I don’t know who you are reading this. But my guess is, you have a love/hate relationship with your mirror. Worse yet, more than the plastic full-length that hangs in your bedroom, possibly it’s the people around us that act like mirrors too…
And somewhat subconsciously (or maybe even, well…not so subconsciously) we can morph and mold into what other think or want from us, what society or Hollywood says we should represent.
But, let’s face it…isn’t it tiring friends? Tiring keeping up the race, molding ourselves into the images of other people’s reflections?
What if we were to stop. Stop letting our mirrors taunt and criticize us? Stop giving them power to evaluate and reflect upon us what the world claims our external worth is…in comparison to some unrealistic model or representation that has probably been airbrushed in the first place?
What if we took our mirrors and shattered them? What if we stop slowing down at our reflections in store fronts and started digging in scripture, letting His declarations determine what our worth is?
I mean shouldn’t our Maker be the only one telling us the worth of what He has made?
We all know the scripture of the clay trying to tell the potter what should be making, but how many times do we try to crack, and chip, morph and mold, transform and re-design the looks and gifts He has given us?
What if we once and for all lay our outward appearances down to rest: The trying, the purchases, the endless digging to decorate these temporary bodies, the worrying about what is too big or too small, too dark or too light, too tall or too short?
What if we gave up all the secret obsessing about how we should look or act like someone else?
What if we truly relaxed? Sat back and embraced a mirror-less life, looking to the Father of all life, and letting ourselves reflect who He says we are, only?
What if we went through our closets? Tossed out the excessive quantities of stuff and more stuff; the hats, and scarves, the shoes, the clothes we have that we say….one day we will use, but truthfully never do…and give them to the needy, the poor, a neighbor, or the women getting their lives together after going through a really hard time?
What if we took the money we spent on jewelry, and make-up, the time we spent combing through stores, scanning the internet and instead donated out time to a charity, use our hours to dish out to real people God put before us, bless and pour into them, with His abundant grace that is limitless?
What if the more we stopped obsessing, the less jealous we become, the more content, the more joy-filled, and focused we found ourselves being? And what if in our less-us, mirror-less world we created intentionally one step at a time, we found ourselves more peaceful, more calm, nicer to our husbands and children?
What if we found ourselves rejoicing instead complaining, thanking God instead of turning over in our heads one more thing we just had to have to be happy in a world where more is not enough?
What if we ran from the adds tormenting us, turned off the commercials, stopped staring at the billboards portraying perfect people advertising the newest convenience promising us our lives will be richer, happier, filled with more romance if we bout it?
What if we just let go and refused this perfectionistic life of shrinking women down into helpless creatures struggling for life, or turning wonderful women into haters who refuse to conform, rejecting the tenderness, demanding to be something they are not.
What if we then, embraced our identity, as beautifully loved children of God. Wanted, desired, by the one who made us; caring, compassionate, weak in strength but empowered by His Spirit to do things we never thought possible?
What if we put down credit cards, stopped scanning Pinterest and really took our swords and stood up to walk as Jesus called us to, as passionate lovers of a God who wants to use us?
What if we tapped into what we are…instead of chasing what we are not, and then becoming more than what we thought, not because of what we look like, but because our God is bigger than anything we are not, and He is calling us to more than what our wildest dreams ever imagined.
What if we taught our daughters, they are not princesses because they look cute, or spin in some store-bought tutu, but because they are loved by a King, their inheritance being His Kingdom, their hope is more than some Cinderella dream but having a real relationship with the one who created them?
What if we stepped out from the shadow, away from the hiding behind the comfort of another women’s image or picture perfect models we keep emulating?
What would this world look like if we Shattered our Mirrors, and really lived boldly in a world too filled with look alikes?
** I am excited to introduce you to my daughter’s best friend who created this video with some of other friends, to send a message that I promise you won’t regret watching. This video has stirred a subject in me that I want to keep expanding on in posts, most likely coming Fridays.
Will you join us for more questions, stories, examples, and encouragement coming Fridays, so that together we can Shatter Our Mirrors and be all we were meant to be in Christ?
It’s time to gather together, and UNITE!
I am so glad you are here! UNITE has been a place where many for over a year now has made their Tuesdays their home.
We come here looking for the common thread, the beauty in each of us, the uniqueness God has put in us and as one come to UNITE!
Here is how it works…
1) Add your link below
2) Link back and comment on the post before yours
So glad you are here. Enjoy!
“What if we tapped into what we are…instead of chasing what we are not, and then becoming more than what we thought, not because of what we look like, but because our God is bigger than anything we are not, and He is calling us to more than what our wildest dreams ever imagined.”
Amen, amen, amen.
Excellent post! I love the video. That song makes me cry every.single.time.
Donna – So glad you got a chance to watch the video! Agreed. That song is so touching! Amen, let’s stop trying and just BE who God made us to be!
Have a great Easter!
Powerful questions that should be answered in our hearts. The What ifs… they need to be addressed deep in the place where we find our today is met by His eternal reality, right? I am convicted to dig deeper, look further.
I love that you go there each week!
Dawn – Oh yes, that eternity’s light might shine brighter than man’s temporary spot-light and that we might be made small to see all of His great beauty!
Thank you for hosting!
Glad to have you here, Debbie!
Wonderful video. And may I say … each of those girls is beautiful! May we each “embrace our identity, as beautifully loved children of God.” Wonderful post!
Joanne – I agree, my friend! Each of the girls are so beautiful!
I went to Bolivia with the World Vision Blogger Team a few years ago and came home with wanting to shatter my mirrors. The women in these small villages had no mirrors, the didn’t compare themselves with each other, they shared what they had, they did community better. So many “what ifs…” Thanks as always Jen for putting it out there and challenging us to think deep. Blessings to you!
Deb – I didn’t know you went to Bolivia with World Vision! How amazing that must have been!? I can just imagine & so relate with the frustration from returning from a third world country; seeing poverty’s generosity, and contentment, their simply joys, and their affection for one another. Just the thought of it makes me want to shatter my mirrors too!
This is good on so many levels Jen. Happy Tuesday!
Thanks, Michelle! Your words are so appreciated!
So glad I found this blog and this link-up party. Looking forward to reading more.
Welcome! So glad you are here, Cynthia!
“What if we tapped into what we are…instead of chasing what we are not, ” – once I started doing that, I let go of so much unnecessary! Don and Katie Fortune’s “Discover Your Spiritual Gifts” opened my eyes to why I am the way I am, what my gifts how – and that I only need to be what God has called me to be/designed me to be. It changed my life – I started being comfortable tapping into what I am – and loved it! Thanks for sharing your sweet heart!
Oh friend! Those free online Spiritual Gifts tests are so enlightening, aren’t they? It’s been years since I have taken one, but totally agree that once we know who we are and what our gifts our, there is a freedom to stop trying to be like other people! So glad to hear you are walking in your gifts and callings! Blessings!
Ouch! and Amen! all in one!!!
“…shouldn’t our Maker be the only one telling us the worth of what He has made?” YES, YES! He should be the Only One to tell us our worth for He is the Only One that truly knows our worth. Oh, that I would listen and obey!
Thanks for this profoundly truthful and meaningful post.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
Linda – I so “get” your comment, friend! There are so many other voices telling us who we should be, aren’t there? Praying as the days go on, we both sink deeper into our true identity and reach only for the one who molded us, so beautifully in His image! Appreciate you sharing, Linda!