Could it be?
There is a line, a line that can’t be seen.
Between here and eternity.
It divides the world and the heavenly realm.
A wall of glass…of sorts.
To many…clouded.
Prayer, worship, surrender…
Glass get’s clearer.
The Word opened wide…
Wiping away our hazy picture.
Heavenly things…
Seen. Not touched.
Truth of our purpose…
Fullness of His love.
Below this line?
Darkness. A place lived too much.
Artificial. Temporal. Fleeting Joys.
Without the shine from…
Above the line.
Above the line?
A call to live.
His song.
His Word.
Chaos. People do what they want to.
Living internal, downward spirals, toward…
Selfish pleasures.
Wicked thoughts.
No joy…
No joy ever found…Apart from Him.
So I look to heavens realm.
And pray conviction rises…when I fall.
To live above the line…
In character. Integrity. His will.
And some say…
How do you see heaven so clearly?
Why do you yearn so…to dwell there.
Could it be?
…when tragedy strikes…
The glass in between…
gets cracked…
Pebbles break through as…
Prayers of desperation.
Earnestness. Truth.
And what is above…
Rains down.
To us…more freely.
Yet, many just want to run…seeking only ease and comfort.
The very same trials, Jesus said to be thankful for.
So instead of pain being their access.
In tragedy, they hunker below.
Building walls of denial.
Cages of offense.
Harboring bitterness.
Hiding in defense.
But I say…Look up! Rich Faith RISE!
No matter… Loss. Death. Struggles. Obstacles.
C.S. Lewis said, “God whispers in our joys, but shouts in our pain.”
After all. In suffering…isn’t it true?
Heaven becomes more real.
God becomes more clear.
…Eternity, strangely and magnificently relevant.
Humility. Repentance…
The glass becomes cleaner.
Piercing heaven with desperate prayer…
Things don’t look so dark.
It is then that we know…
No, we really know…
We are not defeated!
God sees us.
He cares.
And He calls us to rise.
Above the line….
Where love and faith reside.
Hi Jen. This is beautiful. I like the bit about prayer, worship, praise, making the glass clearer!
God bless
Have an awesome weekend
Thanks Tracy! Have a blessed weekend also! ~ Jen
I’m a new follower! I love your blog!
Thanks Lisa for stopping by!
oh, so beautiful, friend… this call to live…
Emily – Feel so honored you would come by & read. Such a beautiful, authentic, creator of words! ~ Jen
Thanks for following!

I am your newest follower.
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Hi Bonny – Welcome aboard!
beautiful words…so rich so full
healing in pain…this reminded me of the song ” Blessings ” I think that is the name…I listened to it on my morning walk.
He seems to speak often through trials, hardships, sufferings…I know it to be true in my own life.
Lord, give us eyes to see.
Beautiful poetry . . . thanks for sharing.
I always love a little poetry. Sometimes it captures what endless words and sentences miss.
The picture of the window the the crack is perfect.
Here’s to hoping I have the courage to rise above the line.
Your first lines really captured me — the veil is so thin. Thankful for the cracks in which His holiness gets through.
Tiffini – Heard “Blessings” a few days ago on the radio and saw the parralel of how trials bring us closer to Christ. What a great song of truth!
Glenda – Thank you
Amy – My daughter actually took that picture and was so gracious to pour this out of me as a result. Thankful how He uses things around us to reflect piece of Him.
Jen – Thankful too. Too often I try to stir up holiness without the rain down of His goodness. …just doesn’t work.
Wow! So beautiful!
Glad I stopped by from Jenn’s place:)
Blessings to you!
Beautiful expression of feeling and style! Bravo…
Absolutely beautiful. Yes, suffering brings a closeness – “the glass becomes cleaner.”
Loved this.
So beautiful! I’m stopping in from SDG Thanks for sharing this I loved it!