posts! Following you back!
Following from the blog hop. Would appreciate a follow back.
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I love your pictures and am sure I will enjoy following your blog.
Stopping by on the blog hop! Also a Christian
Following on Twitter! You can follow back @Debtfreespendin
Beautiful post!
Wow!! Your photos are amazing. Thanks for following, I am following you back.
Beautiful photos!!
Hi, I’m a new follower from Blog Hop Friday! I’m looking forward to reading your blog!
Aloha!!! New follower here via the Blog Hop… What a beautiful blog you have here…. Thanks for the little doses of Grace… Hope you have a great weekend!!!
Hi! You have a beautiful blog! New follower from the friday hop! I would love for you to stop by to say hi & return follow!
Thank you for stopping by and following, I’m following back!
This was a gorgeous post! The words and pictures were beautiful, and really resonated with me.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Monica @
You have so beautifully expressed exactly what I have been trying to say. What I have been feeling. What my blog is all is all about. The removal of my mask – the many masks I wear and the realization that I don’t need to pretend for Him – because He knows me more than anyone.
Thank you so much for sharing. You are a beautiful writer and I look forward to following your blog.
Deine Blüten sind wunderschön….super…
LG: Karin
Olivia – Welcome!
About a mom – Thanks for reading.
Housewife – Glad you came by to read.
The New Me – Thanks for the follow. Always appreciate encouragement. Like anything else, it can be a battle sometimes to take the time to just sit down and write. Your comments motivate me.
Karin – Thank you for the comment. The only part I understood was wonderful….but I know you meant well are here to encourage. Appreciate your reading.
Blessings to all of you ~ jen
As fotos são lindos e o texto uma boa reflexão!
Miriam – My husband just translated for me, “Your photos are beautiful and your writing is very reflective”.
Thanks for you comment. So neat to see comments in Portuguese.
Bless you ~ jen