Dear Daughter –
What do I tell you..about life, love, happiness? About letting go of the looking glass. About pain, the truth of pain. Heartache. That love doesn’t always look like it should. That in you resides a reservoir of strength.
That your beauty is not in style, makeup, or dress. Beauty rests deep in you. That’s your fountain of youth.
That the whisper should be stronger that the shouts all around. That stillness has great power. That in prayer, life can be found.
Only God won’t disappoint you. Life sometimes has regrets. Who you marry matters. The weak in spirit struggle finding happiness. Apart from God, we have no strength. But with Him we are strong.
That a war, of sorts, lies ahead, for your mind, your heart, your soul
That treasures can’t be bought with credit cards. Friends can’t be bought with compliments. Love can’t be won or found by sacrifice. Perfect love’s only found in God’s providence.
External fades and memories fade. And happiness fades, if we don’t keep it alive. Any true hope lies in a Savior. He made you for this time.
Seek Him, exalt Him, and live for His glory. All trails apart from that aim, are simply only, empty gain.
The humble inherit the earth. The proud are far from strong. Help the needy everywhere. Don’t see the world as your home.
True beauty lies within you. All around, if you seek it, reach for it & want to find it….But also, true beauty lies in you. And no matter what your education, never let go of His truth. We are like a vapor without it. No compass, no direction, without the God that lies within us.
Fly. Fly with everything in you. Grab a hold of the hear, now. This moment. Regardless of past regrets, debts, doubts, the shouts of enemies all around. You are here, now. So Fly.
Your are beautiful. A treasure. My sweet, daughter of mine. I will love you, always. Cherish you eternally. And be with you indefinitely. My sweet, daughter of mine. A gift…a priceless gift….God has graced me to raise you. I am thankful.
I love you,
Nice one – wish my mother had written me a letter like this when I was younger. Your daughter is lucky to have this letter forever now.
Thanks! Praying she views it as a treasure too…one day!
Loved your power blog! Just started a twitter account & thought I join you!
Have a blessed day!
Words of encouragement always build a strong foundation, don’t they? Your daughter’s blessed. Oh, and I like your bookshelf
Thanks. This daughter, my oldest, has been my great teacher. A gift from heaven, for sure.
Oh & thanks about the bookshelf. I am beginning to wonder if they have a readersanonymous!? My husband might have to send me there! Lol
How beautiful! My daughter has taught me so much about life it’s astounding. (And she’s only 14)