I was late, again. Some kind of Women’s Bible Study table leader racing the clock, flying down the street in my crossover. I grab my screaming kid, check last minute e-mails, respond, throwing clothes on, and grab my study book and Bible….
Still, I have given up being perfect…..because I fail. I have given up trying to present myself other than I am….because I am flawed and I am not afraid of admitting it.
But this morning I tried to be on time. I mean really, I did. Not because I was trying to sculpt myself into some image….but because I loved the ladies I sit with and I wanted a few minutes to encourage them, before the morning began.
I have learned my lesson about driving the speed limit. I had time, I really did…..And if all worked perfect, I could traipse into the church before morning prayer and worship.
But just when human’s start calculating, managing, making careful plans about how the day might go….God seems to change it.
He started going slow. Was it a he? I didn’t know. All I knew is that He was creeping along now, truck filled with baggage, boxes…what appeared to look like useless clutter or garbage.
In reality, he might have been moving; might have been packing, or building, or filled his truck full for something…important.
But to me it looked like the enemy….keeping me slowed down the straight and narrow, inching along the only passage way to get to where I needed to be.
I started to fidget, play my worship music louder…as if worshiping Jesus might stop the sun like it did for King Hezekiah.
But the clock kept ticking, the truck rear stared back at me, making me sink low in my seat, keeping me praying for somehow him to start speeding….or I was going to be late.
But he didn’t speed. In fact, the whole entire way, this same truck, drove slowly…and there was no possible way to pass Him.
As I drove, I asked heaven…“God, what are you teaching me? To leave on time? To plan ahead? To have patience?”
I didn’t know. All I knew is I was getting more and more frustrated.
And then, just when I thought I couldn’t go on. That I was about to explode out of the top, or drive my car on the fire isle, that barely had space to drive on….
I hear Him.
And isn’t it funny how in all of our circumstances, we have a choice….let our flesh boil, or let His Spirit reign more fully in us?
“That’s just like man”…I sense The Teacher. “They drive all over, thinking they need things carnal on their journey. But, I have come to give life and life abundantly. And unless we empty out what we are carrying, believers will trudge along…not realizing their slowing, but also hindering those that are following them.”
I bowed my head low. I thought of my self-will thinking my time, my leading Women’s, my baggage of “need-to’s” was somehow more important than what God was using here, now….to teach me.
And I confessed right then and there….Of my agenda to do, and be, and share. I repented of being like this truck, thinking I needed “stuff” that probably looked like garbage to God.
And I wonder today friends….
Have you been going somewhere, yet have been wondering what’s keeping you from the fullness of Christ? Have you been driving, but it seems you are weighted, weary, not living the fullness of this life He has created you for?
Will you slow today? Will you ask Him, “Lord, what is it I am carrying that’s hindering my journey”?
For agendas are good, and being timely and diligent to do what He has called us to…all good. But maybe, it’s not about us doing, but more about us loosing all we have and abiding in Him? Maybe this life isn’t as much about “getting somewhere” but following His leading, listening to Him speaking, keeping our hearts in tune with His presence as He uses this journey to mold us?
It is time to UNITE! Unite is a no-rules Blog Hop created just for YOU!
You don’t have to have a huge audience. You don’t have to write about anything specific! All you have to do is create, add your post below, then read a few of these great posts….and see what God does in your heart!
Oh ya, and will you share about UNITE & comment on a post or two!?
Remember: UNITE is a all-inclusive, no rules blog hop! Now, let’s get started….
Thank you for hosting. It’s my first time here! Followed you from Missional women.
Blessings to you
Welcome Ifeoma! So glad to have you join us for UNITE!
Lord what is it I’m carrying that is hindering this journey? A good and dangerous question to ask. Thanks Jen!
Yes friend! I love it because God doesn’t just empty the “dump truck of our imperfections” on us…insisting we instantly change them all…but waits for us to want what He wants, treating us with love more than angry insistance!
Thanks so much for hosting!
Always love having you here Debbie!
Wonderful post. It is so true that often we will let things take the back seat of our lives which truly should be in the driver’s seat if you will. It’s a good day to think & prioritize & tend to may be even the slightest hindrance. Thank you for sharing these words & blessings today!
Joanne – Oh yes! And like a good dad, it’s all because of His love for us, He calls us to drive free, lives empty of unnecessary junk slowing us down!
Isn’t He good, friend!?
What a beautiful way to begin my time with the Lord this morning! Heading off to be slow with Him. To confess and repent of the countless ways I rush around looking for fulfillment in doing when He offers me so much in the being. I’m always blessed to sit with you on this journey Jen. Blessings!
My kindred friend…oh that stillness that puts all in allignment! May your time with Him today be blessed?
Boy, did I ever need this post today! Thank you, Jen!
Hugs today, sweet Elizabeth!