Real in a Plastic World

Be real, I hear Him say.”  Yet, hiding for so long.  Behind walls.  Big green eyes. A smile. Social charms. Value as a parent. Wife. Everyone else’s
                                                             …besides Gods. 

What does it even mean, “Be real”? 

Doesn’t life itself break down?  Strip one of self?  Fire of God burn away the dross?  

Yet, still, at times, we all wear masks! 

        …in false security. Our duty walk. Others expectations. Empty talk.  Entertaining.

Subtle ways we,


Yet, I read this word this morning.


….The disciples went forth with boldness.

Am I not a disciple of God? 


Do we douse out The Fire with protocol. Oversensitivity to all.  Social norms….

Do we fear man more than God?

Who are we if we have a song
                                      …yet fail to sing it?
Are made for a purpose
                                     …yet hesitate to pursue it?
Have a dream so big, so wide, the heavens can’t contain it

“Be real” I hear Him whisper to my heart.  “With all your flaws, your pain, your scars.  With the truth of your past, sharing who you are.  How I redeemed you. Restored, delivered you.  The power is not you, but my testimony in you….through you” 

Be real.

“No matter what the world thinks.  Who are you, the clay, to tell The Master Craftsman what to do?”  Is not our strength in our surrender to the belief of the creation.  The Potters hands?

And if the living God breathes life in us…no matter the color, no matter the pattern, no matter the flow.  Should we not live in it?  Believe it?  Pursue it? 

An old tribal Indian once told me, “The world lives in straight lines & squares, but everything God makes has curves. The mountains, the streams…us.  Yet, the world makes square houses, square books, square desks etc.”

I am tired of living in squares.   

Give me freedom to move & breath & have my being.

No more shrinking to Jack in the Boxes that only let you out at their conveniences.

Light a Fire.  Raging River of God.  Unstoppable by the hindrances of man. Uncrushable by others doubt, unbelief…or even circumstances.

Seize the day…real.  No commercialism, materialism, plasticism, facades. Go after.  Pursuer of this hour. Each moment..a gift…of time.  With the Love of Christ. By the power of the truth of His redemption in my life.

Enough manufactured religion. Man made devotion.  Empty, unreal self-promotion.

Real.  Alive.  Free.

With the boldness of Paul. In truth of His convictions. 

Grounded in love.  Prompted by His Spirit.

Inexcusably.  Unabashedly. Unapologetically
                                     ….Yet, still capable of retaining meekness and humility.

Like Christ who didn’t shrink back, didn’t retreat in darkest hour.  Who faced the Pharisees, loved the least of these.  Yet declared, The Kingdom of God
                                      …in this hour.

Not “someone” because of family.  Economic status.  Friends.  But because we are a part of a great big plan.  An heir to the throne
                                     …knowing…that we know,  He died.  So that we can live….


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  1. Thanks to so many bloggers out there for setting such a powerful example of “realness”! May he strip us, open us, & make us barren before the world so that when all is said & done…none of us is seen…only Him! 🙂 Thanks for your encouragement!

  2. Hello, Jen! It is very nice to meet you. Thank you for leaving a comment on my site! I love this post, especially your refusal to live among “squares” – how true of our current society. I look forward to returning often to your site!

  3. Thank you for following my blog! I’m a follower on yours now too! I have enjoyed reading it so far, look forward to reading more. Beautiful blog!

  4. Chritianna – I just read your blog! I LOVE your title too! 🙂 Keep up the writing and always carry that freedom you have to be who God made you to be…REAL…In a plastic world! Love, Jen

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