Our Adoption Stories

Our adoption story started in 2006, when we picked up a little bundle from the DSHS office. Our eyes clicked instantly with this bouncing baby filled with such joy, watching us from the social workers arms.

We looked at each other from far across the room, as if we had been old friends, connected somehow in heaven.

God knew the curly, brown-skinned baby staring at us with bright eyes and a widened smile would be eventually be our daughter. At the same time, the road to foster to adoption wasn’t short or predictable.

We first said “yes” to foster care….Foster care and not necessarily adoption.

We felt God wanted us to serve…serve without the agenda of getting anything in return.

We knew He wanted to mold our hearts, use us.

God wanted to open our eyes to see children…especially hurting children…as He sees them. He wanted us to learn to love like He does, without goals or agendas, unconditionally out of the overflow of what He has so gracefully done for us.


Yet, nineteen years later, I am convinced, God doesn’t just demand from us with some stoic face and folded arms. God longs, hopes and seeks to fulfill our hearts greatest desires. But first we must place our future in His hands.

Will we place our dreams and desires at His feet?

He wants His face alone to be the sole Pearl of Great Prize we seek.

I could try to go on in words about our journey, but the truth is, our Adoption from Foster Care video on Youtube much better describes our adoption journey than anything I could share. …

Watch it by clicking here….Adoption from Foster Care: Our Story


It is now December of 2019. We have been foster parents 14 years, and although when we adopted first in 2008, we never expected to adopt again….

God has blessed us beyond what we could ever ask, think, or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)

We have had many children as foster placements, from infants to almost teenagers. Yet, God had a different plan in 2014, when He brought a little girl that needed us.

After 5 years and 8 months on a very long and windy journey caring for her off and on….

The case led to the need of an adoption placement…Of not just one, two, but three little girls, all biological sisters.

And today, we couldn’t be happier to be able to keep these sisters together and hae the honor of being their parents.  

If you want to read the Adoption Day Story of our next three adoption, you can find it below….

Can We Make it to the Courtroom on Time?

It Takes a Village – Part 2 of our Three Girl’s Adoptions

The Hero of Our Adoption Story – Part 3

Thanks for reading!

And may His heart guide you if you are thinking, considering, or have ever dreamed of adopting!

Adoption is a blessing, not just for the children needing forever families, but for the adoptive parents who sacrifice what they have, offering God their “yes”. 

~  Jen

(Read more on our foster journey, HERE. Also find a list of foster and adoptive posts here on Rich Faith Rising by clicking, HERE and/or HERE)

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