Who are those that God has put in your life, tattooed upon your heart, branded you with a burden for, for eternity?
Sometimes family is not just flesh and blood, but the eternal, unseen strings God weaves brilliantly, indescribably, between two people.
Here are some of the closest people God has placed in my life. Is it o.k. if I share them with you?
These are the ones that make my heart beat, my life bright, vivid, appealing. These are the ones I give thanks for, profusely.
Each one is a blessing straight from the throne room of grace.
These are my loves eternal….(When can I meet yours?)
Our Oldest Son
This is our eldest son. He is special for so many reasons and in so many ways. I might describe him as gifted academically, musically, and creatively. But the best thing about him is his strong heart, his love for truth and justice, his sensitivity and wisdom to listen to others, learning always and speaking with words of maturity and deep wisdom to those around him.
We so appreciate his strong convictions, his moral fortitude, his witty attitude, his loyalty and respect for whatever God puts before him.
Our eldest graduated from college at eighteen, then traveled with YWAM to Panama and the Philippines. God has clearly given Him a big picture, global perspective…something we anticipate seeing Him use more and more as His life continues.
Here are a few posts about our son:
Oldest Daughter
Our second child, our oldest daughter, was born from day one, with a heart full of compassion. As I look at it, I am reminded of all the reasons why I love her. From the time she was a child, she was drawn to animals, people, to anyone and everyone she would meet….anywhere.
Her gifted-ness is with people, singing, and with children. She inherited my husband’s vibrant, out-going, people loving personality.
Our eldest daughter sings like an angel, though she won’t admit it. She has traveled the globe; New Zealand, to Indonesia, to all over Europe and more. This daughter is gracious, hates suffering, and is a great friend to those around her who need her.
Our oldest girl has been married for half a dozen years, and has two fur babies of her own. She is also a Licensed Esthetician. We are so proud of all her hard work and dedication.
Thanks sweetheart for being such a bright light to all those around you!
Here are some post about my eldest daughter:
- Daughter: What You Have Daughter Me
- When My 16 yr old is Imprisoned
- Why My Daughter Insists She is Never Coming Home
- Raising Radical Kids In An Increasingly Complacent World
- One Minute Can Change Everything
- Dear Daughter, Did I Miss The Miracle?
- A Letter To My Daughter
You can find her excelling at everything she tries; from sports, to making friends, to school and everything in between. As a child she could be found petting little animals, making friends with strangers at the playground, picking daisies to give randomly to those around her, hugging people….brightening their day with her smile and great personality.
She was adopted in the states. When we saw her, we just knew that she was meant to be part of our family. You may have heard horror stories about domestic adoption or fostering….But if I had the chance to do it all over again, adopting our sweet girl through the system… I wouldn’t change a thing! (Click HERE to watch the Youtube video of our daughter’s adoption story)
Today, this bright, beautiful daughter of ours attends college at a private University. We are so proud of all of her hard work and dedication as she follows her dreams!
Here are some posts about her journey:
- Our Daughter’s Adoption Story
- Playing Heaven’s Song
- Love Eternal Graduates
- When Deaf Ears Listen Best
- The One Best Gift You Can Give Your Kids
- Life Lessons from a 4 year-old
- How Extravagance Catches the Heart of God
- The Day I Found Out My Daughter Was Deaf
Our three, Youngest Daughters
These three youngest daughters of ours! What a gift! They have their own story (Which I am sure they will want to share one day), but until they are ready, let me just tell you, they have given us SUCH joy, life, & happiness! These girls family originated from Samoa & as we learn about the Pacific Islands and the uniqueness of a people rarely represented well, we are determined to do everything in our power to parent them the best we can.
The oldest of the three has been in ballet, swimming, basketball, and soccer. Currently, she is playing piano. She is sensitive and sweet, thoughtful and always looking at how she can care for the needs around her.
The second of our youngest three is FULL of energy. She is deeply sensitive and intuitive. She is quick at learning (she taught herself to read), great at fine motor skills, and has a smile that will melt even the most calloused soul. She is fully joy! Fully kind! And fully ours until the end of time!
Our youngest is a perfect mixture of sweet and strong. She won’t be pushed over & although she has had some medical needs, includinng multiple surgeries, she won’t let anything stop her. She is going to change the world! She is the first to see others and offer help. She is generous and fiery, beautiful and sweet!
My Husband
My husband….oh what can I tell you about Him? He is brilliant, with an I.Q. almost doubling most people. But, his brains is not why I love Him. I love him because he has grace for anyone, loves in a way that I had never known or could have imagined.
I often find him ministering to strangers, doing good deed so his right hand doesn’t know what his other hand is doing.
I fell in love with him when I saw him stop to help a little old lady carry her groceries to their car. Our dates often get haltered because we wouldn’t leave somewhere until he helped a stranger stranded, fix their car. (Can’t tell you just how many times this happened)
His heart is unconventionally big! His compassion and mercy for others seems limitless at times! His judgement for others rarely exists! The gift of mercy is truly what God has gifted him with.
After twenty-five plus years of marriage, we are still fully in love, best of friends. Heart hitched. Soul tied. Clingers of Jesus.
Our Latest Trip to Disneyland – Spring 2011
Adoption Day – 2009
Our Family Missions Trip to an Orphanage in Guatemala – 2004
Bringing Home Our Adopted Daughter
Family Fun